Open A Lake Cannot Replace a Sea

Aroha Blenheim

Bold | Adventure-seeking | Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Reed Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Aroha was full of jealousy. She hated it, the venomous emotion swallowing her. She'd wanted to get on the quidditch team with Miro, not be the one left behind. But here she was, rejected again, and left to her own devices to sort out the thoughts and feelings she was engulfed in. She had seen the bulletin board, tears welling in her eyes before she stormed off, not knowing where she was headed but heading somewhere anyway. She ended up at the lake, a place she didn't know how she felt about. Aroha had grown up near the ocean, and while she found the ocean comforting, a lake wasn't the same thing. It felt incongruous to stare across its width, and be able to see beyond it. It frustrated her, and though there weren't tears in her eyes anymore the jealousy hadn't left her heart. She bit down hard on her lip. She just wanted to play quidditch, was that so bad? And she just wanted to play it with her friend. She lowered her head, hoped no one would notice her or speak to her but simultaneously wanting to vent everything she felt. Dark clouds lined the horizon, and the rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. A sensible person would go inside, but Aroha wasn't thinking sensibly. She stayed where she was, at the lake edge, just staring and staring.
In all honesty, Fiona was bummed that she didn't make it on the Quidditch team. She loved and enjoyed playing quidditch, so it bummed her she didn't make the team. Fiona decided to clear her mind of the sadness of her not making the team out in the lake. She walked down the edge of the lake, noticing a few shells scattered around, and decided to pick a few to help with her brother's ever-growing shell collection. As she continued walking, she noticed a figure up ahead as she continued to walk, and she started to hear the growl of thunder, she frowned as she noticed the person wasn't moving, so she decided to make her way up to them, though as she got closer and closer, she noticed that it was a familiar figure of her roommate. "Aroha?"
Aroha, startled out of her thoughts, blinked a few times at Fiona as though not comprehending her existence. Then her face relaxed, and she gave a sad smile. "Hey, Fiona," she said, not quite sounding her usual self. She didn't really want to talk, but Fiona was her friend so she couldn't exactly tell her to go away - not without sounding incredibly rude. Aroha didn't want to do that. "How are you doing?" Aroha asked, more out of habit than anything. She still wasn't quite reacting to the oncoming storm, but the rain hadn't started yet.
Fiona frowned even further when she noticed that Aroha wasn't her usual self. She spent enough time with the girl to know when she was off. "Um... I'm doing good... Yeah, doing okay" Fiona said with a small nod, though she wasn't really honest about that answer, she was still bummed about the whole quidditch thing, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of how concerned she was about her friend. "How are you doing? You doing okay?" Fiona said curiously, noticing that her friend looked a little upset. "Um... If you want me to go, I totally can, I just wanted to see if you were okay"
Aroha wasn't sure if Fiona was being honest but decided not to push it. She let out a brief sigh, trying not to come across too dramatic. It wasn't that big of a deal, she was making a mountain out of a molehill. She was sure of that. Aroha was conflicted for a moment about being honest, before concluding maybe she should be. Fiona was a friend after all. "Yeah, it's just...quidditch," Aroha said somewhat lamely, kicking a rock with her shoe and watching it move closer towards the lake. "I tried out again and didn't make it." Aroha sounded somewhat stiff, but it was clear that her emotions were affecting her. She didn't know if she wanted to mention Miro - maybe just leave it at that for now at least. She wanted to see how Fiona would respond.
To be honest, Fiona was relieved that the other girl hadn't told her to go away. She listened carefully to what Aroha had to say, nodding along. "Oh... I see" Fiona said slowly, now understanding what was getting the girl down. Fiona slowly made her way to Aroha and decided to take a seat next to her friend. "I get that. Totally understandable" Fiona continued on to say with a nod, understanding her friend. "I get it, I tried out for the team too and didn't get it either... It's a pretty bumming and disappointing feeling..."
Aroha was somewhat relieved - she was glad Fiona hadn't told her she was silly, or ridiculous, for being so disappointed. In fact, in sounded like Fiona was in the same boat. Aroha took a seat too; she was also glad she hadn't told Fiona to go away. "Yeah, kinda just sucks," Aroha said, sitting with her knees up and hugging them in closer to her. "And, well, you know Miro?" Aroha decided to mention him after all. "Last year we practiced together, saying we'd get on the team together. And...he made the team." Aroha wondered if maybe she should talk to him, but the wound was too fresh. Aroha gave a sigh. "I guess we always have next year." Aroha wondered if it'd happened again though - one of them would make the team and the other would be left behind. She really hoped it wouldn't.

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