A Few Plots and RPs

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Sabrina Godfrey

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Sabrina Godfrey

Sabrina is a sixth year Beauxbatons student. She grew up as an only child continuously being spoiled by her parents. Sabrina lived in London and had been staying there until she entered Beauxbatons, much to her parents' chagrin. Sabrina wanted nothing more than to experience adventure and live her life to the fullest and to learn to be independent. But of course, her parents' continuing to spoil her made it hard for others to accept her as she is, making her decide to stay in Beauxbatons. She is an adventurous, honest and friendly girl, although she has a knack for getting into trouble.

I want her to have some friends, maybe some enemies, a fling or a boyfriend, maybe? Just about anything. Feel free to post here or PM me (preferably in Ai's account) so we could plot and settle things! ^_^

Hey hey!

I can offer Alice here as a friend. Alice would be in her 6th year, but due to transferring, was kept back a year to settle into life at Beauxbatons. However, being a very bright student, she is taking some classes with the 6th year as she is already ahead due to different schemes of work or whatever. So, I think it would be nice for her to meet and have a 6th year friend. She is English and would make a good friend if Sabrina was nice back.
Or.... they could be complete opposites and be enemies? That would be interesting...
Her bio will explain her character a lot better than I could do at this moment so yeh...
But it's up to you!

A friend would be very, very good at the moment... ^_^
Thank you very much!!! ^_^
Thanks...!! Will reply later... :p

I have Meera Gupta to offer. I would offer her as a friend or as an enemy if you like. I constantly write that many girls at Beaux don't like Meera because she does not easily make friends and she won't like you if you don't have good fashion sense. People usually don't like her because she gets so much attention etc. Maybe Sabrina could be Meera's first proper enemy. They could fight about anything be it fashion, Qudditch or leadership role (as Meera is a prefect) or combination of it all. What do you think?
Enemies would be thrilling!! Although, I don't think I would have much time to reply to it until per say second week of March, would that be alright? I could barely handle Ai with my exams coming up on Tuesday so i don't think I'll be able to handle Sab at all until after that...

And Kate! Sorry for not being able to reply yet... xD I'll reply to it as soon as I can I promise!!
Thanks Khushi!!
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