+ A few good friends.

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Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hey there :)

So my Character, Willow Autumn, needs a few good buddies and some enemies to make her seem remotely interesting :cool:

Willow, is a friendly, kind-hearted and open person. She doesn't mind speaking whats on her mind and she can be a bit of a bossy boots sometimes but not always. She can stand her ground and she's a bit klutzy. If confronted with enemies/rivals she'll stand her ground (and stand up for someone) but she's a bit of a doozy when it comes to confrontations so expect some sort of bad, trying-to-be-funny-but-failing come backs.

She's a bit of a kid still, she still likes to chase and play tag with her best friend, Christopher Wright, and she likes to climb trees and do all the stuff that girls her age wouldn't do, such as jumping into puddles and all that.

So, do you think you can help lil' willow out by giving her a friend or rival. Either way, would be awesome :D
Hey ! :D

I have Michaela here. She came from a rich family and very friendly.She's a spoiled but she knows how to behave. :r

You ask anything you want 'cause I'm doin her bio and things :D
Oh awesome :D

If you like, You (or I can) start a thread somewhere and we'll just do a RP of some sort and see where it'll lead? ^^

I think Willow would become really good friends with your character, Money doesn't bother Willow much and she doesn't really care if people are really rich or poor - she's more interested in their persona than material things :)
Oh awesome :D

If you like, You (or I can) start a thread somewhere and we'll just do a RP of some sort and see where it'll lead? ^^

I think Willow would become really good friends with your character, Money doesn't bother Willow much and she doesn't really care if people are really rich or poor - she's more interested in their persona than material things :)
Hi Ava!

Yeah, Ella sounds like she'll be a good friend of Willow :)
Willow really likes the Arts as well as she's a musician, so She and Ella already have some sort of Common Interest :)

If you like, I could start up a topic
Ella Frost said:
Yay, friends ^_^
I also have Amy Bell who could a friend. She's reckless and doesn't like rules, but she's really nice to her friends.
Sounds good :)

The more friends the merrier I s'pose!
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