A first time

Darmorel Milner

Well-Known Member
Darmorel's curly hair rested on her shoulders as she walked around her new school grounds. She hadn't really ventured out of her dorm because she was too nervous to travel the grounds. Her small hands had brushed the spines of some of the books in the library, but she was too scared to open them. The only thing she had done successful was look around the castle. Although it seemed as if there weren't really any rooms that weren't occupied, she had found many, including ones that were far away from the rest of the Hogwarts students. Dar had seen some of the people she had met when she had first come to New Zealand, but she hadn't really interacted with any of them besides a quick hello or a short wave. When she was herself, she was usually very bold and very confident, but being at a new, and strange school had pushed her confidence down a few notches. It had caused her become a quiet type of person, although that wasn't really who she was.

It's better this way anways, she thought. This way I won't have to miss anyone when I stay here for Christmas. Darmorel knew that her parents wouldn't want her to come home over Christmas, they would be too busy with the baby and her brother. She had gotten a letter from them a few weeks ago, saying how successful her brother had been and that he had a new girlfriend named Dana. All Darmorel could write back was that she was happy for them and that she missed them, although all she could think of was What happened to Darla? Her brother went through boys pretty fast, and all of the girls hadn't been the nicest she had met. Darla had been one person she had really liked, because she treated her like a human, instead of an annoying little sister, although Darmorel had never really interacted with any of the girls her brother had brought home to meet her parents.

Walking to the lakes edge, she kicked a rock into it, hearing a loud splash as the rock sunk to the lake's sandy floor. It'll be fine, she thought. I'll just keep to myself and no one will be able to hurt me.

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