A most interesting proposal

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
It was a beautiful spring day. Her garden was in full bloom. The jasmine was in full bloom and with the big bay windows thrown open it made the whole house smell like her favorite flower. Aine was sitting in front of her play table working on her shapes. Looking down at her child who would soon be a year old she couldn't help but smile. Yes Eden Koshiba's life could be described as perfect. Looking at the letter that she still held in her hand Eden rolled her eyes. Couldn't Tohoru have had someone else write the letter for him or given her a call? His handwriting was horrid. She couldn't decide if it said he was coming with Sunako for a meeting or if he wanted a meat bone with Sunako. Tossing the letter to the table Eden gave her wand a wave so that charm that stopped people from seeing her home was lifted just in case her brother and sister in law where in fact going to show up.
Sunako walked up to the house with Bikaru walking beside her. He had his hand in her's and was walking very close to his mother. At a year old he already had the shivery eyes of his mother, deep red and harsh to all how wasn't his family. He was walking already something that Sunako was very proud of though when it came to her son there was very little that she could be disappointed about. She waited for the spell to be lifted. She had made Tohoru get up early so they could be here a little early. As she waited Bikaru looked down at the cobble stone and picked up an intresting looking rock. Sunako assumed that he would make it a gift for his auntie Eden. The very words made her skin crawl. Though Sunako didn't want to kill Eden anymore they still didn't see eye to eye on much.
Eden heard the chime ring that informed her that someone was at her door. Before she could even reach it Aine give out a cry of Bikaru and pushed herself to her feet. Aine wasn't even a year yet and she was walking around not to steady but she was doing it. Waving her wand the door opened and in walked Sunako and her nephew. Once again Aine screamed out Bikaru's name and toddled over to him and gave him a hug. It warmed Eden's heart that her daughter was on such good terms with her cousin. Getting to her feet she motioned for Sunako to take a seat. "Sunako it is good to see you. I trust all is well with your family." Eden said as she took a seat and watched as Aine and Bikaru started to play on the carpet. "What is it I can help you with this fine spring day? I am sure it must be important for you to come to my home. I have a feeling that this is more than just a play date for Bikaru and Aine." Eden said waving her wand so that a tray of tea landed on the table between them.
"If I maybe so bold." She said politely back as she took a seat on the couch. She watched Bikaru give the stone not to Eden but to Aine. It was not like his to speak often, when he did it was either to ask for something or get his meaning across. Sunako knew that his thought patterns where not at their sharpest but at this stage it was more important for Bikaru to learn rather think. Sunako let a smile apper on the corner of her mouth as she watched the two children play. "Tohoru suggested this and I think is a very vaible idea. For Aine to be betrothed Bikaru. When the time comes we would think it very beneficial to both of us if Aine where to wed my son." She said with her hands together on her lap. Sunako was not afraid of Eden but she did hold her to a level of respect seeing as she did keep her reputation when most women would have been tossed out of the family in disgrace.
Eden watched the exchange between the two toddlers. Interesting that Bikaru would give a stone to Aine. Even more interesting was that her daughter seemed very pleased with the gift. As Sunako started to talk Eden stopped looking at her daughter and nephew play and looked at her sister in law. Did Eden hear that correctly? No it had to be mind tricks. For one there was no way Tohoru would think of something like and two Sunako wasn't stupid enough to show up at her door speaking such nonsense. "Sunako with all due respect you have got to be out of your mind. Aine is my daughter and I do not see how this would be beneficial to anyone but you and Tohoru." Eden said trying to not glare at Sunako. If Tohoru had shown up at her door saying such nonsense she would have beat him to a bloody pulp but Sunako was different. Eden feared no one but she had respect for the women who had been able to tame her brother.
Sunako shook her head. "We are getting letters already trying to persuade us into a betroval in the next few years. While some offer quite a good deal you know how the Families are as for Aine." Sunako looked back at the little girl who was playing with her son. He already seemed to like her, his manner softening around her when Sunako was teaching him to always be on his guard. "You've already heard the talk Eden, of what her future will be like. You can protect her for a moment in time, for however long she stays your daughter and not someone else's wife. Unlike me, unlike you Aine will have no identity with in the Families because of her origin, no one will ever let her forget it. Bikaru can protect her in ways that you can't, he can make sure that she had a voice and keeps it too." Sunako said. It had been the same with her when she was younger. Sunako had it worse because of her mother being a muggle but it would be almost the same. Having a promise to Bikaru would give the young girl a freedom that she never had herself.
Eden knew all about the letters. As soon as Aine was born there where offers for her hand. Eden had sent back some very nasty replies. Truth be told she never wanted her daughter to marry. Or grow up for that matter. If Eden had her way she would freeze time and keep Aine this age for the rest of time. "Yes Sunako I get them as well. It seems little Aine is a prize the other families are hoping she will take after me and grow into a Seer or so other insane reason. Not that I care for there reasons I have told everyone no not that it has stopped them from continuing to try." Eden explained to her sister in law. Just as she was getting ready to inform Sunako that she should drop the topic or remove herself from her house she said something that stopped and made her pause. When she had been with James she hadn't been careful and now Aine could one day pay the price. Looking at Bikaru and Aine they got along. From day one it seemed like they had gotten along. Bikaru was a good choice for Aine. "As much as I hate to agree with you, your right about this. Bikaru would be able to protect her and I am sure that Aine would be good for him. I will agree to this on one condition. They will not marry until Aine is at least done with school." Eden would make sure that her daughter had an education before she went and got married and started a family.
Sunako smiled at this. "Of course, I will not have Bikaru marry an idiot. Same reason I told Yamamoto no when he offered his daughter to us. Little thing can barely read a stamp and she's two. No Aine will be expected to get top grades. By both of us I assume would assume." She said crossing her legs. It was a given that Bikaru would excel in everything he put his mind too. Sunako was making sure of it. Some said that it was not good for a child to push too hard too young. Sunako told them to mind their own business before she used them as test subjects. She knew that he could handle what she put him through even though. Aine would be intelligent too. Sunako was expecting the girl to be a partner not a servant like a few of the girls in the Families where trained to be.
"Sunako, Aine is my daughter of course she will have top grades. I just can not promise that she will grow into a seer. Lilith has no ability to see nor do we think she will ever be able to become one." Eden would never tell anyone but from the time she found out that she was having a girl she feared for Aine's future in the Koshiba family. That's why she had given her the last name Le Fey. Knowing that Aine would have a furture where she would be loved and not used to breed boys Eden smiled at her daughter. "It's a deal you and Tohoru can inform Haruhi and Koaru seeing as Bikaru is a Koshiba and Aine is not. We will give Haruhi time to plan a engagement party. She was very upset when she had already found out you where pregnant and married. Besides I think its time we have a party to celebrate something instead of just make more money." Eden said already starting to plan what Aine would wear to the event. Eden had a stylist for herself but she still preferred to dress Aine herself.
Sunako waived the first statement off. " I have never taken much stock in the Divination arts anyway. Too any riddles and not enough hard evidence for me. I am first and for most a woman of science." She said in the reassuring voice that she had practiced during her sessions at St. Mungo's. Sunako did tell the truth though. She liked facts and figures, her mind worked best when she was working with data, one of this 'could be true' stuff that Seers partook in. Aina not growing into a Seer would be a bit of plus actually, not having to deal with that branch of magic but only time would tell of that much would become true. "It would give you mother a chance to re-do the whole house. I will tell one of the maids to get the letter ready, goodness knows Tohoru's penmanship is little more than chicken scratches." She said as she brought out a mirror from her pocket and started to send the message to her staff. A celebration was at hand.
Eden was glad that Sunako didn't care if Aine became a Seer or not. Most families that where making a bid for Aine's hand wanted a promise that she would become a Seer just like her mother. No one knew for sure how someone became a Seer so trying to promise that her daughter would grow up just like her mom was out of her hands. "That would be a good idea seeing as Haruhi might get offended if she can't understand what she is reading." Eden said wondering just how big of a party Haruhi is going to throw for an engagement.

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