A Ghost hasn't taken over my PC

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Hey All,

I know I dissapeared for a bit there, PAX Aus Happened and then Suddenly it was email after email and then a Job Offer which gave me 6 hours to find products I finally found time to catch up on the Internet, I was even behind on watching Vlogs, which is very unlike me since I watch them religiously.

So I know I was popping up in the Online section, but it wasn't a ghost, it was me checking for PM's but doing a million other things!
Sorry If i stopped replying to RP's my plate just got super full and it was actually spilling over.

I'll try take some time this upcoming week to reply to RP's and catch up on all the lesson's I am behind on!

If I am missing anything just hit me with a PM and i'll be on top of it in seconds, probably, maybe...

Sorry again!
Welcome back Ash! Good luck with catching up, I have so many topics and lessons to reply to as well :shifty:
Welcome back to the site.

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