A Man's Love Goes Through his Stomach

Liam Waldgrave

Thundelarra's Beater | Flirt | Confident | Loud
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Liam was on his way to explore the girls at Hogwarts. He wasn't here for the building but the ladies, and becoming an Auror ofcourse. And for that he needed to do his very best in classes, and he would do. He wasn't that pleased about his first semester, but he did had met some pretty girls. And gosh there were so much here around Hogwarts New Zealand! He found himself walking towards the lower levels, he wasn't been here before so this could be something new. Liam wasn't a person that broke rules, but whenever he thought it could help him with following his desires he closed his eyes and pretend like nothing happend. Suddenly there opened up a door and Liam smelled the most delicious food he ever had smelled. And something that Liam liked, was good food. It wasn't on the first place, because girls where on that. But food came close, really close. He looked around himself if he saw somebody, because he didn't thought this was a area where students could come. He couldn't walk away from this, not today.

Liam walked at the door and looked inside for a moment to see if someone was in. He couldn't tell so he just went for it and walked inside. He let the door open, because it was and if he would close it perhaps there would come someone inside. He slowly walked further and noticed something that looked like a kitchen, was this where the food was prepared? He heard Beaubelle saying that it weren't wizards and witches that worked her, but she never had been here before ofcourse. Beaubelle would never break rules he thought. When Liam suddenly stopped his eyes looked like there were a million girls in front of him. He saw a huge cake and it looked like he should have a taste of it.
Perry was still hungry and there wasn't an eating moment in the near future. So he decided to make a sandwich for himself. He knew were the food was made and he knew the house elves were working hard for their food, but he was completely starving. Perry walked to the kitchens and tried to be sneaky about it. He had a good reason to go to the kitchens well he thought so himself, but it was still illegal to ransack the kitchen. Perry walked into the kitchen and he didn't even notice a guy standing at the giant cake. He opened a cooler and took out the cheese and ham. When he turned around he spotted the guy. ''I wouldn't ruin that cake, the house elves will notice such thing and they can get really nasty'' Perry had nothing against the house elves, he appraised them for their work and understood that a couple of students ruining their work made them angry. But in the end he was hungry and now he wasn't ruining their work he was making his own food. ''You need to be subtle, they won't miss a slice of cheese, but a ruined cake makes the alarm bells go off.'' Perry wondered if the house elves did it on purpose. Leave a giant yummy thing out so they could catch students that wanted to eat it.

He didn't really know a lot about it, he was a muggleborn that didn't care a lot about the history of magic. He was here to learn magic. ''I am Perry by the way, I hope I didn't scare you'' That wasn't his thing to do. Perry tried to make his sandwich and he only needed two pieces of bread now.
Heading to the kitchens wasn't a new thing for the Fifth Year. The first time she entered the kitchens was with her friend Leo, and though she hadn't seen him in awhile, it hadn't stopped her from becoming friends with the House Elves. It was always handy to just be able to stop by and grab some food if she was hungry, rather than having to sit down and eat and waste her time, when she could rather be doing more exciting things. February meant good weather and Daisy definitely didn't want to be sitting inside on a day like this.
Instead, the barefooted girl skipped to the kitchens, to hopefully grab some carrot sticks before venturing outside. However, she stopped still at the entrance when she saw the room had two other students in it. The kitchens were usually pretty empty; Daisy had never run into anyone before so to have two students there was a surprise. This didn't bother her too much though, Daisy loved people. "Hi!" She greeted happily and she started to walk into the room, looking around. "Have you guys scared all the House Elves away?"

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