Closed A longer date

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Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
At the start of the year linden couldn't have told you three times he had spoken to Finn outside of class. but they had ended up having a date (or rather two) during the brightstone weekend at the speed dating and it had ended up with Finn asking him what he was doing for the ball and the date sort of falling from there. Could Linden see himself being in a relationship with the Ravenclaw, no. not like he had been in with Alexei. but could lin see himself enjoying the ball with Finn? yes.
looking through his clothes he found a suit that willow had found for him from a charity shop. was it embarrassing that most of his best clothes were second hand, or bought by his sister? maybe. at least he wasn't a stereotype and she did enjoy charity shopping. Or maybe he was a stereotype because he did like the navy velvet suit. he dressed and styled his hair before making his way down to the ground floor. the number of people grew as he descended but he was lucky that he had had a bit of a growth spurt and that finn was also tall, and had rather a unique style so he hoped that they would find each other without too much effort.
Before the speed dating event Finn had never been on a date in his life, and he was still figuring out how he felt about them. He liked spending time with people, that was for sure, but the thought that someone might expect a longer relationship after one date filled him with anxiety. It was a relief to be practicing the whole 'dating' thing with Linden then, the two of them easily on the same page about what this was. So he had dressed up, throwing a thrifted suit jacket over a fluffy shirt that had once been part of a tiger costume when he was younger. The costume itself no longer fit, so he had cut it up for a vest, and thought it made quite the statement look. He beamed as he reached the entrance hall and spotted Linden, appreciating the soft velvet of the other boy's suit. He approached with a smile, looping his arm easily with Linden's. "Hey, Lin." He smiled. "You look great, this suit is gorgeous."
Finn was not easy to miss as he came dressed in a brown jacket and was that, yes it was, a tiger print top. If he had thought blue velvet had been daring then he knew nothing. he grinned as Finn complimented him. "Thanks. That tiger top. that is awesome" he said. looping his arm around finn. There was something almost casual with how this evening had started. like his date to the ball last year they were clear with what they wanted. except that the want was different for finn than is has been ana-Sophie. with his blind date last year it had been friendship. he had been clear that he had a boyfriend and had signed up for blind dates because he had heard not enough boys had signed up and their date had been friendship. Finn he guessed was friendship. but defiantly more, well not romantic. they were both clear that they weren't interested in a relationship. but more, what was the word, physical.
"should we go inside?" he asked as he took a step towards the great hall. he could already see through the crowd that the inside wasn't the sparkling blue and silver as it has always been before but a warmer colour scheme.
Finn hadn't really thought much about Linden's opinion of his outfit, focusing more on how he felt himself, so it was a pleasant surprise when the Hufflepuff complimented his shirt. "Thanks, I made it from an old Halloween costume." He smiled, only hesitating a moment before pressing a quick kiss to Linden's cheek. It felt easy, being close to him, and Finn was looking forward to dancing the night away. He nodded in response to Linden's question and headed into the hall with him, eyes widening at the change in decor styles. The warmth was welcome, reminding him of the few years he had spent in Australia as a kid, and he suddenly felt almost upset, wishing Emily could be here to see this. She had missed Australia the most out of the three of them, and he knew she would have loved this. "This is awesome." He smiled, looking back to Linden with a smile.
"That is awesome" he said as Finn explained how he had a tiger shirt. he had never thought if dismantling a Halloween costume for the ball. but then he hadn't really had a Halloween costume that he could dismantle.
As Finn kissed his cheek he felt it warm with a flush a grin spreading across his face. this was going to be a good night. he kissed Finn back on the cheek before winking at him. "come on" he said an almost conspiritorious tone in his voice. he was pretty sure that was not going to be their last kiss of the evening but he was didn't just get dressed up for a make-out session.
as they entered the room he was surprised. the usual icy blue and silver decor had been replaced by warm summer. it still felt magical but reminded him of Christmas' at home playing in the paddocks. he knew the plants were from New Zealand but they reminded him of bottle brushes. and the warm light and colours made him miss home and he was glad that he would be returning to the farm soon. "wow this is different I love it" he said holding fin a little tighter as they made their way through the crowd. his eyes wandered around the room as they walked not really paying much attention as to where they were going. this was just so awesome. he stopped when their feet reached the edge of the dance floor. he turned to Finn "would you care for a dance" he asked switching on his most charming smile.
Finn's grin only brightened when Linden kissed him on the cheek, enjoying how easy everything felt with Linden. He was under no illusions about tonight, he didn't expect there would be another date in their future, but that knowledge was comfort. It was easy to just relax and enjoy the night. He couldn't hold back a grin at the bright, warm Great Hall, and was glad Linden enjoyed it as well. He nodded when the Hufflepuff asked him to dance, beaming back. "Sounds perfect." Finn smiled, heading to the dancefloor with Linden and draping his arms easily over his shoulders, holding Linden close and starting to dance with him.
Linden was supprised at how relaxed the date was going. the fact that neither of them were really expecting anyhitngg out of it meant that they didnt have to get caught up in emotions. it worked well. he stepped onto the dancefloor and was slightly taken aback when fin put his arms around his shoulders. he wasn't used to being the shorter one. he had been taller than alexei. he was the one whos arms went around the shoulders. he floundered for a moment trying to work out what to do with his hands. he ended up putting them around Finns back as they started to dance. he hadnt noticed before not only how tall finn was but also how lean he was there really was nothing to him. and he was the racenclaw beater he felt like one good hit of the bludger would break him. It was also disconcerting having to look up to see him. not that there was a big difference but it was just not what he was used to and the closeness between the two boys emphisized it. they moved around and lin wished that he knew how to dance. at least a bit more than swaying on one spot. at least he wasnt too uncoordinated and hadnt trodden on finns feet, yet. he wasnt sure if they should talk or not so he compromised by mumbling along to the music which was thankfully a song that he knew. as the chorus came to and end he bit his lip slightly as he tried not to grin at the idea of what he was going to do. then he looked up slightly and gave finn a quick kiss.
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