Open A Hint of Gold

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Valeria Iglesias

confident; aspiring artist
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
boys <3
Straight 12" Sturdy Redwood Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2042 (19)
Valeria had dressed herself perfectly. She had opted for a little gold dress, which she had carefully tailored to fit her perfectly. She liked it. It shined the right way, it made her hair look nice and she could match it with some subtle gold make up. All good things. The ravenclaw didn't have a date to the dance, but didn't mind, just content to find a boy at the dance that she would be able to dance with. She began moving towards the dancefloor, head held high, just looking out for someone to dance with.
It would be difficult to miss Valeria, and Louis smiled as he watched her in her gold dress. It suited her so perfectly. He couldn't resist going over to her, even though he knew he probably shouldn't claim all her time at these dances. Still, he was pretty sure the red rose he had gotten had been from her. Valeria was one of the few people that really got him. It made him feel less like a jerk. Why couldn't everyone be as easy to talk to? He slid up to her with a grin. "You look even more stunning than last time, how is it possible?"
Crystal had gotten an red dress for the occasion and she hoped to not trip again in this long dress. Why did she made her life so difficult. But it was nice to her Evelyn said, this kind of style. The white blonde made her way in and as she came inside she hoped she wasn't the only one without an date. She decided to go alone, it was fun with Weston but this was an romantic evening and she was too akward for that. Also she would love to be asked herself, not having to ask someone. And she than noticed Louis, she felt nervous about the rose she got from him. An pink rose? She kind of liked it and seeing Louis made her smile. He was someone she knew long now and he kind of seemed popular and handsome? Was that what it was? As she came close she wanted to speak to him but then suddenly noticed Valeria behind him she looked beautiful and Crystal directly felt like she wanted to dissapear. And made an gesture to turn around.
Valeria giggled as she heard and spotted Louis. "I know," she returned easily, giving him a little twirl so that he could see all of it. "You look pretty handsome too," she motioned to his outfit. "Though could do with a splash of gold," Val giggled and then behind him noticed Crystal, who had seemingly been approaching now turning away. "Crystal?" she said trying to get the girl to come over. She leaned a little into Louis and said, only so he could hear. "I think you have a shadow,"
Louis smiled as Valeria complimented him, it was always nice to be called handsome. "Honestly, I'm wearing the same suit I wore to the yule ball." He told her with a small shrug. "I know very little about fashion." He said. "I just know when to appreciate it on pretty or handsome people." He added with a grin. He blinked when he heard Valeria say Crystal's name, turning around. He spotted Crystal and shot her a smile. She looked pretty too. He glanced at Valeria as she said something to him. Did that mean Crystal had been following him? He raised his hand in greeting. "Hey, you look beautiful." He told her honestly. "I'm starting to feel underdressed here." He added jokingly, glancing between the two girls.
Just as Crystal tried to sneak away she was noticed by Valeria. She could hear them exchanging compliments so Crystal already doubted the pink rose she got from Louis. It must be an joke, it had to be. '' Oh hi!'' Crystal said and turned around again quickly smiling at the both. She watched both of them and Crystal got the feeling she didn't want to be here. She suddenly felt like an little child again, but didn't showed them. And just pretended all was fine and smiled bright walking closer to them. And as Louis complimented her she smiled even brighter. But she was not gonna ask him about the rose now. What if he didn't send one but someone send it in his name? '' Thanks Louis.'' Crystal said with an sweet smile. And looked at Valeria and than to Louis again. '' You do too.'' She than added. '' Next time you can go in a dress as well.'' Crystal than joked, trying to be cool and funny. And looked at Valeria.
Valeria gave a little smile, knowing that men had it so much easier than girls did when it came to these events, though she would rather put in the effort and look amazing. "You should let me help you with that sometime," Valeria told him before turning her attention back to Crystal who was joining them. Valeria nodded in agreement, "Red is absolutely your colour, Crystal," she complimented the girl before giving a smile at the suggestion. "Yeah, I think you'd look great in a dress, Louis," she said with a smile.
Louis laughed at Crystal's comment, squaring his shoulders in a confident pose. "I mean, I could probably pull it off." He told them, grinning as Valeria joined in on the joke. "You know I'd look good." He said with a grin. "And they do look fun to twirl around in." He paused. "But a suit is probably a safer choice." He grinned. "For everyone."
As Valeria complimented her as well Crystal just didn't knew if it was the truth or just to be nice to her. But it was kind to thank her. '' Thanks. I love your dress too. '' She thought red was her colour since she desired to be in Gryffindor. But blue seemed the one for her. As the rest seemed to like her joke Crystal was more at ease and had to continue her confidence in the conversation. And smiled to the both. Twirl around seemed something girls did, but Crystal thought perhaps that was silly. But ofcourse you could. And figured she use her fear as joke. '' Would be hard to walk in heels with a long dress. With a suit you don't have to worry to trip over your dress.'' Crystal said nodding in agreement, that it was better for him. Crystal wanted to speak to Louis but figured it was not nice to ask to speak to him alone since he would sure tell Valeria what she would ask. So figured to just keep it open. '' Did you guys deliver any roses?" She asked.
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