🌹 Rose Giving A merry rose for a prefect

Kanako Kurosawa

Determined | Fair-weather | Composed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Kanako was getting tired. Walking all around the castle was good exercise, but infinitely exhausting. She managed to make her way up to the seventh floor for one last delivery. She couldn't find this particular person anywhere else so she'd narrowed it down to her being in the common room. How annoying. Kanako waited, and waited, asking people if they were Leah Thorne until eventually she hit her mark. "Please tell me you're Leah Thorne," Kanako groaned uncharitably. "I've been waiting forever."

@Leah Thorne
Leah had taken a slight detour to the Gryffindor common room to switch out some books from her bag and to deliver a rose of her own. She wanted to stay longer and rest but the day wouldn't wait for her or anyone else. With a deep breath she opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. But it only took a moment for her to get stopped by a younger student. She recognized her from the Slytherin quidditch team but she didn't remember her name. "Oh yes, that's me." she said, blinking quickly in surprised after being stopped so abruptly. She laughed awkwardly. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Kanako gave a 'hmph', but took out the yellow rose and note anyway, handing them over. "Hope it's a nice one," she said insincerely.

Hey Leah! You are totally awesome and I'm so happy that we've gotten to be roommates for so long. Here's to all your hard work - and we so have to celebrate as much as we can soon! xx Dahlia
Leah gave the younger girl an odd look when she still seemed irritated. It wasn't like she had told her to wait there for her. Surely there were better was to find her. But before she could get too annoyed herself she took the flower and read the note without comment. She smiled as she read Dahlia's words and was hit with a wave of sadness. She wasn't ready for the end of school, not at all. But there was some comfort knowing her friendships would be there in the real world too. It was almost a nice enough thought to forget about the grumpy second year in front of her, almost. "Thank you." she said, voice dripping with politeness. "Carry on." she said waiting for her to leave if she was so impatient.
Kanako was told 'thank you' for the third time in one day and was taken aback by it once more. She liked it, but she didn't want to say that. "You're welcome," Kanako said, not quite sounding like her usual self and actually a bit sincere. She then turned heel and strode off, not wanting to see the older student's response.

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