A new friend in the street. Hopefully.

OOC First Name
Kris was wondering around Obsidian. Of course he wasn't allowed on his own but his parents never noticed before and they certainly wouldn't now Podge was pregnant. A pregnant pig took alot of work he had learnt and it meant less attension on himself, not that there was much anyway. As the seven year old walk he knew people were watching him but, like everyone else, they assumed he was just following someone slowly.

Kris went over to a bench and climbed on. He wasn't quite tall enough to sit on it properly and had to jump up. There were alot of disadvantages to being small like he was but there were so many more advantages. He could hide easier and, it seemed, he could get what he wanted from his mummy's friends because when he said please they all said aww and gave him what he asked for. Of course that was more due to the way he said it not because he was small, his speech wasn't as developed as it should be due to starting school late and not being around alot of people so a lack of chance to pick it up very well. He still couldn't pronounce some letters and had the little boy lisp but he managed to say things in the end, even if he did get bullied at school for it.

Kris looked up as an older boy sat down on the bench withhim, the boy was tall enough he didn't have to jump like Kris did. Alot of peopl didn't have to jump. "Heyo." L's just happened to be one of the letters he couldn't say and were often turned into Y's or W's.
James was walking slowly around Obsidian humming a cheerful tune under his breath it was a nice day and it was great to get away from the constant bickering in the house.

He was just starting to accept the fact that he might have to go back soon when he noticed a young boy perched on top of a bench that seemed huge in comparison to him, deciding that it was probably a better idea than going home just yet he made his way over still humming to himself and sat next to the boy.

He felt a smile spread across his face as the boy spoke, now that’s cute he thought, quickly realising that it was that kind of thinking that made him seem so strange to most people especially his sister.

“Well hello there, and what would your name be?” He looked down to the boy with a warm smile.
Kris grinned up at the boy, a gap where his top left tooth at the front had fallen out. Kris was proud of this gap, he could almost sick his entire tongue through it. "I'm Kwis." R's were another of those few un-pronounceable words. "Who's you?" Kris began to swing his feet, they swung half way between the floor and the bench, he was very short for his age.

One thing Kris did have the was expected for his age was his lack of tact. He didn't understand what was polite and what wasn't. "You a big pe'son you know?" That was fine and would be just about polite if he hadn't punctuated it by poking the bps' stomach after he said it and laughing again, showing off the gap.
James watched Kris swing his legs, thinking about how long ago it was since he was short enough to do that. "I'm James"

He laughed as Kris poked him, "yeah i know" he said in reply to the boys statement, still laughing and poked him back just by the armpit, where most younger kids tend to be ticklish "And your a small person", he realised that he had probably started a poke war, but he didn't care, he already liked the young lad.

Kris gasped when he was poked and fell off the bench. He landed on his bum and sat there for a second before turning and climbing back onto the bench with a little bit of difficulty. In the end he managed to get back up to the same level as the other boy, he was standing on the bench. "Dat was wude!" He grinned though, he was joking, and poked the guys nose this time before eholding it like his mum did and then taking his hand away. "I got's your noss now." He giggled. He really was a small child.
James held his breath for a second when the boy had fell off the bench, it seemed like such a drop for someone so little he was scared that he would of been hurt, relieved when the boy started to move again he waited and watched with great amusement as the boy climbed back onto the bench.

He burst out laughing "sorry" He said trying and failing to keep his face straight long enough to fake a sorry look, he gasped in mock horror when the boy said that he had his nose, "yeah, well.... i'm going to make you give it back!" he said in a happy fun filled voice, he lunged to grab the boy before he could escape "now are you going to give me my nose back ... Or do I have to tickle you?"
Kris screamed when he was tickled and yelled to the boy. "You can have your noss back if you stop wiv tha ticklin'." When it stopped he mimed putting the nose back onto the boys' face. "You're a big fatty meany pants." He brlew a rasberry at the boy and sat with his arms crossed, wearing a pouty face.
James was still laughing slightly but managed to stop enough to talk "But you did steal my nose", he put on a sad face, "im sorry" he smiled,

"why are you all on your own anyway?"
Kris shrugged and giggled, dropping his pouty face. "I gots bowed at home so went fow a walk. Why are you here?" He pointed his finger in the boys face, almost poking his nose again.
James smiled when Kris dropped his pouty face and said "I don't know really, It seemed like a better idea then being at home", he thought about all the fighting that had been going on recently and how glad he will be when he can get back to school.

James pulled a bag of chocolates from his jacket pocket, he always seemed to have some sort of sugar product on him no matter where he was, they were just getting to that sort of half melted stage, popping one in his mouth, "want one?" he said around the sweet that was quickly dissolving, while moving the packet close enough to the boy for him to take some.
Kris looked at the chocolate longingly but shook his head. "Mummy says I can't have chocowate. She says I gets to hypermaractive or somefing wike dat." He smiled, he wasn't allowed sugar due to the effect it had on him. He was very sensitive to sugar and, almost literally, bounced off of the walls when he had it. Of course that was only half the problem, the other half being what happened when he crashed, let's just say it wasn't a nice time.
"Oh rite, too bad" he said quickly finishing what was in his mouth and put the sweets away.

"Well we defiantly don't want upset your mummy do we, speaking of your mummy does she know where you are?", he guessed that she probably didn't but he wasn't going to end the kids fun.

James started to hum again, just like he had been while walking earlier, he wasn't sure what to do now, so he thought he would wait and see if Kris was going to do anything.

((Ran out of ideas :( im tired lol))

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