A hot day

Alexia Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
The sun was burning in the sky and beating down on the earth below. It was a super hot day and Alexia was sat by the lake side on the bank. He feet were dipped in the water as she tried to cool herself down. She didn't have a lesson right not so she was making the most of it. She had had to endure her defence against the dark arts lessons with Riley after not seeing him for so long properly. Since her father died she had spent a lot f time away from her family ad with friends instead. She didn't see herself as a big part of the family any more even though she knew she was still welcome at any time. It was just that without her ad she had no one to run to unless it was Riley but what if he was the problem? Would Mark still want to listen after all it was because of her that he and Tyson had had that fight causing Tysons death. She sighed to herself as she moved her feet in the water
Jeremy had spent much of the holiday by the lake, either dipping his feet into the water or simply reading by the lake and allowing the cool breeze to brush over him. It had been a good couple of weeks even though he had grown quite lonely towards the end. It seemed that the school board people had gotten it right when it came to breaks. They were just long enough that a student could rest and enjoy themselves but not so long that they began to get too lonely or forget what they'd learned.

With a book he'd received from his mother and father tucked under his arm, Jeremy settled himself down by the bank and began to take his sneakers off. It was a hot day and many students seemed to have the same idea but Jeremy didn't bother to look and see if he knew any of them. He was working towards getting over his shyness but it was not something that would happen overnight. Jeremy had grown far too used to being alone and he didn't even mind it anymore. Dipping his feet into the lake felt amazing and he picked up his book, opening it up to the page he'd left off on.
Alexia leant back and let her had fall back as he soaked up the sun and worked on getting a little bit of a tan. He blonde hair falling back over her shoulder. She could have sat here all day if she could but she had things to do later on. She had to study but she really didn't want to. Not that she had much of a choice, she would have her brother and cousins on her back if she failed but they were as usual the least of her problems. She had to think of an excuse to get out of going home to Riley and his friend, who just so happened to be her head of year now. She would probably just say that her friend ad a party going on or something.

She just wanted something to do, something to keep her mind occupied on other things and not family. There were a lot of students around so maybe she could talk to one of them. A small sweet smile crossed her face as she saw a younger boy near by with a book in his hands. Standing up and picking up her white trainers she walked over bare foot towards him an then sat back down closer to him on the bank. She let out a put on sigh as she leant back again basking in the sun. "Wow its a hot day today." She said flicking her hair back as she spoke
As he went to turn a page in his book, Jeremy glanced up and his heart nearly stop. At first, he thought it was another of the lake's mermaids. The girl was beautiful. As she moved closer to him, it was as if her blonde hair was glowing from the sun shining down from behind her. Her face was glowing too and she was one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen. It was only when he saw that she had a pair of shoes in her hand that he realized she wasn't a mermaid. She was a student at the school. He'd never seen her around before but it was probably a good thing because if he had, Jeremy knew that he would have had difficulties concentrating on what his professors were telling him.

His eyes watched, transfixed as she came closer and sat down. Quickly, Jeremy glanced down at his book again not wanting the girl to think he was some weirdo who was staring at her. He couldn't concentrate on the words though not when the girl was so close. She was clearly older and he knew that she was probably several inches taller. The only thing Jeremy was noticing was her presence and the presence of his heartbeat which stopped suddenly when she spoke. Even her voice was beautiful and melodic. Jeremy looked up slowly, sure that she would be speaking to someone else, but there was no one else there. He nodded his head. "Yea, it is. Have you thought about going in the lake?" he asked her politely.
A cool breeze brushed past her and made her hair flutter. She brushed it back again with her hands before leaning back again. She wondered if he was really reading although she didnt see why he would have a book just to not read it. she didnt like reading, it tired her out after a while. A giggle escaping her pink lips which shimmered because of the cherry lip gloss she had put on earlier. He had a really cute boys voice, one that you heard the youger students talk with and make her smile with her friends. "Yeah i did but i dont want to walk around with soaked clothes." She said sweetly with a smile.

Looking down at the clear water where her feet were dipped in she could see the bottom by the back. It felt a little strange how her feet were cool but the rest of her legs were warm. It was nice until it got to the warm part of her legs, then it was just uncomfertable."Are you not warm there? Maybe you should think about going for a quick dip." She said playfuly as she flicked her hair again. Alexia began to moved her feet around in the water so that they would stay cool andnot get sun burnt. The sound of the moving water relaxing her
When she giggled, Jeremy felt his mouth beginning to drop open but he managed to catch himself before it did. It was a light sound and he rather liked it. Then, he realized she might be laughing at him and he quickly looked down at his hands again, closing the book and letting it rest on his lap. The young Ravenclaw allowed the small breeze to brush his hair off his forehead and then it landed back. Duh, he realized. Who would want to be in wet soaking clothes?

As she asked if he didn't want to take a dip, Jeremy looked down at what he was wearing. He had on a red t-shirt and a pair of beige cargo shorts and his old gray sneakers. Shaking his head, he stole another glance at her. "Nah...I'm ok" he replied. There was no way he was going to dare take his shirt off and jump in. He didn't want the girl to see his scrawny chest. Surely if she hadn't been laughing at him before, that would make her. She was probably used to seeing guys with muscles and that was not Jeremy, maybe one day but certainly not today. Even playing quidditch hadn't helped him to bulk up any. He was as skinny as ever, even skinnier he thought because with all of the exercise that came with being on the team, his metabolism was super fast. And it wasn't that he didn't eat a lot because he loved eating. "Is the water helping?" he asked as he began to take off his sneakers so he could dip his own feet in. Putting his sneakers to the side, he gingerly put his feet into the water, enjoying the coolness that covered his feet.
Alexia caught sight of him looking back down to his book, rather quickly she thought as well. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through his min right now. She looked back away from his and turned her attention back to the lake. She loved the sound of the water, although in this hat the main sound that she cold hear was splashing water and students laughing. She wasn't in that sort of mood today, she felt laid back and wanted a chilled out sort of time today.

Closing her eyes Alexia lent her head back and relaxed. She had lessons tomorrow so she wanted to make the most of a free day by taking it slow and chilling out in the sun.The boy was a nice person to talk too to keep her mind busy and to stop herself from wondering. "You sure i mean the water is warmer than it looks." She said with a giggle. It may have been warmer but it was sill cool enough to be a welcome relief to her. She watched him as he took his shoes off and dip his feet in the water like she was doing. "More than you may think actually. Its been so warm in the castle all day, a bit of cool water is such a relief" She said with a smile placed on her face. "Is it helping you?" She asked him as she splashed a little water on his leg playfully.
Jeremy shook his head again. "I'm sure" he replied easily, wondering if he should maybe explain why he had no plans to go in the lake again anytime soon. Instead, he remained silent, moving his feet around in the water and watching the ripples that he was creating by doing so. Nodding his head as she asked whether the water was helping him, he replied. "Yea, it's definitely helping. Hey!" he added as she splashed his leg. He kicked some water back towards her and laughed. It lasted a bit longer and was a bit louder than his normal laugh and obviously she was the reason why.

He quieted down a moment later and looked out onto the lake. There didn't seem to be anything moving along the surface but he knew that there were tons of things lurking just underneath it. "You know, there are mermaids in this lake. I saw one once" he said, proud of himself for thinking of something to speak about. Second year Jeremy would never have been able to carry on a conversation with a girl as pretty as this one.
Alexia smiled at his answer. She bot his bottom lip as silence hit for a few moments. She wasn't really sure if she should feel awkward about the silence or not, she wasn't really an awkward person so that feeling was not in the question. It didn't take long for her to giggle again as he splashed her back with the water. She did however find his laugh a little funny, in a good way. Alexia felt herself shiver a she felt the cold water on her legs. At lest she wouldn't be as warm now.

As the boy spoke again Alexia nodded. "Yeah I did. Me and my friends used to sit and wait to see if we could see one when we weren't in lessons. There are loads of things in the lake but I don't think they do anything unless you actually stupid enough to go deep and get too close" She said said lightly. She knew Mark always went swimming in the lake. As far as she knew he had not been attacked by anything, not yet anyway.
Jeremy listened to Alexia speak, enraptured by every word she was speaking. He was a bit disappointed that she knew about the mermaids. He had been sort of hoping she didn't so that he could tell her about his adventure with the mermaid. Of course she knew about them though. The girl looked like she had all sorts of fun and he figured if he asked, she would tell him she was either a Slytherin or a Gryffindor. The people from those two houses seemed to have all the fun. He knew for a fact that she wasn't a Ravenclaw because if she was, he was certain he would have noticed her before. How could he not?

"You're probably right" he agreed. He'd been by the lake many times and other than his one encounter with Rain, he'd never seen anything remotely interesting or dangerous looking in the lake even though he was sure they were there lurking. He knew he would have to be going soon to head to quidditch practice but for the first time, Jeremy had found something he found just as interesting as quidditch and his lessons. This year he had just begun to find girls mildly interesting but this one no doubt topped his list of most interesting girls."What else have you seen in the lake?" he asked curiously.

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