A lack of muse

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Hello all :hug:
I thought I had better post something here even though I am not planing to be absent per se. I just may be a little preoccupied and slow at replying. The reason for this is that my sister is unwell and this is taking a lot of emotional energy on the whole family (and with emotional energy goes muse). Although we are trying to get her better the doing so may be even more stressing and more draining. I will still be on keen and happy to talk ooc (once again hnz is becoming an escape and outlet for me, though this time not due to my own stress) however I may be a little slow to reply to rp's (although I will try).
Thank you for understanding
Mia :mia:
I hope your sister gets better.

PM me if you want to talk. Stay strong.

Best of luck to you and your family in helping your sister to get well. I hope everything works out. :)
Take your time, RL comes first! Hope everything gets better for you :hug:
Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. :wub: :hug:
although she does seem to be slowly getting better, some days are going better than others it is still emotionally draining and thus i will still be slow at replying (one RP or so a day) Also i start back at uni next week which could either increase or decrease my muse. I will still be around to chat, spam, pm and shout.
Sorry to people who i am being slow RPing with. I haven't forgotten you i just want to give a decent reply, and not one that sounds wooden and lame. :hug:
:hug: (again) Mia
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