a meeting of sorts

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Andromeda walked down the stairs and stood in the entrance hall.
She wasn't sure what she wanted to do today, as good a time as any to go in search of the room Brian was always ragging her about. She had a parchment with her and her quill, she walked to the front door and turned putting her back to it. She looked about her, the huge staircase infront of her was 30 feet - her feet- away from the door, she did a rough sketch. She looked to her right, there were two doors and lots of suits of armour, looking to her left it was the same.
She sighed, she really didn't need to be drawing in suits of armour was she?
Kasey wasnt able to decided what to do today?She was free, she could fly or go to the libary to have a bit of light reading or she could have a chit chat with her friends, she wasnt sure.
Kasey wasnt feeling like studying and hoped she would get something fun to do.As she walked out of the Great hall after a mouth watering breakfast she spotted a first year Gryffindor girl whom according to Kasey was deciding what she would be doing today."Hi, I am Kasey Carla and you?"she asked hoping she would make some first year friends.
Andromeda turned around from her deep reverie - she smiled at the girl infront of her.
"Hi Kasey, I'm Andromeda!" she held up her parchment and quill,"busy doodling!"
She muttered.
"You're Ravenclaw yeah, I have some really good friends there!"
"Yeah a ravenclaw."replied Kasey.She heard Andromeda say about her friend"Zazuka, For example"said Kasey with a smile."She is cool"she replied."So how have your lessons lately?"She asked
"I guess they're ok. I like herbology and potions isn't so bad considering most of the work is herbology related at the moment anyway. DADA!! another story altogether. We're just doing a lot of theory about the dark arts. I can't wait till we actually learn some magic!" she gushed, "What year are you in?"
"You will be learning stunning and disarming spell soon in DADA but if you could have been having charms right now you would learn much practical magic."She said."I am a second year"she said with a smile."So what you doing this fine day?"she asked
"Don't laugh but i'm trying to do a map. It looks totaly ridiculous right now I know but I'm forever getting myself turned around in this castle. So I thought this would be the best thing to do", she smiled showing Kasey the sketch she had done so far.
"Wow, it looks cool"She sai dlooking at the incomplete map."but once its done it will help you alot, I too used to get lost last year"she said with a smile
"The first term I got about many scoldings and a detention of being late in class but than when i explained that I got lost most of the Professors understood.when I went home at the end of the semester and talked to my mom about it, she bought me a map of the school.I asked her where they were selling it but she said I didnt need to worry about it, I wasnt worrying but you know how parents are"she said.
"yeah, i could lend you but the problem is that iduring the second term i followed it so much that know I know perfectly about the classrooms, staircase and all so I left it at home"she said.
Andy's face was all excitement at first and then looked crest fallen as she listened to Kasey explaining how she had left the map at home.
"Well looks like I'll have to finish this one then. I'm really trying to find a certain room don't laugh...I've heard a few kids talking about it but no-one seems to have a clue where it is" Andy said all mysteriously.
"The Room Of Requirement?"Kasey asked in disbelief.She needed the Room more than anyone she coudl think of.She had parties arranged there and all."Its usually on the Seventh Floor corridor,Its in the wall.You mean it has moved or something?"Kasey asked
Andy smiled at Kasey.
"Apparantly it always moves. So that it remains the secret it is supposed to remain and so that it only gets needed when it's truly needed" Andy shrugged, "Could you picture us all walking up and down the corridors chanting what our requirements are to see if it would open? Talk about daft looking!"

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