🌹 Rose Giving A Less Than Polite Delivery

Milo Frogg

I Think I Will Cause Problems On Purpose
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
07/2048 (13)
Yellow Rose for @Kyousuke Kurosawa

Milo had at least thought letting his sister sign him up to deliver roses would let him get some good dirt on some of the school gossip going around today but so far he was starting to suspect Marnie had just assigned him a bunch of random kids from the art's club on purpose to keep him out of trouble.

He'd been lurking near the stairs for as long as he dared before he had to go back up for his next class, letting out a please "aha!" when he finally spotted a kid that seemed like it was probably Kyousuke. "Hey!" He said, jumping in front of the stairs before Kyousuke could pass. "Take this!" He said, shoving the yellow rose into the other boy's hands.
Kyousuke had been mentally checked out somewhat, thinking over his study plans and how to improve them. He was startled when another student appeared, seemingly out of nowhere to Kyousuke, and thrust a rose at him. "Itai," Kyousuke said, as the rose pricked him slightly on the palm. Kyousuke blinked. Another rose, he noted. He frowned at the way it'd been given to him. Not nearly as fun as the last deliverer. "You shouldn't thrust roses at people," Kyousuke said with a frown. It really wasn't appropriate at all, in Kyousuke's opinion. He wasn't bleeding from what he could see, but it still hurt.
Milo couldn't believe the kid had actually been hurt by a flower, stifling his laughter and clearing his throat. "It's a new thing, surprise rose flinging, very popular this year," he told Kyousuke seriously. "You should be glad, I hear it's good luck if the thorns get you," he said, belatedly realizing he'd been so keen to hand off the rose he'd forgotten the note. "Oh right, also this," he said, handing it over too. "Don't get a paper cut," he added slyly.

Happy Valentine's Day! I had fun people watching at the Yule Ball with you. We should hang out sometime! - Miranda
Kyousuke wasn't particularly impressed with the rose deliverer - and his comment that rose-flinging was somehow a thing. It seemed unprofessional to him, and there had to be some professionalism in giving out roses in his opinion. A very basic, professional attitude. He took the note nevertheless, noting its contents with interest. He didn't dignify the other boy with a worded response to his paper cut comment, simply giving a small 'hmph'. Maybe it would be good to make some friends, he supposed, and Miranda had come across as someone Kyousuke wouldn't mind spending time with. She seemed intelligent, at the very least. "Well, your job's done," Kyousuke commented, hoping that'd dismiss the older student.

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