A new 'friend'

Faith Sparks

Active Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Faith was sat on a large rock in front of the lake. She was throwing stones into the water and watching the water ripple around it. She sighed as she leant back and looked up at the clouds. Her time at school was ok but she was begining to feel home sick and she couldnt wait to see her parents again. Faith sat back up and brought her knees to her chest as she looked out over the water.
Caleb walked by the lakeside, gazing into the distance. He'd had such a weird week, today he just felt generally awkward. He pulled the sleeves of his hoody down around his hands and crossed his arms. He saw someone sitting on her own, he smiled as he approached her "Hia..." He gave a one sided smile at her before looking away again.
Faith looked to her side when she heard a voice speaking to her. She smiled at the boy. Faith recognized him from her lessons but she didnt know his name. " Hey. Do you want to sit down or something." She moved over to make some room. When she looked back up to him she frowned slightly. " Are you ok you seem a bit sad."
"Oh, umm... Thanks." He went and sat next to the girl on the rock. "Don't worry I'm ok, just had a bit of a weird week." He looked at her and smiled properly this time. "I know you... hang on... what's your name again?"
Faith laughed as the boy spoke. " My name is Faith. Im in your lessons. Whats your name again?" She smiled widely at him as she looked back over the water.
"Oh yeah, sorry I'm terrible at remembering names." He laughed slightly, "I'm Caleb, Caleb Mintkin. So how come you're sat all on your lonesome?"
Faith nodded when she recognized his name, she then shrugged. " I dont know. I suppose its because i dont really have anyone to sit with." She sighed. " Why are you on your own." She looked back up at him when she asked this
"Girl problems really," he laughed quietly, "I just needed some time away from people I know, it hurts to see them, so I came out here to be away." Caleb didn't usually want to talk about his problems, particularly not with people he hardly knew, but it had been that kind of a day where he didn't really care.
Faith looked at him and nodded her head. " Well i wish i could tell you that i know what your going through, but i would be lying if i said that i did. All i can say is that all good things turn to dust after a while and things have to get worse before they can get better. You just need to push on." Faith sighed, that was the sam thing that her mum used to tell her when she was upset about something when she was younger.
Caleb looked at her and he felt a grin come across his face, he didn't know when the once so happy Caleb had forgotten when he had last had a reason to smile. He sighed, but it was a relieved sigh, "Thanks, you don't know how much that actually means." he gazed out at the water again and there were a few seconds of quiet, "It's a gorgeous view."
Faith grinned at him when he said that she had helped. She liked he feeling. She followed his gaze over the water and nodded. " Yeah it is. This is my favorite place in the whole school. You should see it when the sun is setting. Its magical, just like at night when all the stars are shinning down and being reflected off the water." She was still smiling when she looked back to Caleb. " Im happy now that your here. Thanks for saying hi to me, you made my day."
"Well we've helped each other then." He smiled back at her and leant back against the rock. "I don't think I've been here before, I spend most of my time in the common room, it keeps me away from certain Slytherins." A cheeky look crossed his face at the memory of his 'chats' with Lewis Quent and Lilly Lock etc. They were funny looking back.
Faith giggled at what he said. " You know i haven actually had the bad luck of meeting a Slytherin yet, except in lessons but that doesnt really count. I havent really met anyone actually but i suppose that can be a good thing in some ways." She smiled at him widely
"I wish I'd never met these ones, I kind of liked them to begin with, but all three have turned out to be utter m0r0ns!" He sighed again. "I'm glad I'm a Griffindoor, and I'm glad I'm meeting other Griffindoors now, its better this way."
" Yeah i know what you mean. Some people here are just so annoying and up them selves its almost unbelievable. You would think you need to slap them just for being like that." She giggled at the thought of her slapping a few people who were very annoying.
"Well, metaphorically of course, although it is a good idea, it might knock some sense into them!" He laughed as he said this, imagining the face of realization on Lilly if he did slap her. "we should hang out more, I don't know why I haven't spoken to you before." He smiled at her again and tilted his head on one side.
Faith laughed then nodded. " I dont know either but yeah we so should do this more often. It would be so much fun." She smiled as he tilted his head to the side. " Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what exactly?" He grined cheekly at her, knowing exactly why, but wanting her to tell him.
Faith pouted her lips slightly. " I dont know. Like your checking me out or something." She giggled slightly. Her brother had taught her that word and told her what it meant.
"Haha! Well... so what if I am?" The cheeky grin still spreading across his face, Faith's giggling made him laugh slightly, it was cute. He looked away from her, keeping the satisfied expression on his face, and gazed over the lake again with a sigh, biting his cheeks slightly.
Looking back at Faith, Caleb said "You know, I don't think I know another girl quite like you." meaning someone who would be confident and dim enough to know why he was checking them out.
Faith look at him and laughed while shaking her head. She rolled her eyes. " What you mean someone amazingly great and who gives you good advise, and so on and so forth." She giggled again st her last comment, it was what her dad says all the time and she had picked it up.
"Someone amazingly great who gives you good advise? You wouldn't be talking about me now would you?" Caleb grinned broadly, tilting his head up to look regal and important. He stood up and stretched his arms high above his head, giving a sigh. "Fancy a swim?"
Faith looked at him quickly with her mouth wide open in shock. " Are you being serious." She looked over to the water and laughed. She took off her jumper and as she was already in short she stood up and walked towards the water. " I will but only if you will."
Faith's enthusiasm made Caleb laugh, he had thought that he would have to persuade her to agree. He turned away from her and pulled off his sweater, t-shirt, shoes and socks, so he was stood there in just his trousers.
He walked up to the waters edge, grabbing Faith's hand as he went, "OK then, together, on the count of three. 1... 2... 3...!" On three he launched himself into the air and hit the water with a huge splash, seeing the bubbles rise up around him, he kicked the water till he reached the surface, then looked for where Faith was, having let go of her hand on the decent into the water.
Faith giggled as she jumped in with him. She hit the water with a splash. She landed fter Caleb and when she was under the water she kicked her legs and sufaced. She brushed her wet hair from her face and loudly breathed out. " Oh my lord it is cold." She laughed and splashed water in his direction.

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