A Long Forgotten Friend... a Potential Enemy

Kida looked at Remus who hit Li with a spell she looked at Li who had been threw through the trick, she Sighed when Remus came to see if she was ok "Not like you care" she said "i don't even know why you bothered to try and save me, its not like you care anyway" she said as she walked to the back of the cell "i can save myself i don't need your help" she said as she crossed her arms.
After all the long hours this was the last thing that Remus needed, Kida getting kidnapped and acting like this. Glaring at her as she went back into the cell and crossed her arm's, Remus couldn't have cared less. Walking to the top of the Ship's deck with a limp in his cut leg, he headed over to the edge of the ship and dropped off it. He couldn't apparate whilst standing on the ship so he would Apparate as he fell. Doing exactly that, Remus landed himself down within the Apothecary where he patched himself up and served some of those customers that came along at the wrong time.

He wasn't going to take the boat, he had left that for Kida so she could manage an escape on her own. As for all the crew member's they wouldn't be waking up or un-petrifying any time soon. It was a mission well done in Remus' book, but there was one thing he needed to take care of, even though he had saved Kida; finding and ending the Life of Li. If he didn't then these stupid kidnaps would continue until the day that Remus just couldn't be bothered any more.
Kida got up once Remus left, she was glad that he left that means that she didn't have to deal with a talk from him on the way back, as far as she was concererd she didn't want to know him.
Kida walked out after she was sure that he was gone she saw some crew members on the ground and just shrugged, Brightstone was still in site... Just "This is going to be a fun Swim" she said, Kida looked down to her shoes and shrugged "there just Sandels" she said, she kicked them off and kicked them aside, she wasn't going to swim in shoes, Kida walked to the side of the boat and stood on the side, Kida swung her arms for a bit before she jumped up and dived into the water, she came up for air and brushed her hair out of her eyes, Kida sighed and started to freestyle back towards brightstone

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