A nest of Snakes

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Liir Goodwitch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
9" Alder wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hello everyone,

So here is the normal song and dance :

Liir goodwitch is a ambitious boy from the states, california to be exact, who has come to New Zealand in search of elevating his family name to higher than it is at currently. After a nasty divorce his mother who is for a lack of a better word weak, Liir has decided that he must be the one to bring his mother out of rags and into riches by making crucial connections at schools and becoming something of note with in the ministry. However he must get through his time at hogwarts in order to make that happen and that is where you all come in that is those who have any desire to role play with little ole me.

What I am looking for:

Friends: Liir is hard to become friend with mainly because he has a rather high self worth not to mention high expectation of those around him. He is a rather serious guy though he is capable of laughing from time to time though he only does so if he has an equal level of respect for the person he is hanging out with at the time. He is turned off by weak personality traits such as shyness or timidity and their for he would not make much effort to befriend people who are not bold and courageous in their goals. He does not care for blood status like most slytherin but rather skill and over all image if someone is a skilled wizard or witch then they deserve to call themselves witch or wizard and those who can not even master the most basic spells should be cast out of the magical community. He is very much a firm believer in survival of the fittest.

Love: He is not interested in dating as he has more important things on his mind but that does not mean he will not find love someday in the future. He will come to grips with his bisexual tendencies as he does not believe sex is so much an issue as is compatibility and make between two individuals. He may be up for a fling or crush but defiantly nothing serious in his first year as I feel it is too young to for that at age 11/12.

Enemies: He will make tons of these though I would much rather see this section filled up by members of other houses and to be honest more along the lines of gryffindor or hufflepuff but he would not refuse someone from slytherin house or ravenclaw if that is something anyone is interested.

With that said I now open this up to anyone interested in meeting Liir Goodwitch.​
He seems like a good person to hang around Epiphany here. She's a studious person underneath all the giggles and pleasant smiles. Highly skilled and well versed in all the subjects in school she's determined to gather as much knowledge as she can from Hogwarts and those around here. There is a bit of a cheviot though. She's going to be come highly insane when she grows older also at the moment Epphy here is highly manipulative and tends to need to have way followed all the time.
I can provide you with an enemy. Ryder here is a rather loud muggle-born Hufflepuff. He has a strong opinion and is very confident. Perhaps they could have a clash of personalities or whatever? It's up to you. Let me know what you think.
I can offer you Syncere. She is very sweet and hyper. She is always smiling and she plays the flute. She can be whatever you want her to be.

I also have Rafael Todd. He is in Slytherin He is Missy's younger twin brother, and the two aren't close at all. Right now Raf is going through very lonely days. He pushes people away because he wants to prove to his family that he can be a great wizard. He also can be whatever you want him to be.

Tell me what you think. :)
Brandon! :hug:

Starting from today, I absolutely have zero things to attend to (except for threads that are ongoing with several of my characters) and I think that Liir would have a good relationship with this second year, Benjamin Chase who almost has the same personality as Liir.

To add, Benjamin is also from California and he grew up in a family that believed to be insisting that Pure Blood superiority is the highest form of respect that anyone could receive. So of course, Benjamin has high expectations with other people that he has met. He has seen and conversed with Muggle Borns and Half Breeds too, but probably Liir would change that? Maybe Liir could think that Benjamin has a personality that he actually think he likes?

I haven't really edited his development yet for his second year, but looking at it would give you more info about him.

Tell me what you think!
Epiphany and Liir
I could see them becoming good acquaintances and mutual friends that is until your insanity kicks in which of course would be something that Liir would not want any connection to as it could jeopardize his future goals if he was to be found on friendly terms with someone who is mentally insane. However since you seem to be in the right state of mind at the moment then I can see them becoming friends as long as Epiphany does not think she can manipulate him as he has such a strong personality that it would make near impossible for him to be moved by the invisible strings of a puppet master such as Epiphany. So if you are still interested then We can start a thread somewhere and see were we end up.

Ryder Straton and Liir

If Ryder is as confident as Liir then we may have the makings of a rivalry on our hands as Liir so very much so needs a mortal enemy though not one that ends in friendship like harry and draco's did in the books. I would be willing to clash personalities with Ryder and see where we can take this as long as you are interested.

Syncere Arai/ Rafael Todd and Liir

Okay Syncere is simply too kind and too optimistic about the world at the moment for her to be able to interact with Liir and vice versa but do not count her out of his life just yet. Once I do begin his love life plotting she could be apart of that as he will be looking for someone to balance out his more serious side so with that said we could do a thread between the two where he will be overwhelmed by the girl but not completely turned off either which will give room for a possible relationship down the road.

Rafael would be interesting considering that his loneliness would be something that Liir would want to avoid but his dreams of becoming a great wizard would draw Liir in as he could see the benefit of having some one near to share in his goals. Though if Liir is pushed away he would be less likely to return as he does not believe in wasting his time with those do not want his company or friendship. So what do you think?Are you still interested? If not do not be afraid to say so lol!

Ben and Liir

I can see the two of them becoming rather close friends given their shared backgrounds and beliefs which Liir would find to be comforting given that Ben would understand the more deeper inner thoughts of his young and troubled mind. He would not care as much about Ben talking to muggle borns and half breeds so long as they are worthy of the title of witch or wizard. I can see him trying to move Ben away from weaker individuals especially since Chase comes from a family of worth and strong magical blood. After looking over your CD I overall liked what I saw though his feelings on homosexuality was a little bit of eyebrow lifter, Liir is not gay per say but he is not straight either... his sexuality is meant to be confusing as it will add layers to his character as he gets older. With that said will that be a problem? And to answer a potential question no he will not hit on or be attracted to any of the people he considers close friends because strongly belief that the two do not mix. He also will not be a stereotypical gay man with the infamous femine qualities as it would be a contradiction to his very essence and so it should not be a problem as it would not be obvious to anyone unless he personally tells them himself.

Liir Goodwitch said:
Ryder Straton and Liir

If Ryder is as confident as Liir then we may have the makings of a rivalry on our hands as Liir so very much so needs a mortal enemy though not one that ends in friendship like harry and draco's did in the books. I would be willing to clash personalities with Ryder and see where we can take this as long as you are interested.

This sounds great. I think Ryder is as confident as Liir so I think they would have a good rivalry. I think that it would easily be possible that Ryder would turn out to be a mortal enemy as long as that is what you want. Let me know.
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That's pretty cool. As of now, I can't say that Benjamin is already familiar with his flaws. His strengths, yes, but his weaknesses? I don't think so. Keeping secrets are not really his type so maybe when Liir and Benjamin talk about it, Liir can say at first that these are his thoughts and feelings and will just leave out the part to keep it as a secret.

Regarding Benjamin's thoughts on homosexuality, he actually keeps it to himself that he is rather a guy who would befriend people that are straight and entirely heterosexual. If you are considering Liir to be a boy who is bisexual or homosexual, I guess Benjamin would not mind for he still is in a very young age. So that as of the moment is not a problem yeah? Benjamin could relate to his thoughts and maybe make side comments about it, then conclude something regarding their mixed thoughts to something that Liir would likewise agree with. Also, Benjamin does not really care with whom he is with but he just thinks that at least having a very decent Half Breed in the room would be fine. Benjamin never minds if he is with Muggle Borns. The only thing he strongly dislikes is when Muggle Borns starts talking about Pure Bloods in a manner that is not very nice. Liir could talk to Benjamin about that; His beliefs that he only talks to people who are deserving to contain magical blood or a title for a magical being.
Hello! :D

I can offer you Jeremiah Raven as probably an enemy or something because I don't think Liir would like him too much :r
Anyway, Jeremiah is a pampered and has been quite spoiled throughout his life. His parents are rich and gave him everything he has ever needed/wanted. He has lived a sheltered life and has been raised to be polite and powerful, though this backfired and he instead just likes reading and talking with people. He is kind and is not the sspoiled brat he could have been because he was raised to be polite and he can be modest when it comes to his furtune and such.
He is quite stubborn and sometimes does things just to annoy people he doesn't like and plays the violin and piano. And he hates rules that restrict his adventurous nature.

I don't think they would get along because Jeremiah has had everything in life, while Liir has not. Though it could be a sort of friendship. I'm not sure, it could really be either because at first Jeremiah would like to be his friend, that is unless he upsets him in some way. I'll leave it to you. :) Tell me if you're interested.

Liir Goodwitch said:
<SIZE size="50">Syncere Arai/ Rafael Todd and Liir

Okay Syncere is simply too kind and too optimistic about the world at the moment for her to be able to interact with Liir and vice versa but do not count her out of his life just yet. Once I do begin his love life plotting she could be apart of that as he will be looking for someone to balance out his more serious side so with that said we could do a thread between the two where he will be overwhelmed by the girl but not completely turned off either which will give room for a possible relationship down the road.

Rafael would be interesting considering that his loneliness would be something that Liir would want to avoid but his dreams of becoming a great wizard would draw Liir in as he could see the benefit of having some one near to share in his goals. Though if Liir is pushed away he would be less likely to return as he does not believe in wasting his time with those do not want his company or friendship. So what do you think?Are you still interested? If not do not be afraid to say so lol.

Syncere and Liir
Syncere as a love interest for Liir in the future sounds nice. Would you like to start a thread for the two? Or shall I?

Rafael and Liir
I don't tthink Rafael would push him him away right away. He would probably show a little interest in Liir. I think the two would do good as good aquaintances unless you prefer friends or something else.
I would love to put see if they get along in a thread or two. Her insanity wouldn't be that visible to people so it wouldn't be likely that people would know unless they where close to her which she wouldn't let them get. She could do a few favors for Liir to gain him some access to restricted sections around school. Epiphany wouldn't want to use him for anything other than maybe information and maybe introduce him to Luthor.
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Liir and Ryder
Well I think we have ourselves a deal ... would you like to start or would you like me to ?

Liir and Benjamin
It seems that the two of them would get along just fine so would you like to start or would you like for me to start?

Liir and Jeremiah
I would be interested in a conflict but since me and you already have a thread going with tow of our other characters I do not want to take on more than I can chew so Pm and as soon as that thread done with then we can start this one.

Liir and Rafael/ Syncere
I would be willing to start a thread with one or the other but not both at least right now as the number of threads that I am in is quickly rising so you pick which one and weather or not you would like me to start or not.

Liir and Epiphany
We can start a thread and see where it takes us let me know if you would like me to start or would you like to start?
Liir Goodwitch said:
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Liir and Jeremiah
I would be interested in a conflict but since me and you already have a thread going with tow of our other characters I do not want to take on more than I can chew so Pm and as soon as that thread done with then we can start this one.
Liir and Jeremiah

I'm willing wait until we finish off the current thread. :D Can't wait.

Understood! I can start one for Syncere and Liir. We can kick Rafael to the side for now. :)

Here you go!
I suppose what they are going to talk about are the confusions and the belief of Liir about only conversing with magical beings who only deserve a title for themselves. If you would want want to add more topics, feel free to do so as they are talking. The more subjects they discuss, the better. :r

If you still have extra time to spare, do start the topic please. But if not, just remind me anytime and I'll do it.
And er, this is one of my accounts besides from Benjamin Chase.
I can offer Ai, well she can be shy, if she was with her brother, but, if you want a mean side to her, it has to be when her brother's not around.

Well, there is also my other character, Heiji Hattori, I'm still polishing him a bit but, he is a bit mean, but respects those who is worthy of his respect and confident.
I have Amelia here.She is my newest character.I just made her bio there and the link is in my siggie anyways.Amelia is sweet but reckless.she is very curious and will go to any lengths to find out whatever she is curious about.She loved adventure and she has a knack for making people smile.Sometimes though she makes fun of others or uses people for her jokes to get other people laughing.She is very open-minded and not in any way she.She will tell you what she thinks of you straight away.If you annoy her she will tell you.

I can offer her as a friend or a love interest in the future,don't really mind!

Liir and Heiji

Since he is in slytherin I am leaning more toward him then Ai at the moment as Liir is not really a big fan of hufflepuff so I want to hold off and see who I feel roleplaying with a few more before I commit to something that may change. If you are still interested let me know, if you are and wish to start a thread then post one up here and I will respond soon. If you would like me to start than I can but it takes me a little longer to start a thread than to respond to a thread so it maybe a day or so before I get the thread up.

Liir and Amelia

I will am willing to attempt a friendship but there is no guarantees as Liir is not necessarily mean but he is far from being a fun loving kind of guy. He is serious and cold as he feels that school is the last place for games and lolligagging, as for adventurous he has no problem rooming the halls but often times it is simply to get a better feel for the school as he one day wishes to become minister of magic. He would not be mean to Amelia given that she is a Slytherin but that does not mean he is going to be her BFF either. If you are okay with that then let me know?

Liir and Benjamin
A king amond Clouds <--- here you go Ben

Liir and Heiji:

Hello there, Margarette's sister here.
Sissy said, would it be alright for you to start the thread, cause she's busy preparing for a competition and she got a fever. If it was her who was going to start the thread it would have to wait.
Khione Hawthorne said:
Khione Hawthorne said:
I have Khione here, she could befriend him and annoy him at times.
As long as he's not going to hate her for doing so. :r :D
You didn't see mine. :tut:

I am so sorry!

Khione and Liir

He would have a huge problem with the fact that she was/is in Gryffindor since it is Slytherin's rival, however he would be willing to overcome this short coming if she is a skilled witch. He would find her annoying either way as he finds most people his age annoying but if you can handle snide remarks or sarcasm then its worth a shot.

Heiji and Liir

I will attempt to get a thread up her soon... thanks for letting me know!
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