Open A Legacy of Students

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
The magical world was an odd and new place. It was big in a way that she hadn't even thought it could be. Callie was learning about all the different things in this world, the sport, the schools, the houses. It was just this whole world that wasn't previously Callie's. She wondered what her parents now thought of her. Callie welcomed it though, a place away from home, the pressures of that life. Of the people in it, and the very few friends she had had. Callie wandered around the school, glancing every which way, the presence of a hospital wing was reassuring, she didn't know how in the event of an emergency how they might get someone away, but the next room was an interesting on. A trophy room, dating back to the first year of the school. The school was not that old, but she thought it was fun to have these names and why upon the walls. Halloween, top points. It was just amazing, her fingers reach out and lightly traced the name on one of the plaques.​
Anisha didn't have a lot of accomplishments just yet at Hogwarts, but she intended to make a lot more. So far, she was most proud of how she had won the duelling tournament last year. It was definitely something she intended to repeat, especially after Indi kind of told her to. She was curious to see if there was a plaque for it at the Trophy Room, so she headed in there to see for herself early on in the new year. She was surprised to see a first year there, or at least that's what Anisha assumed the girl was. She stopped in her tracks. "Hey." She said, raising her hand in greeting. "Are you lost?" She didn't get why a first year would be here. After all, it was literally impossible for them to already have a trophy.
Callie had never been in a school so busy, she always had a couple of people around her, but this place was so busy. Callie hadn't been in this room long when someone else walked in. She smiled softly and raised her hand in greeting back. ”Hi, no I'm not lost,” she asked before wondering if this girl was asking this because she wasn't supposed to be in this room. ”Am I not supposed to be in here?” she asked, ready to leave if that was the case. Callie didn't want to be in the places she was not supposed to be.
Anisha waved at the girl in return, nodding as she said she wasn’t lost. “Oh, okay.” She said, shaking her head at her question. “No, you’re allowed. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be allowed here either.” She said with a shrug. “I just figured it wouldn’t be all that interesting for a first year. You are a first year, right?”
Callie was glad she was allowed to be in the room and stopped attempting to leave. She glanced around the room and shook her head. "I am, and new to..all of this," she said. "I think it's cool, to see a school's history, all the students that came before from the first year of the school," she said, looking at some of the names on the trophies. "Have you won anything?"
Anisha hadn’t really thought of what the girl said before. She had only come here focused on her own success, but she supposed this room was basically the history of the entire school. She looked at it with new appreciation. But she was still glad the girl asked the question. “Yes, actually. Look at last year’s duelling champions.” She told her eagerly.
Callie was a little confused by what the girl had won. "Duelling? Like with swords?" she asked, before also giving a little smile. "That's so cool, though," she told her, even if she didn't know what it actually was. It didn't matter that she didn't know, it was still something to have won something. She was sure too in a moment this girl would tell her what duelling was.
Anisha raised her eyebrows at the girl's words. She had to be new to the magical world. But Anisha couldn't really believe she imagined there was sword fighting at this school. She chuckled. "I wish, that'd be badass." She told her. "But no, with our wands. Y'know, with spells."
Callie's eye's widened a little at Anisha's language before focusing on the rest of it. It made more sense that they fought with wands and spells. "Oh, that makes sense," Callie replied, her cheeks reddening a little. "Are there rules in it?" she asked wondered what they could be, but there had to be given that they had a competition.
Anisha smiled, still amused by the mental image of the duels with swords. It would be kind of cool to win that too. "Hey, no worries, I really wish we could fight with swords. There are a few people I'd like to hit." She paused. "Non-fatally of course." Giving Dorian a whack with a sword sounded great, but even she didn't wish any harm on the guy. Usually. "There are some rules, but it's mostly about knocking the other person out or at least making them unable to duel more. You can disarm someone too." She said with a shrug.
Callie was a little reassured that the girl didn't think her too silly for not figuring out something that was pretty obvious. She couldn't imagine wanting to hit anyone, but she could tell this girl was different from her. The rules seemed, to not be too much it was just a sanctioned fight. "Does a teacher..sorry, professor, monitor the fight?" she asked. "I'm Callie, by the way,"
Anisha nodded at the girl's question. "Yeah, they do. It's a tournament, all official and stuff." She said, walking over to this year's trophies. "First years can't join yet, though." She added apologetically. "But you can join it in second year if you want."
Callie nodded. "I don't think I'd feel ready to join a tournament as a first year." she said, perhaps this was in part because she was so new to all of this, even thinking of a spell to cast would take her a while. Fighting with a sword she might manage to do. "I'm not much of a fighter," she then added truthfully. She had never fought in her life, hoped to never.
Anisha nodded in understanding as the girl said she wouldn't feel ready yet as a first year. It was a valid feeling. Not everyone in first year knew as many spells as Anisha had back then. She was still pretty convinced she could've participated and won even back in first year. "Fair, that's probably why they don't let first years enter." She said with a shrug. The girl said she wasn't much of a fighter, and Anisha glanced her way. "I mean, it's very different from like... fistfighting. You could always just give it a go, see if you like it." She said. Then she suddenly beamed. "There it is! That's my name!" She said, gesturing to the plaque that showed her as a winner of the duelling contest.
Callie shrugged, "Does it not feel bad...when you hurt someone in the duel?" she asked wrapping her arms around herself. She glanced at the name that the girl, Anisha, was pointing to and Callie smiled. It was fun to put a name to a face and know that the name would linger there for the rest of the school's life. "Congratulations," she said, though Callie really didn't need to.
Anisha had to take a moment to really understand the girl's question. She suddenly had a good idea of which house she was in. Anisha shrugged. "It's not like we do bad spells." She said lightly. "Just... trip them, or knock them out. You know?" She told the girl, though she had the distinct feeling she wasn't doing herself any favors by saying that so casually. She grinned at the girl's congratulations, though. "Thanks."
Callie was a little surprised that you could knock someone else out, she knew there were professors on hand to help out, but still. "Oh, isn't that bad for you, to be knocked out?" she asked, actually unsure, but certain enough that it wasn't the best thing that could happen. "I don't think it'll be for me, but I'll cheer you on," Callie said with a little smile.
Anisha shrugged as the girl asked if being knocked out was bad for you. "I mean, probably? But there's a spell to wake people up immediately, so I doubt it's that bad." She said, not having put much thought into that. Anisha grinned. "Awesome." She said, as the girl said she'd cheer her on. "What's your name?"
Callie wasn't sure a spell reviving someone would undo the damage that could be done, but the girl seemed pretty sure it was fine, so perhaps she just had to trust it, or trust it and ask more questions to a professor at a later point. "Oh Callie," she had already said her name but didn't mind repeating it. "I'm a hufflepuff," she said with a little uncertainty in her tone. It was what she knew to be right but she didn't know what it really meant yet.
Anisha smiled at Callie as she introduced herself. It was pretty nice, being able to help first years like this. She was sure she had given Callie a lot of valuable information already. Anisha nodded as the girl said her house, she'd had a feeling. "I'm Anisha, but you just read that." She said with a grin. "And I'm in Gryffindor. Third year."
Callie nodded as Anisha rightly pointed out that Callie already knew her name from reading it. She felt a little silly in having said her house, but Anisha said it too, plus her year. "Thanks for, answering all of my questions," Callie said with a little smile and little shrug. She had more, there were so many things that she wanted to know and just..didn't.
Anisha grinned at Callie's nice words. It was pretty good to help firsties like this, especially when they were grateful. Anisha shrugged in response. "Sure, no problem. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask." She said easily.

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