Closed A magical place

Rhys Chamberlin

little brother • astrology nerd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
12" Curly Silverlime wood with Veela hair core
Nov 12, 2051
Rhys Chamberlin liked being a Ravenclaw like his brother and father. However, he loved all of the houses. They all had their merits. Rhys enjoyed his time in Ravenclaw because they were high up in the tower, and the scenery to look outside was just incredible. He loved looking out at the grounds, the lawns, and the forest. No one told him that the appearance outside looked so magical. Rhys wanted to capture it, but he was so bad at drawing and he did not have a camera on him. He might have to ask his father for one. He used to run the yearbook here in school, and then there is Rhys, who could not do anything like that. He shifted his gaze to the sky to see the clouds. He tried every which way to make shapes out of them, but he could not find anything other than a malformed bunny.
“Hey Rhys, what are you working on?” Aaron was not creatively gifted in that way, but give him an instruction to make blueprints and he was definitely your boy. He hadn’t really gotten to know all of his roommates yet, but he still had a lot of time, he figured, since they would be stuck with each other for apparently seven years. He didn’t even really know what it was like to have a roommate because back home he shared his room with no one. Jenny was the only person who ever even came into his room, but she was his carer so that was sort of her job. She liked to stand over him and watch him clean his room because she’d figured out pretty quickly that if she didn’t watch him, he wouldn’t do it. That didn’t mean he liked it though. “It looks…” he wasn’t sure, but he didn’t want to be rude. Was it a creature he’d never heard of? That seemed likely since he hadn’t heard of a lot of creatures apparently. Someone mentioned a Gryphon the other day and he had no idea those were real.​
Rhys glanced up when he heard his roommate Aaron approach. He was not as close to Aaron as he was to Julian, but he could work with that. He was not unfriendly toward those that had done nothing to him. Aaron was one of those that had not wronged him. Rhys looked at his drawing and immediately flushed red because it was definitely not good at all. "I am attempting to be an artist like my dad or mom, but I don't think it is working out for me." He chuckled nervously. Rhys was a little awkward and immediately changed the paper from his very horrible sketch to a clean sheet. "What has you coming up here? Are you here to look at the view too?" Rhys felt that the view from the north tower was the best.
Aaron wasn’t going to say that, because it seemed quite harsh, but Jenny had always told him to be truthful, he would get into less trouble that way. It didn’t stop his dad from hitting him with a slipper of course, but everything in moderation. Not that he was a frequently bad kid, that title went mostly to Lulu. She wasn’t bad either, but she was just… well, her name was Lulu so that said everything. “Well, maybe you just have to work at it, I mean I wasn’t great at pulling things apart until I’d done it a couple of times,” he didn’t know much about creative drawing though, so he could have been completely wrong. Jenny could draw, she always would draw everything because she thought it made the instructions better to understand. Aaron wasn’t really a big visual learner, so he had always been more of a reader than a drawer, except where drawing as necessary for blueprint or instructions. “I was just looking around honestly, I haven’t had much of a chance to see the school, so I thought I’d have a look. We don’t have castles back home, we have really big buildings and stuff, but nothing like this.” They had the really old-@ss churches from the Spanish days, forts and things but that was it. “It’s kind of weird.”
Rhys wondered if practice made perfect. He thought about it, but maybe he was just not one of those that was destined to draw or paint or whatever. He might be better as an academic than an artist. His dad was also an Auror so there was that. Rhys did not think that route was for him either. People that did bad things just scared him too much. "Pardon? Pulling things apart? Why did you break things?" Rhys asked, wanting some clarification on what he meant. He explained how he was taking things around the castle. They had big buildings, but nothing like this. He wondered where the guy was from. "Where did you come from? This is my first castle too. I live in New Zealand and there's not a lot of big buildings around."
“Not breaking them, I was… figuring out how they work, what needs to be done to get it to work and things like that, you know?” Maybe he didn’t know, because it had quickly come to Aaron’s attention that not everyone in this school was as ignorant about things as he was. Most of his roommates it seemed knew what was going on and he seemed to be left in the dust, unsure. He was smart, and he knew how to do things but he didn’t know how to do the things that most of the students seemed to be able to figure out. It was kind of annoying, he was generally a good student. He didn’t feel like he was a good student anymore. “Oh, I’m Filipino, from Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. But I was born in Batangas City, Batangas, Luzon. That’s where my dad is from.” He’d only been back a couple of times, his family owned some fisheries out that way, but he’d never had to deal with it. Lulu knew more about it but she’d grown up there so she would know more. “This is a pretty big building though, right? How old is this place?” He placed his hand on the wall, wondering if the stone would reveal it’s secrets. But it was just stone, so probably not.​

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