🌹 Rose Giving A Fitting Colour

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
yellow for @Elodie Wynshaw

After straining her voice a little Sen had decided that perhaps she couldn't spend the entire day shouting out names. She had hoped to find all of her rose recipients sooner so she wouldn't have to switch tactics but alas. She had asked around to see if anyone near the Hufflepuff common room had perhaps seen Marnie but had gotten pointed towards another name on her list instead. Not that she would complain, she was more than happy for some help when it came to students she didn't know. "Hi! Sorry, are you Elodie?" She carefully tapped the girl she had been pointed towards on her shoulder.
Elodie was walking back to her dorms when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned, surprised. Another rose? "Hi, yes, that's me," She turned with a smile on her face. "Can I help you?"
"Cool." Senna nodded while she picked the right rose to hand over to the girl. She had delivered half of them already, which meant getting the right one from the bunch was becoming far easier. "I guess so, I reckon you could perhaps take this one off my hands?" She smiled as she held it out to her.

You are an awesome friend and dormmate!! <3
~ Artie
Elodie's smile brightened. "Oh, I would love to!" She agreed, taking the flower and smelling it. She really loved this sort of event. She tucked the flower into her hair before peeking at the note, smiling warmly. "Thank you," She spoke sincerely, looking up to the girl with sparkling eyes. "What's your name?"
Senna nodded when the girl, Elodie, thanked her as she handed her the rose. It wasn't like she was the one who had send it but she had managed to get it to her, which had to count for something. "Yeah, no worries." She smiled. "Name's Senna."
Elodie smiled brightly. "Senna, I like that, it's pretty!" She spoke sincerely. "It's nice to meet you!" She offered out her hand for the older girl.

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