A most unique couple

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Jeremiah Raven

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Okay ladies, for the sake of my OCD, let's try and keep the order this pans out as. :wub: Oh who cares, go crazy ladies :p

Jeremiah was excited for the Yule Ball, he had heard a lot about it, but had obviously never attended since this was his first year at Hogwarts New Zealand. In all honesty, he thought he would be going alone, but things soon changed when he decided to ask a friend he had met several times to accompany him if she would be going alone, Khione Hawthorne. He was really happy that he invited her, as it meant that he was no-longer going alone, and it would annoy his parents- added bonus. But when he heard that another friend of his-Ryder Straton, had no-one to take him, Miah decided that he'd ask him out too. It was really weird for the Gryffindor to actually ask Ryder to the Yule Ball, even if it was just as friends. He had the small worry that Ryder would have taken it as more, since his wording was ridiculously formal, like he was asking the Minister of Magic to the Yule Ball. But Ryder accepted and before Jeremiah knew it, he was taking two people to the Yule ball. He wan't sure if he was actually allowed to take Ryder and Khione to the ball, but he was and he didn't care what people had to say about it, if they had a problem, they could talk to his wand, because his ears were not listening.

Miah walked slowly into the Great Hall, since he invited both Khione and Ryder, he felt that he had to make sure that they both had a great time, even if it killed him, and that included making sure that he was there before they were, well actually, he was meeting Khione at the Yule ball, but he was walking with Ryder. If Ryder wanted to dance, Miah would join him in dancing, if Khione wanted to climb a balance beam, Miah would do that with her also. So he was most likely going to have a very busy night indeed. He wasn't even sure if they had actually officially met yet, or if they were both just going with him and not know much about each other, that was a possibility. All he knew for sure was that he was going to be a very busy boy this evening, unless Ryder and Khione both had broken legs and sat down the entire night. "Okay Ryder, we're here now," he said, looking around the ballroom with amazement. It was very pretty and beautiful, he had to admit, the music felt dancy, and the food looked delectable, he smirked at his Hufflepuff companion. "Would you like some food? Or would you like to dance?" He asked, his Italian accent coming back from his excitment. He was unsure of Khione's whereabouts, but until her arrival, all his attention would be paid to ryder.
Ryder hadn't been expecting to be attending the Yule ball with anyone. Normally he would just rock up stag and dance like a wild lunatic until some one asked him to dance. But out of the blue his best mate Miah had asked him to go, strictly as friends of course, though as the Gryffindor was also taking Khione, a girl Ryder had a pleasent encounter with not that long ago, he wouldn't have thought otherwise for a moment. Though as Miah was taking two dates he could have easily been mistaken for a well mannered pimp. Adjusting his tie Ryder left Hufflepuff house and made his way towards the great hall. Spotting Miah and Khione and grin spread across his face and he strolled up to the pair of them arms outstretched. Embracing first Miah and then Khione he planted a kiss on both of their cheeks, "How wonderful to see you again darlings. And Miah what a swanky suit." he said rather loudly and in a rather camp tone, stroking the lapel of his mate's jacket. "Let's partay until we are purple!" he added linking his arm with Miah's and following him and Khione into the hall.

Looking around Ryder nodded impressed, the great hall looked great, it really cleaned up well. He was really glad he came, especially in such great company. The dancing was already thriving and Ryder was itching to go over and bust out some of his signature dance moves that were reknown in England but the food looked appetizing and Ryder felt his stomach rumble. Sighing dramatically Ryder put the back of his hand to his head, "Alas I cannot decide, both options are appealing, but my vote is for the dancing!" he said spinning on his heel and shaking his hands in a jazz hand fashion, though he didn't mind what they did as long as he got to the dance floor at one point of the night.
"Yuleball, Yuleball, Yuleball!" cheered the first year as she made her way to the Great Hall. Dressed in her own creation for the first time, it's been a while since she actually made a dress. Khione felt the need to be very beautiful tonight, just so no one would make fun of her. Also she wore her closed high heels just for today, it would be awful to not dance with her partner. She met Miah a month back, in the train and outside the castle, he even met Mr. Bunny Rabbit. Just reminiscing the moment made her giggle, she then passed by the corridors and into the hall to see him. There a lot of students who looked excited, mostly first years. She couldn't help to wave at everyone, since her instinct says so. Khione Hawthorne tiptoes in order to search for Miah and Ryder. The boy he met once along with Professor Blaze, she never really knew much about the boy other than he most likely to get lost. Still she saw him as a friend just like everyone inside the hall, soon she caught a glimpse of them and joined the two.

Khione began to shake her body, dancing it a very peculiar way. She never really was a skilled dancer but with her energy, she can totally shut the whole castle down. Moving her shoulder up to her legs, Khione bumped Miah dancing. She didn't mean to though, luckily he stayed on his feet. "Ryder! Miah! Let's shake out bootties!" Khione exclaimed thrilled to have two dancing partners for this day. The other students would even look at Khione, who wouldn't? Imagine a part-goblin in high heels dancing her feet off. "Partay! Woot Woot!" Khione chanted with her Polish/Scandinavian accent. She took one hand of Jeremy and then Ryder's hand, guiding them into the dance floor without even asking their permission. It's the night for them to dance their butts of ,to enjoy and just to have fun. Since Khione decided to stay for the holidays to join the Quidditch Games, she thought to enjoy her time with her friends.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the lameness. HAHAHA. :p
You could make it! But no jumping out of a punch bowl? :p
Jeremiah smiled kindly at his friend Ryder, and noted that he too seemed to be rather overjoyed by the occasion, so overjoyed that he pulled Miah's small frame into a large hug. Miah was sure that Ry had managed to atleast fracture one of his ribs. When he was finally released, he was then given a kiss on the cheek, slightly confused, he moved his eyes to Ryder to figure out what he was doing and why he was doing it, only to be met with Ryder's face, being rather close to his own, and before he knew it, Ryder had actually kissed him on the lips. Awkward. Jeremiah stood still for a few seconds as Ryder played with his suit. He was not sure how to actually react, since he had little, to no experience with others of his age, but he noticed some looks and decided that this was not an average thing that happened between friends, and so decided that it was time to pass the topic completely. "Yes... wonderful." He said quietly, allowing himself to be lead by Ryder. He was still very confused, and he was sure that it showed on his face, but he tried his best to hide it with his fringe.

As time went by, Jeremiah just got even more confused by Ryder's peculiar behaviour. Was he ill? Did he need to see the nurse? He was tempted to ask, but something inside him told him that it could be potentially insulting to his... friend, if he were to ask if he were ill in some sort of way. Jeremiah nodded to Ryder's answer, if Ryder wanted to dance, dancing they shall do. "Si, then we shall dance." He agreed, leading them both to the dance floor. He put Ryder's strange behaviour down to the fact the he was a muggle-born, prehaps it was a common thing for them. Jeremiah smiled when Khione bumped into him. "It is good to see you were able to come, Khione." He said, patting her shoulders in greeting. He was a little taken back by her exclaimation, but was more distracted by her shoes. Were they even safe to wear? He allowed her to lead them to the dance floor, well, claser to it. He shot a smile at Ryder, this seemed like an interesting, and fun night already, though a little awkward lul had occured, Miah saw it as the past that did not need to be spoken about. Ever again.
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