A Mean Girl Searches for Minions

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Charlotte Harper

International Confederation | Workaholic | Direct
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Yew Wand With a Veela Hair Core

Hi everyone! I had doubts about posting this, because I like to just let things happen in roleplays and see where things end, just as in our lifes. But I'm just really excited for sorting this girl and have big plans, so I hope there are few people interested or characters that can help me, because I think it will become great fun!

In the gif above is my unsorted student Charlotte Jane Harper. The last name is already known around HNZ, since Matthew is her big brother and Odette her half sister, where she doesn't know anything about yet. Charlotte wants to be on the same school as her brother and her dad isn't that happy about that. But Charlotte has a talent for always getting what she wants and she will not stop before she gets it. She is very spoiled and nothing is too good for her. Charlotte is a perfectionist she is not happy with less. She wants to be a leader and as a leader she needs friends around her. I thought about three people and I prefer girls. (But if more people would like this we can look into it) Charlotte would want to decide how things go and it doesn't matter if there are people that tried to stand against that, it is obvious people will sometimes. Insecure girls can feel more confident around her since Charlotte will help them out if they are part of her 'gang'. She will not let them down if they don't do it to her. Ofcourse there is also space for enemies! It would be very funny if she would have a enemy since day one some sort of Draco/Harry relation, but not the same ofcourse!!

I'm very curious if you will have idea's, if you have another suggestion that is all welcome too! So don't resist to post it too! And If you have a person or like to have a plot with this let me know!
:wub: I already love her

But unfortunately I don't have any firsties this year that really fit the minion role very well :( I have Gabriella Tillington but she's very independent so I don't think she would be a great fit, though I can see her getting along with Charlotte at first and then maybe getting fed up by her bossy behavior? If you're interested in playing a friendship that ends because of a personality clash?

And I have Fleur van Houten, my dutch girl next year :D She seems very different from Charlotte (she loves animals, dragons and being outside, and she's pretty no-nonsense and direct, can be impatient and has a bit of a temper) I can see the two of them as enemies if you're interested? She would probably have issues with the way Charlotte treats her other 'friends' and her general attitude so I think the two could clash? She doesn't have to be her main Harry vs Draco nemesis if someone else fits better but I could still see them argue.

And if you don't mind waiting a year I think it could be very fun and interesting to have Emilia Manning as one of her minions/friends, she seems the perfect type for it to me and I think it would be fun for both our RP families to connect in this way xD Let me know what you think!

But since I already play both her siblings and soon possibly her parents, I can also understand if you'd rather have some other people get close to her first so I don't completely claim her :r
I have Alexis Kramer for this. She is kind but kinda mean too.
Jamie!!!! :wub:

I have Jasmine Wolfe who could be a kind of enemy type if you'd like. There is no way that she would get sucked into being Charlotte's minion as she is way too headstrong, independent and stubborn for that so I am completely up for them having lots of conflict and potentially the enemy relationship from day one you were thinking about :p
Daphne: Hi!! :wub: Emilia is a good idea, ofcourse younger ones can join too next year! But I like from her year the most, so we can see how Gabriella and Fleur goes along with Charlotte. I'm expecting a lot of enemies XDD

Arle: Hi Arle! That sounds amazing! Do you think Alexis can join her 'clan' or more like a enemy?

Lauren: Lauren!!!!! :wub: I already thought about that. I'm curious at Jasmine and I am eager to get to know more about her. The enemy relationship from day one is where I'm looking the most at next to the minions ofcourse.
Charlotte Harper said:
Daphne: Hi!! :wub: Emilia is a good idea, ofcourse younger ones can join too next year! But I like from her year the most, so we can see how Gabriella and Fleur goes along with Charlotte. I'm expecting a lot of enemies XDD

Arle: Hi Arle! That sounds amazing! Do you think Alexis can join her 'clan' or more like a enemy?

Lauren: Lauren!!!!! :wub: I already thought about that. I'm curious at Jasmine and I am eager to get to know more about her. The enemy relationship from day one is where I'm looking the most at next to the minions ofcourse.
How about Lexi is more like in between. A love-hate friendship,perhaps. She can be like Charlotte's minions but somehow she acts like an enemy as well making Charlotte confused if Lexi is loyal to her or not.
Danielle Corelli said:
Charlotte Harper said:
Daphne: Hi!! :wub: Emilia is a good idea, ofcourse younger ones can join too next year! But I like from her year the most, so we can see how Gabriella and Fleur goes along with Charlotte. I'm expecting a lot of enemies XDD

Arle: Hi Arle! That sounds amazing! Do you think Alexis can join her 'clan' or more like a enemy?

Lauren: Lauren!!!!! :wub: I already thought about that. I'm curious at Jasmine and I am eager to get to know more about her. The enemy relationship from day one is where I'm looking the most at next to the minions ofcourse.
How about Lexi is more like in between. A love-hate friendship,perhaps. She can be like Charlotte's minions but somehow she acts like an enemy as well making Charlotte confused if Lexi is loyal to her or not.
Sure! Love that idea, it will make her confused I guess and I'm curious how she will react to it.
You seem to have a lot of enemies xD so I think I may be able to offer you a minion instead! I'm trying not to create her but this seems like the type of thing to change my mind =)) =)) She'd be a bit shy and want to have friends so she would probably follow Charlotte around because she would rather have some friends than no friends lol. But after a few years or so she'll eventually grow a backbone and stop letting people push her around. :p
Jeez im dying to post here... if u dont mind with a slow player then I can offer you my manipulative Kira Hitachiin Starr, firstie Slytherin.

Say ur girl wants something but Kira disagrees, she'll use her manipulative, soothing, poisonous charisma to persuade Charlotte in doing something that Kira wants her to do. And say that Kira doesnt like Charlotte's friend, she'll get people to influence Charlotte to hate this one friend.

She'll definitely use people in a cunningly kind way to get what she wants. If ur up for a backstabing, political drama then.. Kira's ur girl...
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