A Much Needed Break

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Kat had been studying for hours and had finally reasoned that she could not study any longer for today. She desperately needed to stretch her legs so she decided to take a walk. She felt the warm sun on her face and the soft breeze blew threw her hair. She loved this time of year. Everything seemed to be perfect and filled with life.
The wind carried a scent on the air. It drew Vici out of the woods. He disillusioned himself and walked along a path. His grin was feral. A young one was out. Alone. How--perfect. This one's power was slowly growing. She would have to do.

He walked alongside her before flicking her ear. He decided to toy with this one.
Lily walked out from the castle and looked around. The weather was beautiful and warm, so she headed out to the lawn for a walk. Soon she saw Kat walking along and decided to join her. She ran down, finally catching up. "Hey you! Slow down why don't cha!" she yelled giggling, finally ending up next to her friend.
Kailey had been walking around the castle for a while before deciding that she needed some fresh air. She saw Kat and Lily walking on the lawn as she got outside. She decided it would be more fun with company so she ran over to them. "Hey Kat, Hey Lily!" she chirped upon catching up to them.
Kat had been walking along, not paying much attention to what was going on around her. Out of nowhere she felt something hit her ear. What the bloody....must have been a bug. Her thoughts were cut short when Lily ran down to her. "Hiya! Sorry I was off in my own little world that is until some huge bug hit me in the ear! Scared the snot out of me. So......what are you up to?" she asked curiously. Just then Kailey also joined them. "Hey Kailey!" said Kat brightly.
Vici grew impatient. He slowly sent out his dark spells. They were meant to drain a wizard or witch of some of their energy. He didn't know how susceptible they'd be to it. For fun he poked one in the shoulder.
Lily laughed as Kat described the bug on her ear. "Wow that must have been scary. I don' know wha-- OW! What the heck was that? Something just poked me in the shoulder!" Lily spun around, not sure what to expect she would see, but really not expecting to simply see nothing at all. She looked back at her friends, confused. "I swear there was something behind me that poked me. I could feel a presence there."
At first Kat thought Lily was joking, but then looking at her face she realized that she wasn't. "What do you mean 'presence'? Like a ghost?" she said looking around her as if someone were watching them.
"Yeah, like a ghost. I get the same feeling when one of the ghosts are around in the castle. I wonder if one wandered out here." Lily said, shrugging her shoulders.
"But we can see the ghosts in the castle! I didn't see a ghost just now. And you said it felt like something poked you...." Kat gulped and then added, "Ghosts can't touch us. So....so it couldn't be a ghost. Could it?" Kat was feeling a little bit freaked out, but tried not to look like a big scaredy cat.
"I don't know. I really don't. That was just weird. And I think whatever it is is still hanging around. I have goosebumps." Lily showed her arm to Kat where little bumps stood up all over it.
Kat suddenly got a very uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked at the goosebumps on Lily's arm. Trying to alter the mood to a more cheerful one, Kat forced a smile and asked, "So what are you doing over summer holidays?"
Lily smiled as Kat tried to change the topic. "I will be staying around the castle. What about you?"
"Same here! I had planned on going home, but there is just far too much that my family is busy with. I'm going home the week before school starts so that my sister doesn't have to come back here alone though." Kat said in a semi-bright tone.
Vici couldn't contain his raspy laughter. "A ghost?" His voice whispered out. He danced around them tapping a shoulder and pulling at hair. He wanted to get them worked up. He fed off their energy.
Kat stopped short. All the color drained from her face and her eyes widened. "Li...Lily. Did you feel that?" She wanted to run, reach for her wand, something, anything, but for some reason she could not move. She just stood there...frozen.
Lily froze as she heard the voice. "What the heck? Did you hear that too or am I imagining things?" Her spine tingled as though there were someone right behind her. Then she screached as her hair was tugged at. "Okay that is NOT COOL! Whoever that is better SHOW THEMSELVES NOW!" She took her wand out, and started to spin around. "Homenum revelio!" She wasn't sure if it would work, but she tried to be able to see if there was someone who was invisible nearby.
[SORRY! We went to see the blue man group yesterday and didnt get back till like 12. So I ahvent been able to post.]

Kailey had felt something poke her but she ignored it. But a while after she heard a voice that seemed to be coming from nowhere. Trying to to panic she got out her wand.
Vici laughed wildly. The wicked sound whipped around them. It sounded like it came from all around them. He was tempted to show himself. The sun was hot on him and draining his energy. The old man's energy hadn't lasted long. He wasn't getting what he needed from the young ones. He gave up his game. For now.

He gave a shrill scream and rushed around them. Then he disappeared back into the woods.
After the last scream Kailey paused still not lowering her wand. "What the hell was that?" she asked
And then as quickly as it had come, it was gone. Kat, still a bit shaken up, took a deep breath and was finally able to move. "What in the bloody name of Merlin was that all about?" she asked shakily. She turned to Lily and said, "I don't think that was a ghost at all. I don't know about you, but the ghosts i've been around don't give me that uneasy feeling." Kat stood there, shaking despite the heat outside. She wondered whether they ought to tell anyone about what had just happened or just let it go. People might think that they were crazy if they said anything.

After standing in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Kat finally broke the silence. "So...do you think we should tell anyone? I don't want anyone to think that we're total nutters, but maybe it wouldn't hurt." Kat was hoping that Lily and Kailey would agree with her, but if not then she would just keep silent about the whole incident.

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