A new acquaintece?

Morrigan Graves

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Morrigan was working on something for once. Well she had to of course. School was nearly over and she was going to go back home to her annoying older brother and sister. Arthur wasn't all that bad once she could get him out of her hair and her room but her eldest sister got on her last nerve. "Mother the second." Morrigan murmured to herself. Morrigan added another pinch of nettle to her potion and smiled as it turned a pleasant shade of blue as the book described. Morrigan was getting a head start on next year's potions book. The bad thing would be that she would be getting A's next semester because of this but it didn't really matter. By the time next semester came around she would be asking fourth years if she could see their potions books.

Not just potions books either, but all subjects. Being board all the time was a misery but it couldn't be helped when one's brain was like a sponge ready to gobble up any bit of useful information it could. Morrigan had at first wanted to be an Alchemist but saw that it was a rather useless venture to turn lead into gold when market value depended on it's rarity. She still liked it of course but now as more a study on the molecular structures of poisons and how they correlated with the human body.

What had inspired this particular venture into her school books had been a simple case that had been printed in that morning's Daily Prophet. Morrigan had scanned the report of a murder done to a wizarding couple by a muggle though Morrigan had her doubts. She thought that when the time came she would like to be an Auror they seemed to have the closest to crime around the Wizarding world but in her opinion some seemed to be lacking. Improvements needed to be made and Morrigan would be the one to make them. She looked at her potions book and rolled her eyes. Another step dicribed wrong. Had no one learned from the late potions master from the original Hogwarts?
Yerik Rhys moved silently through the damp, drippy dungeons of Hogwarts castle. He found it hard to believe that , what, nearly half the students, lived down here. It certainly made the boy thankful that their dormitory was up in Ravenclaw Tower. It was more cozy and less drippy and the view was better... even if on a day like today the Tower got somewhat drafty. It was here, more than anywhere else, where the castle seemed to be truely ancient... haunted was a given, but elsewhere it didn't look half so eerie and old. The claw pulled his robes in closer around for warmth, and then took a quick look around. The big question might have been, what is Yerik Rhys doing here in the dungeons? What with the appalling whether and the subsequent lack of amusement, what happened next had almost been inevitable. Obviously he decided to visit the place, hoping to see something interesting just like the lavatory he once wandered. For a Ravenclaw he was pretty much adventurous, still he was trying to gain a social life at the same time.

He also figured that the corridors and halls would be pretty much crowded, since graduation started. Visitors and guest might have been wandering around the castle too, then students were on a short break. As he was on his way to the dungeons he even saw couples snogging, hugging, pathetic. It was just too early for him, nor was he even interested in the so called muggle or muggleborns. Sure he was kind of nice, but never did he forgot about his blood and his father's wishes. And so he stood along the dungeons, thinking what to visit next in particular. Or he could stay if he meets someone, it doesn't really matter at this point. Yerik Rhys had the time to stay, though he would prefer being in the towers right now.
The potion had to sit for the next three days, enough time for her to go out and see what was going on. She had seen the people arrive for the graduates but she really couldn't care less. There was no one of her family nor did she had friends that where older than her. She didn't hug anyone in family other than her sister Gwen though that was because Gwen had was cuddly for lack of better word for it. That was when her sister could be taken out from behind her history books. Morrigan packed up everything that she was going to take with her then put the lock back on the spare potions room. She had found it not too long ago and had invented her own special sort of lock for it that was made up of three different spells that she had learned over the last two years.

She turned around and saw a shape in the near darkness that the torches provided. She tilted her head as her eyes got used to the dim lighting then saw that it was a boy. Clearly cold because of the temrature that the stone seemed to hold. Convent when it was sweltering hot outside. His cloak was drawn up tighter around him. "Is it fourth or third year one learns the hot air charm in class. I can never keep that straight. If your looking for adventure down here your fresh out of luck. Classes have ended so there isn't even the pleasure of scanning for bad days. If you don't mind disecting things I tend to run expiraments based Muggle forensics. If your wondering my name it's Morrigan. You are a Ravenclaw third year but that's as far as my common knowledge goes." She said looking at the boy. She was ready to turn around if he turned out to be offended like everyone else was when she talked like this. She didn't mean it as an insult most of the time she was just saving some time with introductions.
For some reason he missed the muggle world, including his family. He missed how life was so easier when he was around them, how everything seems so surreal. School, family, these were the only things he needed at the moment, everything revolved around them. As he decided to stay and let the wind rush through his body. Magic too, he missed not doing magic for being grounded. Not that he was grounded ever since, Yerik Rhys was barely thinking. He took three steps forward, and started walk then stop. Repeatedly he doubled his steps, only Merlin knew he was bored. There was nothing to do back in his dorm, he needed a distraction to get some relaxation once in a while. Perhaps he could like bird watch, though Hogwarts wasn't the best bird provider. It was always best to circle the world to find the best species. So, the Ravenclaw stood their now letting loose thinking why the hell did he held his robes tight. As he was about to take some steps further on, he heard a voice coming nearby. Specifically a girl, a tough one to. He didn't moved nor did he speak, Yerik Rhys listened at the stranger. Wondering why was she here and most probably why was she talking to him. "Precisely." he uttered.

The claw then slowly turned his back to face the stranger, "Not bad, not bad at all." he thought upon gazing at the girl named Morrigan. He wasn't offended but rather admired, he liked tough girl and well even b!tches attracts him. It was easy having girls like that, they could live on their own. "Pleasure meeting you, Yerik. My name's Yerik that is if you want to know me." he replied smirking. Slightly he bowed as somewhat form of honor, it was most likely of him to do so. From the looks of it, she was also in Ravenclaw and well younger than him. The girl just gave him a reason to stay, and from what he heard. She was wrong, he liked having adventures when no one seems around. It would be the perfect timing, so no professor would catch him or anything near to that.
Morrigan let a mischief loving smile spread onto her lips. "Well if we don't have a proper gentlemen or someone full of themselves. Ever way you could prove to be a bit o fun." She said. She took out a jar of eyes that she had found in one of the storage rooms. She was going to use them in one of the muggle forensics expiraments that she had mentioned. That was later on though. For now she was going to test this boy gullet. "What do you think happened here? They where in an old store cupboard and I personally was wondering where they came from. They are not human of course but they looks close to it don't you think?" She said showing him the jar.

Morrigan wasn't a cruel girl by nature but she did like to test people around her. She had once brought an accurate model of the human body to one of her classes just to see how people would react to it. It would have been brushed off if the school had not been an elematary school where they where not used to gore. Morrigan didn't see it as gore anyway. There was nothing discusting about the human body it was just they was it looked from the inside. Same could be see about everything that most people where afraid of or disliked. Simply things acting in a way that it was meant to. She thought all of this while she waited for Yerik's reaction.
Letting his whole body loose, he watched Morrigan's face. As if she wanted to test him, not that it mattered to him. Upon hearing her words, Yerik Rhys raised his left eyebrow. Curious of what she had in mind, hopefully nothing have him disturbed or anything. He then gazed at the jar of eyeballs, wondering what she'll do with those. Now for a Ravenclaw, Yerik Rhys was a boy of few words. He wasn't really the talkative type nor did he enjoyed wasting his voice to anyone. Just like his brother once said to him, if you don't have anything to say nice then don't talk. Until the statement adopted into his brain, which he tried to keep his mouth shut to avoid any arguments. Again he looked at the jar, wondering what kind of specie was it fro. The claw really had no idea and had no care about the said jar, still he was trying to make a conversation with Morrigan. "Probably abandoned by it's owner, looks wicked." he replied in a simple tone.

The jar of eyes really didn't fancied him, it was nothing special compared to what he saw before. Followed by a smirk, he then returned his gaze to Morrigan. Wondering what could possibly happen next, he didn't tried to expect as it will only lead to disappointed. But instead he still stood there, taking a few steps closing to her. Gladly she wasn't a blonde, it made him think further on. "Ravenclaw and not a blonde, now if only she's a pureblood." he wondered inside his mind. It was the same thing that would enter his mind, once Yerik Rhys meets a girl. He kept his gaze at her then the jar, not caring if she planned something out. Maybe something mischievousness? or worse, but that was not his problem.
Morrigan noticed that he kept his eyes not on the eyes, which she was ygoing to refriderate when she got home to try something out, but on her. Being twelve years old Morrigan was not exsactly a looker. She had the shadow of her mother and father's angled fitures under a layer of baby fat which was quickly being eaten away by early signs of maturity but other than that she was still a young girl. Well a young girl that could talk circles around most of her year but still.

On the suject of relationships Morrigan was compleatly unintrested. The whole thing was sticky and messy and kissing looked like a great way to catch something nasty from someone else's spittel. If people where only willing to hear how many germs there where in the human mouth. That and sentiment was often the enemy of rationality. Morrigan assumed that this not the case yet seeing as Yerik could be no more than thireteen himself. Still his eyes made Morrigan uneasy.

At Yerick's risponce to the eyes in the jar Morrigan had the choice of sevral sinarios. The first was to comlpeatly lose him with technical medical jargen that she had picked up in muggle journals thus kill any sort relationship he cpuld possibly hope to have with her or otherwisw. The second was to compleatly condicend him effectivly killing any kind of relationship he hoped to have have with her or third she could break down what she had been expecting from him maybe killing any relationship he hoped to have with her.

"Clearly. I had hoped that you provide an assumption of how or why but that maybe too much for even our house. Dull." She said as she put the jar back in her bag. "Then again I had red an article in Healer's Digest that said that pure bloods where about ten persent less likely to put any effort into brain work" She added though there was no malice in her voice. A combination of the top two senarios came spilling out if the Raven's mouth. She didn't really care if she was thought poorly of because of it
He was getting bored, Yerik Rhys was getting bored. It was about time to get bored anyway, also it was unlikely of him to entertain such girl like her. Sure the eyes were somewhat wicked but later then, he'll lose interest of it. He wasn't that easily to please and yet he acts almost everyday that he is pleased around people. Other than that he wanted to leave but it would be rude to do so, unless the girl would be interesting as he expected her to be. Yerik Rhys eyes then gazed at the brick wall, old and moldy. It was the only thing he could look at, not wanting any awkward event. He then took one step backward, trying to leave his attention at Morrigan. It was obvious, the way that Yerik Rhys responded he wasn't in the mood for some childish things. Also he didn't wanted to use all his brains percentage for just a simple question, he'd rather share it in class.

"I see." He replied dull and in an uninterested tone. The boy was here for an adventure or anything near to that, something that will excite him, pump his blood out. Anything at all, but instead this girl tried to judge her ways around him. Perhaps this was the reason why he wasn't a fan of socializing with the other students just yet, he was still thirteen and having friend or girlfriend was the list thing on his list. He then returned his gaze at Morrigan wondering she knew he was a pureblood. He did knew she was not, perhaps a half-blood. The claw nodded twice and returned his gaze once more at the wall, wondering what was to happen next. How he hoped that this conversation, meeting will lead to something nice, most likely productive.


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