A few people who need people

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Peyton Davidson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
What's that?

Marleigh Rose Kobori Hayes
So here we have Miss Marleigh. She is recently widowed and healing her heart. The love of her life, Nicolae, was killed in a plane crash leaving her a young widow. She's recently gone back to her maiden name and started performing again. What I need for her is friends, both male and female. Eventually she's going to be able to love again so I think what would be nice would be a guy (or girl, I'm not opposed to that either) to start as a friend and then develop into a love interest. I'm not really looking for a final for her for now, but if it happens to lead that way then that's totally fine too.


Peyton Marie Davidson
So here we have Miss Peyton. She is a photography student. What I'm looking for with her is friends and a love interest. She does have a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve and can have a bit of an attitude, but she's a pretty fun person for the most part. She does have three older brothers, which left her the only girl in the clan so she is a bit of a tomboy, but with a flare for fashion. As said above, I'm not really looking for a final for her, but if you have a character you think could be a potential then we could play it out and see how it goes.


Serena Blair Vanderhol
So here we have Miss Serena. Yes, this is Katalina's loveable little sister. In some ways she's much like her sister, but in others she is the polar opposite. Serena is very laid back and easy going. She was left heartbroken when the only love of her young life just up and vanished without word...alone and pregnant. She is the mother of a beautiful eighteen month old little girl, Schuyler Andromeda Landers. That little girl is her whole world. Because of Harrison's vanishing act she is not a very trusting person so what I need for her is friends who are going to be patient with her. I would eventually like for her to start dating again, but as stated it's going to take time and patience. She has her daughter to consider in everything she does now.
Hey Katie! ^_^
I'm pretty sure we haven't role-played ever? :r
Anyway, I can offer my character Harold Garrison for you. He's twenty six years old and works for the Ministry under quidditch headquarters, at the same time he's a professional quidditch player too. He lost his family a few years ago in a car crash, his wife, son and unborn daughter dead. Currently he resides in New Zealand and lives in a simple studio type home. Harold is loving, spontaneous, faithful and outgoing. I'm open for anything for him, so any ladies above is fine with me. Though I think that Marleigh and him would fit well, since they're both widowed and they're the same age. So, what do you think?
I'm just going to leave these here, with this link

@Mintzy--I think that sounds like a wonderful pairing : ). We can definitely start something up for the two of them : ). I'll pm his account from Marleighs when I get home and we can set something up for them : )

@Emzies--Holy Jeebus...ahshfmrurksmdnfkrm!!!! How did I not know that you used that beautiful beautiful man as his PB? And they already know each other. We must set this up. I'll pm his account from Peytons when I get home and we can work on something for the two of them. *le sigh* Kendall *bats eyelashes*. So sad...I'm 26 years old with a mad crush on a boy bander LOL!!!
Alrighty...PM's have been sent to both Zander and Harold : )
I can offer Hadan as a friend of Serena, since they are both the same age, and both seemed to have gone through something similar, except Hadan's not a mother. xD
Ooooh yes...and what would be even more interesting is that I have a thread with Raffael and Serena right now. Serena thinks Hadan's pretty and has pretty eyes :r
Oh crap you do?
Yeah, let's not mention him at all. Could have really bad repercussions.
Haha...yeah kinda would be like mentioning that Harrison abandoned her and their unborn child xD
It's been awhile since we've RPed and I think we need to change that.

I have this little firecracker here that I've been eager to use more often. Ivy's from Southern United States. But she's so far from being a sweet little southern belle. She's a first class party animal. She likes traveling the world going from place and just having as much fun as she can. Ivy can be clumsy, has a tendency to drink, and flirt/hook up with guys more often than she should. But she has a stellar personality. Ivy is very good at cheering others up and getting that to have a fun time. Overall she's just a fun person to be around if you can overlook some of her downsides.

I'm not sure who she would get along best with, but if you're interesting I'd totally be willing to have her roleplay with one of your character's. Just let me know! ^_^
You know...you're right we haven't RPed in like forever : (

Let's change that : ) I think that potentially Ivy could best be matched with Serena. I would have said Marleigh, but right now she's such a downer and so depressed it wouldn't be much fun, but I think that she and Serena would get along quite well. And she might kind of help pull Serena out of the 'mommy funk' she's gotten herself into : )
Elijah Tine said:
I'm just going to leave these here, with this :p[/url]

I do have his youngest sister here available for a thread :) If there are wedding bells in the future just remember this girl isn't getting any younger, she won't stay the prefect age for a flower girl forever :p

Kidding. But I thought it'd be interesting to see Peyton and Jamison meet. Of course Jamie would know nothing about Peyton knowing her older brother and dating. So it could a be a cute little thread of Peyton realizing who Jamie is and prehaps getting details about her older brother from her.
Haha. That could actually be a really cute idea. Be a good way for Peyton to get the scoop on Zander without him even knowing it. Teehehehe!
If you could start one then that would be marvelous please ma'am : )
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