A Little Guidance

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Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
Theodore hurried down the school corridors making sure to excuse himself everyone he bumped into someone or got into their way since he was in a but of a hurry and didn't have time to really take his time. Today Theodore had received a very odd letter from an Owl he didn't even recognize and when he opened it up he read someone that not only shocked him to the point were he felt sick to his own stomach, but worried as well. And the one person he knew that would be able to actually give him some answers and keep him calm other than Aleyha who probably wouldn't have any answers was his Head of House, Professor Styx. Hurrying his way down the the Greenhouses and where the Professor's office was his mind began to race like a speeding bullet. Today luckily Theodore had no classes to attend and he was pretty sure that Professor Styx had no class at the moment either let alone any that were today. If there was Theodore would wait patiently outside until then because he was not going back up to the Castle until his questions were answered. He needed some guidance. Once outside the man's office the door was closed and Theodore knew better then to just rush in there unannounced. Knocking quickly he prayed that Professor Styx was inside. If no one answered then he would just leave and come back some later time, but he was actually hoping that Professor Styx would be in so he could get this off his chest.
Needless to say, Kalif was not in the best of moods, nor was he in a horrid mood either. He was currently grading some of his first years essays and noticed that only a certain few seemed to be worthy of his house. Though he did not agree with that hat half of the time, as he could read how some people were just by looking at them. He heard a few knocks at his door, and he stated in a cold, dark and authoritative voice, "Enter." The door unlocked and it would open for whomever was knocking.
Theodore entered the Office quickly and closed the door behind him so no one could spy in and overhear what the Slytherin Prefect was going to tell Professor Styx. Once he was sure the door was secure he gripped the letter tightly in his hands and walked over to his Head of House before he held the letter out to the man for him to see. "Do you mind shedding some light on this letter to me exactly? Is this man..really serious about what he wrote?" Theodore asked worriedly but respectfully at the same time. The letter was written by the Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family and it was addressed to Theodore saying that they had removed Alphonse Snow as the head of the Family and that once he was Graduated and of age he was going to become the Next Head of the Snow Family. The one who made all the decisions, the one who made all the laws, the one would be the highest status in the family and whether or not you wanted to you had to respect that person. Was that really going to be him? Did he even deserve it with the way he had been grown up and the blood that ran through his very veins? "There has to be some mistake Sir." He spoke once again when the letter was handed over and he was no longer in Position of it. The younger generation that contained him, Aleyha, Alyssa and all his other siblings were finally get of age to hold positions of power that the elders of his family held now. It was such an honor but, why was he given head?
Kalif glanced up at the student that entered the office and closed the door behind him. The boy that wanted to see him none other than Theodore Snow. His onyx eyes glanced down at the hands of the Prefect and saw the letter. He could only guess at what this involved. Putting his essays away, Kalif took the letter into his gloved hands. The handwriting was none other than his father's. Kalif motioned with his other hand at the chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat," it was more of an order than a request. It was obvious what the letter contained, and it did not need a forensic scientist to figure it out. Kalif said, "My father makes no mistakes, and neither do I. We removed him as Head because your father is unfit to have any authority at all." How cold Kalif said this was rather harsh, but he did not care if this was the boy's father. He continued on, "We were going to stick my son, Hades, as that head but we both figured that your family not only be dead after a short amount of time, but he would be too insane to control. You were the only one to come to mind, and shown yourself somehow my family that you are able to hold this position, so long as you grow up." Kalif turned the letter around to let Theodore see the writing again. It was mostly Kalif's choice to give that position over to Theodore.
Theodore watched intently as Professor Styx put his essay's away and then took the letter from him. Once the letter was taken from his hands Theodore sat himself down like the man had asked and set his hands in his lap. He used to be really uncomfortable whenever he was around the man but as of late he didn't mind him so much anymore, after all now he was a Prefect and was pretty much required to be an example for his other housemates. "Okay I can understand why you removed my father as Head, he's kind of a psycho but.." Theodore started of not caring at all if his father was insulted in the least bit. His father had crossed the line long ago when he started to mistreat Theodore and all his others siblings just because he made a mistake in the past. It was about time that someone put that man in his place for good, yelling and beating him down obviously doesn't do crap for anyone these days. Theodore continued to listen until eventually his mind started to go off track and he had to start asking questions to the man sitting in front of him.

"Who's Hades and second of all...don't you think a pure blood would better off serving as head that a Half-Veela would?" Theodore had no idea who Hades was though the name sounded really familiar for some really odd reason, maybe Aleyha had mentioned him once or twice. And honestly that guy would probably serve as a better head than Theodore would. Especially if he had a higher blood Status than half-breed. What were these people thinking when they tried to give him the head postion?
"Alphonse is not a psycho, he is a moron. Get that straight," Kalif pointed out. It was rather obvious that he hated that man and would love to see him dead. Kalif stared long into those emerald eyes of Theodore. He looked more confused and worried over anything. This was something he was not used to, he was used to seeing Theodore. Kalif answered, "Hades would be my oldest son, and someone you don't want to meet either. Though one of these days you may meet him. Otherwise, you are a Snow, and blood status is not as important as it is in the Zhefarovich family. Besides, you have my father and my support behind you." They would have to be suicidal to attempt to go against their decision. This again, this was the Snow family he was dealing with.
Theodore wanted to smirk when he heard Professor Styx call his own father an idiot. It was one thing when he heard one of his family members do it but when it was his Herbology teacher and his Head of House. "Frankly I think he's both okay?" Theodore asked with a snort before he rested his elbows on his knees, linked his fingers together and rested his head on his hands. This was usually a sign that he was either extremely stressed or in deep thought about something, and right now he was a little of both. First of all he was a little unsure about this whole Hades to start off with. If he was that dangerous why even begin to think of letting him run the Snow Family. They Veela's would stand no chance for sure and they were already threatened enough. Theodore shifted before he looked back at his Head of House and opened his mouth. "Is he the one that stalks people?" Theodore asked after a moment of trying to find the right way to get it out without being rude. He was only making sure that he was thinking of the right man here. He was dating Aleyha, good friends with Kaleb and Leviathan, and often saw Nicolette around. Chances are Hades name would have popped up once or twice.

"Professor Styx to be honest once again...I don't know how to lead a family. And we already know that my family loves to be difficult even with help." Theodore muttered as he thought about the way that the others were going to react if they saw him or heard that he was going to be leading them instead if a pure blood or Alphonse. The could very easily say no to him and then boot him out. Then again this people barely functioned without a head at times so he might have a chance. But how was he supposed to lead a family?
"You will learn when you get older," said Kalif. He glanced down at the essays before he failed another student for work and his cold eyes glanced at Theodore once more. Some people failed to realize that he was a strict professor, and they would do well if they actually listen in class. Some people just disappoint him. The younger generation seems to be lacking in brains. With some families, it was not surprising that they just got more and more stupid. Kalif nodded and he uttered, "Yes, that is the one." How did his son get those qualities in him? Kalif knew how to find someone, but other than that, he did not follow them just to freak them out. Kalif barely got enjoyment from killing anymore. Kalif smirked, "Of course you don't. You are just seventeen and still a sixth year. You don't know that much at all. Basically, you need some guidance into it, because if you don't think before you lead, you will fail." Kalif folded his arms across his chest, and he tapped his fingers on his arm. It was not that he did not like speaking with his Slytherin pupils, but something like this, he preferred being talked about in a place he was more comfortable in.
Theodore hated being told that he would learn when he got older. Sure peopled learned over time but sometimes there really was no time to learn these things. Then he had to listen as the Professor told him that he was only Seventeen and a sixth year so of course he wouldn't know what he was doing or how he was supposed to lead. He needed guidance and that was the first that had crossed his mind when he saw that letter. His emerald green eyes locked onto Professor Styx has he looked at him carefully. "The question I'm looking for is, who is going to give me that Guidance?" Theodore actually appreciated all the help he was getting because he never figured so many people were behind him in trying to overthrow his father. Even a few of Alphonse's siblings and own children was secretly against him and doing everything in their power to take him down and show him that they weren't going to let him continue to put them down anymore. But was it enough to take down the Head? Was he going to be able to handle the honor he was being given and live up to everyone's expectations.

"I know there's already some people helping me but they don't really know what it's like to be a head or anything. No to mention their job seems to mostly be keeping an eye on my father." Theodore said this more thoughtfully. He figured that Professor Styx might have an idea who these people were because seemingly one was his wife and the others just seemed Snows who were Death Eaters or not fan of Alphonse's. They didn't know what it was like to be head so they can't really help him.
Kalif glanced down at his desk and he wondered that. Who was going to guide Theodore? Kalif sure as hell couldn't, and could only do so much while he was in school. Theodore would have to learn from elsewhere when he had left school. He forced himself to remember, and then it came to him. Members of the family that held strong titles would have to train him when he himself could not. If it were training to be a Dead Eater, Kalif would not take part in any of that. He did not believe in someone so young training to be a Death Eater when they have not grown up. Kalif informed, "I believe I will be training you while you are out of school. Nicolette might not like it that we are going to have to stay at the Zhefarovich Manor the entire break but oh well. After you graduate, you will pick up with other members of the family that I will have assigned." Axel might give in a few pointers, since he will be Head after Kalif gets the throne. Kalif thought over the situation. Alphonse might have to be killed off and that would be more than a gift to the world the more he thought about it. Though that was Asparuh's call. He would be watched at all times. Kalif was sure that Hades could do the job easily. "the people I will be assigning to guide you other than myself know what to expect from the Zhefarovich family. That experience is more than enough for your family, as far as I am concerned. Your father will be taken care of, if he were to act up again." Kalif figured that Alphonse would be dead within the next five years. Though it seemed like such a long time, it truthfully was not.
Theodore lifted his head to look at Professor Styx oddly for a moment. The man said that he was going to be training him when he was out of school. It reminded the Slytherin Prefect of school just a little. To have to be taught by the man again reminded him of when he first met and had come to Professor Styx's class. "So you guys are going to have to stay at the Zhefarovich Manor to train me?" Theodore was tempted to open his mouth and tell his Head of House exactly how mean his wife had been to everyone at the Snow the past couple of months. The fact that she was pregnant seemed to have little to do with it. She had very obviously changed somehow. In the end the Slytherin decided that he would wait a little before he had asked Professor Styx about it. He had a hunch that this family had a dark influence over people somehow. Not that Theodore was sure he even wanted to head down that road. He just wanted to get good grades and Graduate school first. Shifting in his seat he decided to ask another question to Professor Styx. "What is it exactly that you and your family will be teaching me?" He was unsure if it would just be leadership skills, magic, or anything along those lines. He had just recently passed his Apparition Exam so he knew he was becoming more and more skilled. But something that had been bothering him lately and that he had learned no nonverbal and wandless magic to the degree he wanted. He was also really keen on trying to learn the Patronus Charm too.

When Theodore heard that if his father acted up again he would be taken care of, he raised an eyebrow at the man he had been speaking to. "So I guess Nicolette wasn't kidding when she said that my father was walking on thin ice." Theodore muttered thoughtfully. It was sort of all making sense now because he could easily see why these people were becoming nervous about all of this. Alphonse was making such stupid decisions lately that now his life was at risk. Of course Theodore had heard Nicolette and his dad fighting before, but it's gotten worse now. It was like, her and Professor Styx's family knew something that she didn't.
Kalif nodded once, "Yes." Though he did not care to tell Nicolette just where to stay. As long as she were at the Manor and not doing anything dangerous, it was not his problem. Kalif rolled his eyes and he uttered, "More than likely everything you are currently thinking of. Though that matter is best not discussed here at school." There was a hint of warning to his voice, that said do not question that any further. Kalif was not going into detail with what the training would be especially since they were at school, and even mentioning the Dark Arts would have him investigated. That was something that he did not want to happen to him. Though his mark was always hidden, and technically, 'Kalif Styx' had nothing horrid on his background like his former name had, he was virtually no one in this world. That was the way he wanted to keep it too. Kalif nodded and he doubted that Alphonse would wise up to his own actions before he pissed off the Zhefarovich family once more, and they would end up annihilating him. If more arose, they would annihilate the family. However, Kalif thought that after Alphonse was removed from the picture, then there would not be anything more to consider getting rid of the family. "I suppose she did not tell you just how many times your father and I have fought. He is walking over a sheet of ice, and think of us as magma closing in upon him."
"As long as they don't try to drown me in a pool like your wife did, I guess I should consider myself really lucky." He muttered with a roll of his eyes but a smirk added in on the end. He was actually excited to be learning some things from the experts but if they all ended up like what happened with Nicolette when she got angry then he wasn't so interested in learning anything. When he heard his Head of House add on that the matter is best not discussed here at school Theodore raised an eyebrow but nodded his head. to be honest he kind of had no idea what the man was talking about but figured he would learn eventually. That was probably the worst part about growing up. Having to go through and learn stuff in life that wasn't easy and made you wanna dig yourself a little hold then bury yourself inside so you wouldn't have to face the world anymore. Okay well that part was a little dramatic but he figured that most kids his age would get the idea. Honestly the next stage of his life was coming and Theodore was really scared about what could happen to him next. "I have heard of your encounters actually. Apparently once you actually caused him some harm. I've never really seen someone actually fight back with him like that." Theodore said as he recalled the stories he had heard. Apparently Professor Styx was a lot more dangerous then Theodore originally thought him out to be. It made him wonder how much people had hidden from him over the years. He felt like a little kid again. No one told him anything he needed to know anymore.
"No, they would not do that to you. They would do much worse if you don't listen," Kalif spoke, his tone still as eerie with his cold monotone voice. "You would consider yourself lucky indeed, Theodore Snow." Kalif was about ready to dismiss the Prefect out of his office before curfew would settle in. Theodore did not need to be caught out after hours in his predicament, even if he were Prefect. Kalif waved his hand over his desk of papers and they floated into the air before putting themselves away. Everything on the desk was soon cleared off and Kalif was done grading for the night. There were other things to plan. Kalif smirked lightly, "Obviously you have grown up thinking your father fears no one, and everyone fears him. That is were you are wrong. Anyone, my brothers or my father, will gladly fight him without fear. However, I do need to call this meeting to its end. You will be late otherwise and may jeopardize your Prefect status of you linger." Kalif was rather silent now, and he wondered how long before the Snow family would be at peace.
Theodore sighed under his breath when he heard that he probably needed to go so he wouldn't get in trouble for being out after curfew. He still had a lot of questions to ask Professor Styx about all of this but didn't want to get in trouble for being out when he wasn't supposed to be. Theodore liked his Prefect Status and didn't really want to lose it over something so small. He could always ask questions later and if needed write a letter to these so called family members to see what they thought about training him. "I guess your right, thanks. I'll see you around and everything I guess." Theodore responded lightly as he stood up and brushed some of his soft blonde hair out of his face and looked at his head of House with all seriousness. He was excited for the next year to come but nervous at the same time. There was a lot to happen between now and the time he took over in being head of the Snow Family. With one last nod of his head he turned and left the Herbology Professors office. He needed to hurry before the curfew took affect.
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