A New First Year

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Sure, just lemme get home and we are set ^_^

Hey Johanna!! :D

I can offer my Percy here. He's Slytherin (obviously). He can be a frenemy or an enemy, depends on you. He's cocky and annoying and she dislikes Gryffindor, the same way Andrea does towards Slytherin. He can be very sarcastic when he wants to and is a little harsh towards girls that he thinks are ugly but can become nicer if he's in the mood. He likes teasing people but doesn't like when they tease him. Like Andrea (I know you already know her well), he's also tempered but his temper is not as hot as Andi's. He can also be moody when he's in a bad day but mostly he'll show off and babble. If you want him as an enemy for Rose then they could argue or something but if you'd like him as a frenemy then they could maybe argue first then agree on certain things or anything you want. What do you think?

Thanks Teigs! ^_^

Perseus and Rose
I'm not sure how Rose would react to him.She can usually befriend anyone as long as they aren't bullies or mean to other people.So I think I'd just have to rp the two of them first.I think he'd get on her nerves but then maybe he wouldn't, I haven't rp'd with her much so I'm not sure but sure lets try. ^_^
Sounds cool. Do you mind starting the topic?
Sweet & Sour
Bituin is an honestly sweet girl. She is very smart, but prefers not to study a lot. She loves to have a good time and is generally a loyal person to any friends. I think her and Rose would be a fun pair to have traversing throughout the school.

Josefina is her older sister. They aren't twins, actually ten months to the day apart in age. However they look exactly the same. Josefina couldn't be anymore different from her younger sister. On the inside she is a cruel person, very conniving type of girl. However she's sweet as a pea whenever she first meets a person. Once she detrimines if a person is of use to her or not her mean personality will come out to those she doesn't like, which will be anyone really that's friendly with her sister. :p
Bituin and Rose
yes I think they would get on well and they would make a good pair ^_^ Would you like to start or will I?

Josefina and Rose
Sure,we'll see how they get on!Rose can really be friends with anyone as long as they aren't bullies or are mean to her :r Again who would you like to start that?
I start one you the other? Just let me know which one haha.
Sure. I'll have the Josefina one up by tomorrow :)
I have Kyle Cavanaugh to offer. Kyle has many things similar to Rose. He is friendly, smart, protective of his friends and likes adventures. He is born and raised in London by his rich parents. Kyle loves Qudditch.

I think they would be great friends. I would like to offer him as Rose's close friend, that is if that spot isn't already taken up.
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