A Good Year for the Roses

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Jacob enjoyed handing out roses. It was a good way to spend the day even if it did interfere with his quidditch training. It was just one day though, so he'd be ok. Jacob was looking for people on his list and figured that he'd combine it with a walk to the pitch to retrieve the notebook he'd left in the locker room yesterday. Heading back, Jacob began to stop small groups of students. He knew some of the people on his list very well, but others, like this one he didn't. "Hey, Ilija Olaf? Any idea where I can find...that person?" he asked a group of teeny tiny students. They seemed to get smaller and smaller each year.
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Ilija had already finished delivering all his roses, and he was now sat outside near the empty bushes that had grown the flowers over the last few months. They looked strangely alone now, but at least they would be able to grow more next spring. He looked up when he spotted an older boy hunting for s student, and since he may have known for who, he found himself up and walking across to him. “Are you doing rose deliveries? Who are you looking for?” He liked he help. Even when he couldn’t there was no harm in asking asides from mild embarrassment at his own failure.
Jacob wasn't get too far with the group so he was pretty grateful when another guy appeared, seeming to offer help. He accepted quickly, holding up the notecard with the name. "This person" he stated, "do you know 'em?"
Ilija glanced down to the notecard the boy held up, and a small smile appeared on his face. “Yeah, I do. He’s me,” whether or not the boy believed him was another matter, but it wasn’t like the students carried any ID around with them.
Jacob narrowed his eyes, wondering if he could really be so lucky. But the guy had seemed eager to help, which led him to believe he wasn't a liar, though how he connected the two was unclear. "Well someone's got a crush on yoooou" he teased before handing the rose over. Jacob smiled at the guy.

Ilija, I really like you.

Ilijas cheeks instantly flushed as pink as the rose when the student said someone had a crush on him. He didn’t think Alice would send him a rose yet, although maybe she would do if it was anonymous. He took it gingerly, opening the nite and realising it was from one of his friends instead. “Um, thanks,” he said nervously, tucking the note away as though that would be enough to hide the fact that Padme liked him. Surely she didn’t mean like that? Ilija glanced back to the boy, wondering if he needed any more help while he tried to keep the disappointment that it wasn’t from another Hufflepuff instead. He should be grateful for getting anything at all! “Do you have a lot to deliver?” He did his best to change the subject. As a rose deliverer himself he’d spent all afternoon chasing those on his list down.
Jacob watched the guy's reaction as he read his note but couldn't be sure what he was thinking. The Gryffindor knew he could ask, but he didn't know the guy well enough to want to. "Only a few left to go and they're all friends" he grinned. He'd done the harder deliveries first. "I had another pink one. It was for a professor" Jacob smirked. It had been hot gossip to him.
Ilija listened as the boy explained who else had to deliver to, smiling when he accounted it had been a pink rose for them. He’d had to deliver to a couple of professors himself although he found those the hardest in case the professors didn’t want to be disturbed, “I take it it wasn’t either of the Styx’s too?” He asked. In all honesty he couldnt imagine them getting involved with the rose giving, but valentines of course was a surprising time of year.
Jacob didn't like being reminded of his grandmother's name change or her marriage. "No" he said, making a face. "The new guy, Kain?" He added, "he seemed really into it too."
Ilija made a face to say "oh,". He'd been taught by Professor Kain last year and while he didn't have any problems with him, he didn't know what he'd done to warrant a rose. Then again Ilija couldn't talk, he'd barely put himself out there at all, it was even more of a reason to be pleased that he'd gotten a rose. "Maybe he has an admirer. What about you, did you get any?" he asked, hoping he had otherwise his small talk would have been even more embarrassing.
"I think so" Jacob grinned. Then, he nodded. "Two yellow ones" he stated easily. He had them mixed in with the ones he had to deliver just because it was easier than running back to his room. "Speaking of, I'd better stop procrastinating and get the rest of these delivered." He had only just met Ilija but he was nice. "Hopefully I'll see you around again when I'm not working" he stated good naturedly. He wouldn't mind hanging out with the guy again.

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