A Little Piece of Heaven

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
-This is supposed to take place on Halloween-
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Theodore quietly yawned to himself as she slowly but lightly made his way to the Lakefront where he was supposed to meet Aleyha sometime tonight. They had both agreed that they wanted to skip the Halloween Feast together due to them thinking it was childish and overall highly uninteresting to the both of them. In one of his hands there was a Blanket that he had decided to bring because it was cold and he was sort of in the mood to cuddle with it or with someone, maybe it was just because he was extremely tired at the moment though. 'I really need to get more sleep at night.' He yawned again and plopped himself on the ground tiredly, he was happy that he and Aleyha would just get time to hang out so perhaps that why he was feeling so relaxed at the moment. A lot of things had been adding onto his stress level lately like OWL's, Nicolette disappearing, homework, getting up for classes, and his stupid brother who seemed to always show up at the worst times. Theodore actually didn't know how much more he was going to be able to take in the condition he was currently in because it was all adding up to make him a very stressed out person which he hated more than anything.

With another soft yawn Theodore put the blanket he had brought under his head to use as a pillow and laid himself down to possibly take a short but well-deserved nap before Aleyha showed up. Perhaps she could do a better job at calming him down than he had been doing himself lately.
Aleyha was preparing herself quite slowly, allowing Hadan and Alyssa assist her with the make-up and outfit. Aleyha wanted to look exceptionally pretty for Theodore today. She didn't know why, but she had to. Something about her wanting to see Theodore fawn over her appearance brought pleasure to her insides. It would calm the butterflies increasing when she would think about him, which came often. Her hair was brushed nicely, and it fawned over her shoulders. She was supposed to bring in some snacks for them both. After a spree in Brightstone, and lurking through the kitchens, Aleyha would be bringing a huge bag of sweets and drinks for them to enjoy. They both agreed to skip the feast, and Aleyha glanced at the timetable. It was late afternoon. Smiling, she bid her friends farewell, taking the bag and heading outside.

Clouds lurked about outside when Aleyha breathed in the fresh air. Things seemed just perfect for the two of them. She knew his stress would be out of the roof. Heading to the lakefront, she ignored the stares she received from some students. Aleyha was not known to dress up like she was today. She found the spot where Theodore was, and she smiled to herself. Rushing in, she laid the bag on the ground, and saw Theodore asleep. Ever since joining the Sorority, Alyssa spilled out something she wanted to test out. Aleyha gently touched Theodore's side as he slept, knowing full well that he was ticklish here because of Alyssa. She had her legs folded beneath her, truly an adorable porcelain doll to stare at. Though the doll was truly a demon in disguise. Her red eyes glowed with joy and a smile decorated her lips.
Theodore had just started drifting off into a dreamless slumber that his body had so desperately been calling for when he felt something touch his sides and immediately pulled him out of his sleep to let out a shudder and a small jump of surprise that allowed him to lift his body up from the grass and into a sitting position. "Is there any reason you tried to tickle me?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he tried to wake himself up and become more aware of the fact that the girl that he was currently crushing on was suddenly in his presence. After a moment or two if trying to wake himself up he sniffled softly and lifted his head to look at Aleyha tiredly, his eyes and face both showed that he was physically exhausted at the moment but it wouldn't be took long before he was woken up fully and was more of an interesting person to talk to.

"You look really pretty." He yawned again and shook his hair out of his face, of course he noticed how absolute adorable she looked today, it was like it was a whole different look to her that he could definitely get used to seeing. Theodore lifted his hand and poked her cheek to make sure he wasn't dreaming, it still felt so different to him having her being here and being nice to him and looking so darn cute and amused looking. "So how are you?" The sleepiness was beginning to fade away and Theodore allowed his emerald green eyes to glance around the pretty much empty Lakefront. Either everyone was trying to avoid the cloudy weather or they were all getting ready the Halloween feast, at least they weren't around to bother him.
It worked! Aleyha smirked as Theodore was indeed ticklish on his sides. Alyssa had come to use for once! Aleyha was happy about it. She laughed and she smiled fondly over at Theodore. She adored him, and she could almost just tackle him now. In fact, that is just what Aleyha did. She threw her arms about his torso and she pressed her face against his chest. Aleyha gazed up at him, before she smirked and before he would know it, he was pinned to the blanket, and Aleyha was sitting on him, her legs on one side of him, must like she would pin down and sit on her own cousin Kaleb. Aleyha was a light-weight and shouldn't hurt Theodore at all. "So, this pretty girl has you pinned down. How does it feel to have the tables turned, Teddy?" There was just one flaw in her plan, she wasn't holding down his arms. Aleyha smiled angelically down at Theodore. Of course, it was obvious in her eyes that she adored Theodore to no end. Not love, for she was too young to experience any of that.
Theodore had successfully woken himself up just in time to be pretty much glomped by the small albino girl and soon finding himself on the ground once again, with Aleyha sitting on him as if she owned the whole place or rather like she owned him. "Why Aleyha, I'm surprised in you this is so....sudden?" He gave her a lazy smile before he rolled his eyes and noticed that she had not pinned his hands down, was she purposely trying to make this easy for him to get back at her or was she just not that observant. Quickly he used his hands to grab her shoulder and pull her off him before he easily pinned her down, he sat on her legs and used his hands to pin hers down seeing as he wasn't a fool and knew she could probably claw him if she wanted to. "Now...what tables were you talking about?" He blinked playfully before he rolled his eyes again, he was teasing her because now she was on the ground in the same exact position as he was just moments before. He was in a semi good mood today actually, he was getting better and better at being able to calm himself down easier which meant he was calming down more with age. Theodore easily realized that he was quickly growing up and that he needed to sort through his priorities as quickly as possible and one of the first things on his list was Graduating from Hogwarts with good marks.
Aleyha smirked down at him. She enjoyed getting things in on him before he could do anything to her. Then again, she still forgot the one most important thing, which was pinning down the hands. Aleyha gasped in surprise when Theodore managed to pull a fast one on her. She felt her back against the blanket, hands on hers to pin them down, and she stared up at Theodore in shock and irritated. Aleyha heard his voice and she groaned, "Oh come on, you have got to be kidding me!" The end of it was laced with hidden laughter. Why couldn't she get him, just this once? Aleyha squirmed a bit, but it was utter useless. She stared up into his forest green eyes, and she smirked playfully, "Do I need to resort to what I did the first time to get you off me?" Of course, this time, though, there was the chance of both of them enjoying the fated kiss that brought them together. Or was it Asparuh and Alphonse that did the trick? Who knows? This arranged marriage though wasn't as bad as some thought. Over time, Aleyha grew fond of the Slytherin boy. Aleyha glanced over at his hands where she was pinned down at. Even her legs were pinned. This wasn't fair. Aleyha was completely helpless under her fiance. Aleyha murmured, "The one time I try to get something against you, you turn it around on me. Want a soda? I have some in the bag I brought for us..." Her voice was sweet and innocent, with no hidden messages in it...this time.
Theodore quietly laughed and shrugged his shoulders at her, she was being adorably cute and that made him not want to get up at all. Instead of getting off immediately though he made sure to take a really long time to remove himself by stretching his arms for awhile, then he started combing his fingers through his hair, and finally yawning softly before he gave Aleyha a handsome a smile then got up so he wasn't pinning her down anymore. "Soda? Uh sure." He blinked as he tried to remember exactly what a soda was again, he knew he liked them but his head was a little fuzzy with that exactly it was or what they tasted like. He sat himself on the ground and lazily scratched his arm, he wasn't even sure if it was itchy or if he was just doing that because he was around Aleyha and was nervous that something would go wrong between them and cause them to fight again. She looked awful pretty and was being really sweet, but he still didn't want to risk it.

"Hey, I deserve to bug someone. My brother's been driving me crazy." Theodore rolled his eyes and scoffed before he plopped himself down on the ground and sighed loudly. Actually he just wanted to be held and told that everyone was going to be find, not make another people suffer for his misfortune. His brother was probably the second most vile person he had ever met, his father being the first. "I swear to god one day I'm going to smother him, I hate him so much." Theodore squished a small rock in his hand and nearly smirked when it crumbled from his hand and onto the ground in little pieces. With another sigh he closed his eyes, just the thought of the hyperactive Hufflepuff made him get a headache.
Aleyha felt her arms free, and she crossed them over her chest as she waited for Theodore to proceed in getting off of her. Though he was taking his time while doing so. Aleyha rolled her eyes and she laughed, “Get off me, you big bear!” Eventually, Theodore was back on the blanket, letting her be free. Sitting up, she reached into her bag when he said that he wanted a soda. She pulled out two muggle sodas, something called a Coca Cola. She handed one to Theodore and Aleyha popped the can open. She took a drink from it and almost shuddered. She was so used to other drinks, this one took her for a spin. She set it on the blanket so it wouldn’t spill. Hearing his words, Aleyha smirked and she teased, “Aww, the poor wittle baby is getting picked on by his older brother.”

She turned her body around and she put her head on his lap. Aleyha didn’t know what it was like to have an older brother. She just made people suffer for the sheer hell of it. Aleyha smiled, “Everything will be okay. Look, you better keep the negative thoughts and stuff out of this day, or else I will show you my own negative side. Got it?” Aleyha twirled her blonde hair in her index finger. “I want today to be a good day. A day that we can just relax and enjoy ourselves.”
Theodore sighed and allowed Aleyha to rest her lap in his head before he sighed and brought a pale hand up to run it through his silky soft hair, he would try to relax and not let his brother try to rile him up while he was out and trying to have a good time with Aleyha. Instead of trying to come up with an argument or someone to try and prove him right about the situation he let his hands fall down and softly begin playing with Aleyha's hair by running his fingers through it. "Don't call me a baby, I'm bigger and older than you." He stuck his tongue out her before he gave her a half smirk and turned to look at the cloudy sky that seemed to get darker and darker by the minute, he had to admit he liked cloudy and cooler weather far more than he ever liked it when it was all sunny, warm, and humid weather when he was outdoors.

"You've calmed down so much, I mean compared to the first day we met you have." He shrugged his shoulder and continued to play with her hair, occasionally using the tip if his finger to trace her face as gently as he could possibly manage. At first she was such a hot head and he had to admit he was a bit intimidated by her, but she had now mellowed out so much that he was surprised on how much she had changed when he actually looked back on it.
Aleyha smirked up at Theodore. "But you are a baby. You may be older and bigger than me, but I can bring you down just as easily. I am sure we both know that." Aleyha laughed softly and winked at Theodore. Aleyha did not jerk away when he started to play with her hair like she would with others. She trusted Theodore, surprisingly. It was a shock to her. Blinking her eyes from the light the clouds gave, she could still admire the beauty Theodore gave out. Being a Half-Veela had its perks, especially when you could be here just admiring him. Without the downside of turning into a big bird. Aleyha thought for a moment, and she said, "You just don't piss me off as much anymore. Plus, I am not in a lie anymore. I live with my dad, my real dad. So, things are looking up." Aleyha knew she had a temper, still had one, just not directed directly at Theodore. Aleyha gave Theodore an odd look and she inquired, "Why are you touching my face?"
Theodore casually raised an eyebrow when Aleyha said that she could easily take him down even if she was way smaller than him, he was wondering where she would get an idea like this especially as she laid down on his lap as vulnerable as she was. "Oh really now?" He responded calmly, half-snorting as he said it. He didn't know whether to be amused and ignore her statement or take it as a challenge and totally just pin her down onto the ground again, seeing as he was feeling remotely lazy and didn't feel like really moving her off of him he instead decided to just stay quiet about and it pretend he was amused by it.

When Aleyha asked why Theodore was touching her face he briskly removed his hands and let them rest at his sides as he gave her an unreadable stare. "Do you not want me to?" He asked calmly, he would have told her why but he was a bit unsure of this himself, his hands sort of just found themselves there without any decision from him really. Theodore supposed because he liked her and oddly wanted to be as close to her as he could.
"Yes, really now. But when I am not comfortable in your lap, then I will take you down," flirted the Parselmouth openly. It was no secret that she had a crush on him. If Theodore didn't realize that, then he was denser than she could remember. Though if he didn't pin her down all the time, then she would have a chance against him. Instead, she sighed, and she smiled angelically up at him. The little girl was not so little anymore. Thankfully, she was over five feet tall now. That was definitely a plus. Aleyha was also gaining muscle as she still practiced what her adopted mother had forced her to learn. Why she did, Aleyha didn't know. But it would become useful in dances though.

Aleyha frowned a bit when his hands stopped. She folded her arms over her chest and she huffed, "Well, it was different. But I don't mind it." Her fingers tapped her arms, and she smirked a bit at him. She was giving him a hard time, and she enjoyed it. Aleyha sat up and she reached for her coke. Getting a sip of it, she turned her body so she was facing Theodore. "So, we are skipping the Halloween feast. What do you think we should do? But I am so not going swimming though." Aleyha didn't bring her swimming suit, nor did her outfit and make-up would survive in the water anyway.
"You shouldn't be so mean to me Aleyha, what if I actually got hurt one day?" He asked with a cough, knowing fully well that she would probably never be able to cause that much harm to him without him at least trying to stop her in some way. Theodore had to admit he was a bit softer with Aleyha than he was with anyone else, even his twin sister Alyssa, but he wasn't to let people push him around to the point of him getting severely injured because of it. However he knew she was merely flirting with him to when she said those words he chuckled softly wondering if she was going to be like this even in their distant future, he liked it better when she was playful with him. "Maybe I should just pin you down again, or would you like that too much?" Theodore fiddled with his lip ring for a moment before he coughed at his own words, those d*mn hormones of his always made the most awkward things come out of his mouth when he wasn't paying attention to what he said before he even said it, luckily she had refrained from biting him lately because recently he had been feeling a bit more odd than he was willing to admit...now he actually liked girls and started paying attention to certain things about them that he hadn't before.

Theodore watched as Aleyha pouted when he quit and he blinked oddly, so she hadn't minded him touching her as much as he had thought it would have. Mirroring Aleyha's actions he took a sip of his own coke before he made a face once it was swallowed, he had forgotten how odd these things always tasted the first time you sipped one. Once the weird taste was out of his mouth he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead before he pulled back and tiredly dropped the coke on the ground. "Awh no swimming, do I have to drag you in there again?" Theodore actually didn't care what they did as long as it was with her, which sounded weird because Theodore had been used to being on his own since he was a little kid so why did it feel like he needed someone to be around him constantly now. "I suppose we could end up having more fun out here once it's dark though." Theodore shrugged his shoulders before he flipped some of his hair out of his face, to him that was just an invite for them to cuddle and take a nap until it was dark enough out...then again imagine how awkward it would be if someone had seen them as well.
"But I like being mean to you. Plus, you'll live. You won't really get hurt," Aleyha laughed. The threat that he made to pin her down again made her glare playfully at him. Of course, she was innocent, she didn't know the hidden messages that could have lurked in those words. "I honestly don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing to like about being pinned down and some dude on top of you." Aleyha rolled her eyes, being completely and utterly serious in what she meant. She was young, and she didn't know just how wrong that sounded. When he took a drink of the coke, Aleyha made sure not to giggle. It wasn't her fault that he was just so cute at what he did. Muggle drinks, they took a while to get used to, but when you did get used to them they were fabulous. Aleyha's cheeks flourished almost pink when he kissed her on the forehead. She rolled her eyes and she snorted, "Ha! No. I just didn't bring anything to swim in. And according to your sister, this eyeshadow isn't waterproof. So, I don't want to look like Medusa, thank you very much." Aleyha thought for a moment, and she smiled. She enjoyed playing games out in the dark. "Maybe tag in the dark would be awesome. But until then..." Aleyha shrugged. She wondered what her fiance had in mind.
Theodore blinked worriedly and let his mouth open slightly from shock when she said that she liked to be mean to him, he was supposed to be her future husband so she wasn't supposed to like giving him a hard time like she often did to him now. "I fear for the day I actually have to live with you." He coughed before he scratched his cheek in an embarrassed manner, he did mean it because secretly he thought it would be really fun to live with her and not have to worry about getting in trouble for them doing the stupid crap that they often did together. Aleyha seemed to not have any clue what his hidden meaning was and he almost wondered if they would ever have to have children if she was that innocent minded, he definitely wasn't going to be telling her anything like that because it was was extremely embarrassing. "Oi, your more innocent minded than people give credit for." He smiled at her before he playfully rolled his eyes and scooted closer to her so he was pretty much right next to her, close enough to that he felt her body heat quite easily and it was comforting to him.

"I say we take a nap." Theodore said as he wrapped an arm around her and playfully whispered it into her ear, although he was unsure if she wanted to or not if would give them excuse to cuddle and wait until nightfall when the fun for them could actually happen. Theodore was more active at night, so he would probably be more entertaining to Aleyha to be around and hold a conversation with. Laying down on where the blanket was so he could rest his head he motioned for her to come over and lay with him, he hoped she would because the last time he had cuddled with her he really enjoyed it. "Pleeaassee?" He nearly begged as a small yawn escaped his lips, he left a space next to him open for her in case she did want to nap with him.
Aleyha shot a glare at Theodore when he said that, but she also thought that he was secretly kidding, so she said nothing more on the matter. When he also commented on her innocent mind, her head cocked to the left side in wonder. What did he mean by that? She knew nothing of adult activities, hormones, nothing. But soon, even she would have to learn it sooner or later. She leaned against Theodore when he scooted closer to her. She sighed and she smiled to herself. How she adored being like this. Then again, she also adored beating him down to a pulp. But it could be said for both ways. Aleyha only laughed when he wanted to take a nap. She had no problem with it, not a bit. Even when he came closed to begging, Aleyha had no other choice but give in. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a nap." She laid down next to him, her head upon her chest and an arm around his torso. A nap, it would be.
An owl hooting from afar was the very thing that woke Aleyha up. She sat up, her red eyes adjusting to the darkness of night. Aleyha yawned and stretched. She poked Theodore in the side multiple times, "Hey, it is nightfall. Wake up, Pretty Boy." Aleyha crawled over to her bag, and she set out three black candles that smelt just fabulous. Aleyha retrieved her wand, and she lit the candles with the blue bell flame charm. At least it worked. Aleyha smiled as the light flickered across her face, and she went into the bag once more to get out a few things for their private picnic.

Theodore shifted his body a little when someone was starting to poke him over and over again in his side to gain either wake him up or gain his attention, at first he was tempted to ignore whomever it was but when he heard the owner of the hand that was poking him call him pretty boy he opened his emerald green eyes tiredly. "I'm not pretty." Was his first response as he tiredly brought a pale hand up to rub at his eyes to wake himself up further, usually he threatened to hex anyone who called him such a name to his face like that. But Aleyha was allowed, somehow he figured she understand better than anyone what it was like to be different, she didn't seem to mean it in a mean way like most people did when they called him by that name or even went on harshly about Veelas while he was within hearing range of it. "Wow, it's night already...what are you doing?" Theodore blinked and asked almost coldly, not really meaning to he was just surprised and a bit worried that she was going to do something odd that would cause something bad to happen to him or even trigger one of their common fights that they often had over nothing. 'Maybe now is a good time to ask her...' Theodore scratched his cheek for a moment before he pushed himself up until he was standing to his full 6"2 height that he was just becoming comfortable with, at least he was taller than his sister now. When Theodore walked over to Aleyha he stopped when he was just a few feet behind her, he tried to see what she was doing but to no avail he couldn't tell at all.

With a soft sigh he gained up the courage he needed to mutter what he needed to say, Theodore was actually not so good with girls seeing as most of the time they got on his nerves. Aleyha was an exception most of the time, they had their moments though but that was expected by any future couple soon to be married because all couples fought at times. "So Aleyha.....I have a question for you." He started softly, before he furrowed his eyebrows trying to think of what he wanted to really say to her without messing it up and making it sounded wrong because he had only good intentions here, it was just something that had been lingering in his mind for the past couple of months that he wanted to at least know the answering to. "Even though were already supposed to get married eventually. I think it would be a lot less awkward if we dated..you know like boyfriend and girlfriend. Or having our relationship in public. D*mn I don't really know what to call it in our situation." Theodore blinked and scratched his head as he tried to get it through his thoughts on exactly why he had messed up saying what he had been planning for days, perhaps it was just nerves? Hopefully she knew what he meant though or otherwise this was going to get ten times as more complicated than he had hoped it would be.
“Just setting things out for our picnic. You better not get all pissed off about this, and ruin it.” A soft glare gave him a small warning. Standing up and walking all over the place to put out the food and such she had prepared for just the two of them. Out of her bag, she retrieved a small bowl of freshly cut red sliced apples with a lid to keep them amazingly fresh. Aleyha listened to him talk, but it was what he said at last that made Aleyha turn and freeze. Her fingers turned into butter, and she dropped the bowl of apples. Thankfully the lid stayed on to keep them from going everywhere. Aleyha was more shocked than anything. Was he serious? Dead serious? They were already engaged, but… well, become public? No doubt Aleyha could hear her heart pumping in her head, and all she could utter out was, “Um…” Her tongue felt like sandpaper, and she licked her lips slowly. “I…uh…need to uh…” Aleyha couldn’t even speak! It was driving her insane. Her mind and heart was screaming at her to say yes! But her voice wouldn’t collaborate with them. Instead, she started to bend down to pick up the bowl of apples she had dropped.
Theodore was a bit unsure on how he felt about a picnic with her, he liked the fact that she was caring enough to do all of this but he had never been on a Picnic before so he was unsure what to expect from her or anything during one. "What about ants?" He remembering seeing pictures and reading books about muggle Picnics, in them there were usually ants or some other type of bug that even though Theodore didn't really mind he would prefer not to deal with while he was in a good mood. He shifted and eyed the container carefully after he asked Aleyha his question, his eyes seemed to be refuse to meet hers because he was terrified she would laugh at him or reject him because even though she said she liked him, maybe she didn't like him enough for that.

"You...need to what?" His dark emerald green eyes narrowed carefully, obviously she was stalling on her answer for some weird reason, perhaps she was going to say no but didn't want to hurt him by saying it to his face like that. Theodore was close to being a man soon, he figured he could handle it so why wouldn't she just say what he already knew she was going to say to him about it. "Nevermind, forget I asked." He didn't want her to become pressured like that, he had surprised her and that wasn't the attention he was looking for. Theodore listened to the Crickets chirping in background and almost felt a chilling calmness take over him when he realized how nice it was out here when it was dark. Theodore saw Aleyha bending down to pick up the container and figured he would just do it instead and bent down quick to try and pick it up before she did, however he hadn't noticed how close their heads were getting towards one another as he bent down.
"Ow!" Aleyha gasped when she felt something hard hit her in the head. She sat down on her bottom and her hands held where her head collided with his. "Theodore! Watch where you put your big head! You could kill someone!" Aleyha was a little frustrated now. She not only turned beet red, but she was also on the ground, holding her head and a migraine was forming from the impact. Aleyha pulled out her wand and she uttered, "Accio bowl!" The bowl of apples went flying toward her and she caught it. Aleyha glanced up at Theodore and she wanted to answer the question, but he said never mind. That just made Aleyha a bit more pissed off. "God, warn a girl when you pop a question like that! It takes a while to answer! And bonking heads doesn't help at all!"
Theodore suddenly felt his head collide with something equally as hard as what he figured a rock would feel like, oddly enough it was nothing other than Aleyha's head. His hand went to his head and he immediately started to rub the area and stay steady on the ground because of the odd impact her head had, he nearly froze when Aleyha either sat or fell to the ground holding her head as well. "Kill someone? Speak for yourself." Theodore hissed knowing fully well that he wasn't completely to blame for this, Aleyha's head was just as hard as she claimed his was, and it wasn't like he had purposely tried smacked heads with her or anything. Aleyha summoned the bowl of apple's to her and Theodore immediately stopped rubbing his sore head to look at her with both interest and annoyance clearly written across his handsome and soft-like features.

"No it doesn't. It's a simple yes or no question, so Either you wanted to or you didn't want to. Your answer was already pretty obvious though." Theodore rolled his green robs and let them avert away from Aleyha as he said this. He didn't want to fight with her, but she was making if difficult for him to stay calm while being here, in many ways other than the usual frustration. Actually Theodore figured she was going to say no, so he stopped her before he had to hear her say it which would be a good kick in the gut to him. "And I didn't do it on purpose." He hissed again, only this time beginning to rub his head a little because it was still sore from them bumping heads awhile ago.
Aleyha glared at Theodore, and she uttered many curses in Parseltongue, mumbled under her breath. Either way, he wouldn't understand it. She could make a sailor with her serpent's tongue. She opened the bowl, and she threw an apple slice at him, unknown of whether or not it would hit him. "Oh, you boys are all the same! You don't even give a girl some time to even figure out the question! Unlike you, we use our brains!" Aleyha was a little more than upset. She was so happy that he had asked her to be his girlfriend, and now he was just taking it all away based on assumption? It was ludicrous! Aleyha yelled, "You think I would have said no! You think that I would have rejected you! How could you think that?!" Tears of frustration filled her red eyes, and she forced herself not to shed them. Amazing self-control she had upon herself. Aleyha shoved the apples away from her and she stood up on her feet. She accused him, "You don't even know me, know how I feel, do you! Oh, how irritating you are! You are just so aggravating!" Now that she was riled up, it was hard to get her to stop without getting hit or kicked. But in her eyes was an immense sadness that could easily be read: she was afraid that their perfect night was spoiled.
Theodore snorted and crossed his slightly built arms over his chest as he stared at her with confusion and irritation, she seemed really upset and he couldn't pretend as if he knew why either. As he continued to listen to her go off he vaguely wondered if it was due to PMSing because his sister got like this at times and it was highly irritating to him, as he continued to listen though he suddenly figured out that his comment about thinking he knew her answer was what had set her off. "Relax, I just took your stuttering as a bad sign." He answered after a moment, his arms still crossed and his voice still sounding slightly harsh as he said it, he didn't like fighting with her but she was doing a good job at getting him all riled up and ready for one. The only thing he didn't understand was why she was making it such a big deal when it wasn't. Just when he was going to say something else about her reacting over nothing he noticed that it looked like she was about to cry, okay no she was pretty much crying.

'Theodore your such an a**hole.' He told himself as he brought a hand up to massage his temples lightly, now he felt just bad about saying anything to her. He hated when girls cried, especially the ones he cared a lot about, it made him feel terrible and like he had to do something to make them feel better. Shaking his head he figured he was going to get punched for this but he wanted to do it and hoped it would calm her down before the fighting really started. "Listen, just pretend I never said anything okay?" He said stepping over to her and quickly wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug, he would have kissed her but her violent behavior made him worry that things could get back quickly if he did something like that with her not being in the mood. Then again embracing her might have been a bad move as well, he could never tell with this girl.
Aleyha felt his arms wrap around her thin figure, and though she wasn't wanting to be touched, she did not fight back. However, she did not return the embrace either. Instead, her head pressed against his torso. Aleyha started to mumble, but it was muffled and sounded all blurred together because of how close she was to Theodore. The tears had not fallen, and she refused to let them fall. She was much too stubborn for her own personal good. While she was mumbling incoherently, she was also wondering if he really was serious, and if he was, why was he wanting to just forget about the whole thing? Translated from the mumbles, Aleyha was saying something along the lines of, "But I wanna be your girlfriend... But I am afraid that you don't really care. Boys are just lowlife scum." It was hard to tell which was harder to understand, her mumbling or her Parseltongue.
Theodore became relieved when Aleyha of course didn't fight against him or try to injured him due to her anger that had almost seemed like it was building up moments ago. When Aleyha started to mumble against his chest he raised an eyebrow, he couldn't understand a single thing she was saying but chances were there had to be at least one insult or two mixed in there for him, he listened carefully and tried to pick up on what she was saying but couldn't understand a thing no matter how hard he tried. "Hun, I can't understand a thing your saying." He snorted and started to rub her back to help her calm down further, he felt really bad that he had been such a jerk but he also knew he hadn't done anything that wrong to make her so upset. If anything she seemed angry that he had taken it back, perhaps she didn't think he was being serious about something so important and was upset that it seemed that way. Theodore figured at that point he knew what he should have done and said, why did liking girls have to be so freaking difficult?!

"I didn't want to take it back, you just seemed really pressured so I already figured you were going to say no." He answered softly, trying his best to explain to her something he could barely explain to himself easily. When Theodore gathered enough courage to make another move he sighed softly to himself and released Aleyha from the embrace he had her in and lowered one of his hands under her chin so he could have her look up at him. Slowly he bent down so that they were nearly level and softly but firmly pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss, this was a bold move seeing as they had never really kissed like that before and he was prepared to either get smacked or yelled at afterwards. But this move was proof to her that he cared for her more than she thinks.

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