Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
the next name on the list of roses was gemma potter. she didn't know the girl but heli said that she was on the Gryffindor quidditch team. Selene had asked at the Gryffindor table and someone had said that she might be at the Quidditch pitch. Selene was not looking forward to walking down there. she had hated flying but no one else had any other suggestions as to where to find gemma so she made her way across the lawn to the pitch. there were definitely some people flying around. and someone looked like they were about to fly. "Excuse me" she said she really was not good at talking to strangers. "If Jemma potter is up there please may you ask her to come down as I have a rose for her" she said. hoping that the person would do so quickly or at least let her know that Gemma wasn't there so she could go back to the castle.
Jemma was surprised when she heard her name come out of the mouth of a girl down below. She didn’t know the younger girl, but she flew down to meet her. “Hi!” Jemma said as she landed right next to the girl. “I’m Jemma Potter. What’s up?” she asked in a cheerful voice.
Selene jumped as a girl appeared from the sky right in front of her. "oooh" she squeaked in surprise almost dropping the roses again. "I, I've got a rose for you" she said recovering from the surprise. "It is in here somewhere" she said. after a moment more she found it in the basket. "here you go" she said passing Jemma a yellow rose with a note attached.

Thanks for being an awesome teammate and all your hard work in practices and games! You're a force to be reckoned with on that pitch!

Jemma smiled brightly at the girl as she handed her a yellow rose. "Hey! Cool! Thanks!" she said, opening the note. She grinned happily as she read Lizzie's words, appreciating the kindness and praise from her captain. "I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day too." she said to the younger girl.

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