A Matter of Circumstance

Nathalie Blanchard

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Nathalie Blanchard always feels like she was walking in a thin rope. Everywhere she goes, she needs to watch her actions. Any mistake would result to something which would lead to her reputation being at stake. Nathalie is always told by her peers that she is extremely lucky. Too lucky in fact that they say that she doesn't need to work in order to support her living. Yet, no matter how many compliments she receive from everyone around her, Nathalie always feels like there is something missing.

Nathalie is always an obedient daughter, And when her family saw that it would be to their interest if she would be an outstanding student and a perfect daughter, who is she to say no? Who is she to refuse her parents wishes that she become a perfect lady? With a sigh, Nathalie quickly walked along the gardens of Beauxbatons academy, the place that her parents had chosen for her. She didn't really mind being there but there were times when she would feel extremely sad, though she had lots of there students admiring her because of her being prim and proper, no one really see pass through her facade, no one can really see the real her.

Without noticing it, Nathalie had already found her way under the large oak tree on top of the small hill in their garden. It was her secret place, no one really come there at that time of the day therefore, she can escape those students who claims to be her friend and those other people whom she have to interact with while pretending to be a proper lady. She gets tired of it all. With anther sigh, Nathalie dropped to a tuck sitting position, hugging her knees clser to her body. "It's tiring.. everything is just so tiring..." She whispered softly to herself, completly unaware of everything around her.
Mizelea wanted to escape from the real world and perhaps sleep under the dream and better yet dream about random stuff. She then went to the garden hoping it wasn't crowded there or anything specially with students. It was her break time and she wanted to relax, what better place to relax is to go to the garden. Her mind was thinking about crazy stuff that somehow she can't control.Wearing faded skinny jeans and a cute blue shirt topped with cardigan and some flats. The day was indeed windy but not to wild for Mizelea to handle.

Upon bringing out her mirror, she noticed a girl beside her. She was obviously older than her. "Hi there! she exclaimed loudly as she can. Smiling widely to girl and hoping she wouldn't be freak out or something.
Nathalie quickly looked up in search for the owner of the voice that she had just heard. She doesn't recognize it at all. Therefore, nervousness flow through her whole system, from her knowledge, no on comes to that place at that time, that's precisely the reason why she had dropped off her pretensions and act as her real self. Being in slight panic, Nathalie quickly stood up, dusting her green dress off. As she finally laid eyes on the owner of the voice, Nathalie realized that she had no need to worry, the girl doesn't seem to know her and she doesn't know the girl as well. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Nathalie tried to muster the gentlest smile that she can muster, "Hello, you are?" She stated in a dreamy tone, looking at the girl and examining if she is one of her so called friends' friends.
As the girl finally noticed her , she tried to calm herself down. Mizelea was always hyper and cheery around inside and outside the school. "I'm Mizelea, but you can call me Mizzy, Leah, Mizel, Ea, Zel. . . all kind of nicknames you can think of !" she elaborated. Rolling her eyes as she was smiling at the girl. It is normal for a twelve year old girl turning thirteen this month to be childish and cheery. Everybody seems to be waiting for her to mature and act as a teenager like the other girls. Mizelea doesn't have a dreamy voice when talking although she sings and plays the piano amazingly. She's the type of the girl who seems to be quite surprising when you get ti know her.
<COLOR color="#000">Nathalie smiled at the younger. She was childish and cheery. It makes her envy her, Nathalie was never allowed to be like that at all, nevertheless, she felt like she wanted to befriend the younger girl. "Mizzy then, it's a cute name." She said, patting the girl in the head in an adorable manner. "You're so sweet Mizzy, my name's Nathalie, and well, you can make nicknames for me as well if you like." She then added still with her dreamy voice, reminding herself to act like the proper lady that she should be. Contrary to the girl with her, Nathalie can never be childish, her parents wouldn't allow her to that. Nevertheless, she feels like she can be like that once she become closer to the younger girl. She might also help the girl to be more mature and more ladylike as well.​
Mizelea felt relieved once the girl smiled at her, she was indeed nice. She gushed and somehow blushed when she heard the dreamy accent of the girl. "Hi Nathalie! Nice to meet you!" she replied still giddy and cheerful. Unaware of what to say next, she decided to wonder or rather think of a nickname that suits Nathalie the best. "Hmmmm....." she hummed with a melody. "Now how about? Nutella?" she continued on. Mizelea couldn't help her self but to giggle. Maybe she's hungry or some sort for thinking such a delicious nickname. After all she Nathalie is sweet and gentle like a hazelnut.
<COLOR color="#000">"The pleasure's all mine Mizzy..." Nathalie said, giggling a little at the girl with her. She just seems to be comfortable to be around with. She just had this air about her that makes her approachable to someone and makes Nathalie feel at ease. "Nutella?...now that's kind of unique, not one soul had ever called me that yet.." She then said after hearing her supposed to be nickname. It was really different and random but Nathalie figures that it was a cute name rather. "But since it was you who had given it, it does sounds nice... sounds like a food or something..it's adorable, I like it" She then added, smiling sweetly at the girl. "Mizzy, how old are you?" She then asked randomly, tilting her head to the side a little, her flowing blond hair following her actions.​
Mizelea smiled at Nathalie. "Nutella, is actually a hazelnut spread" she said full of glee. It's quite disappointing that some other people would ask her age first for no reason, still her face remained. Maybe it was asked randomly she thought. Twelve, I'll be turning Thirteen next week." she said to her in response. "Hmmm... How anout you Nutella?" she asked her the same questions. As she was waiting for her reply Mizelea saw two butterflies flying or rather playing. She then gazed at them.
"Hmm.. nevertheless, it sounds cute.." Nathalie said, smiling sweetly at Mizelea. Even though the nickname that she got was rather weird, it still makes her feel warm inside, it was the first time that she was able to talk casually to another girl after all. Looking at Mizzy and observing her every actions, Nathalie cannot help but smile, Mizelea is everything that she isn't, everything that she wants herself to be. "An advance happy birthday then Mizzy...." She replied with glee, already thinking of a possible gift that she could give the girl. She was brought out of her reverie when the girl asked about her age too. "Me? Well I'm Fifteen, just a few years older.." She said, following Mizelea's line of vision and seeing two butterflies, "They're beautiful, aren't they?" She muttered, looking dreamily at the two.
"Teehee!" she exclaimed to her, it was her expression. Mizelea noticed that somehow Nathalie was staring at her, she smiled hoping to start a new conversation. "Oh thank you! You too!" she replied even not knowing when was Nathalie's birthday. She indeed impulsive for a girl. "Fifteen? Sounds like Enzo. . " she whispered to himself. As they were there together two butterflies started appear as they were fluttering there wings into the thin air. Mizelea noded twice upon watching the two beautiful creatures.

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