Closed A feral education

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
For this round of hide and seek, Teddy beckoned Marley to follow him as he ran towards, and hid behind, a tall tree on the edge of the forbidden forest, his heart pounding with playful excitement. He peeked out from behind the tree trunk to check Amodeus counting.

As the countdown reached its final moments, Teddy pressed his back against the rough bark. His eyes briefly met Marley's but he quickly averted his gaze, suppressing any laughter that threatened to escape and give away their hiding place.

All characters mentioned with permission.
Marley couldn't say no to the idea of hide and seek. She also thought that the idea of the game being in the forbidden forest was an excellent idea, even though she knew that they weren't really supposed to be in the forbidden forest. Marley quickly followed Teddy, trying her best not to laugh too hard as Amodeus was busy counting down before he was going to seek them. The Hufflepuff hid behind the tree with her friend, trying her best not to laugh too hard, as she awaited for her other friend to find them.
Amodeus loved spending time with his friends. So when they offered to play hide and seek, he was absolutely all for it. He counted aloud, hands over his eyes. When he'd reached the final number, he lowered them, and with a bright smile and a bounce in his step he started searching. "Ready or not, here I come!" He called, and spent several moments looking around, checking all kinds of places. But then he spotted Teddy, and jumped forward. "I found you!!" He declared, not noticing Marley right away.
He watched with a smile as Amodeus discovered him. "You found me!" Teddy exclaimed, but as Amodeus celebrated his find, Teddy's eyes glanced over to Marley, who Amodeus had not seen yet. With a grin, Teddy decided to give Amodeus a nudge, "There's one more to find."
Marley kept trying her best not to giggle too much by covering her mouth, but it sorta was no use. But she tried her best anyway. However, the Hufflepuff's eyes went wide when Amodeus managed to find Teddy, and it wasn't long before she was found. She sighed in relief when Teddy hadn't given away her hiding spot.

I am so so so sorry this is late
Amodeus giggled, nodding. "Marleyyy," He sing-songed, turning and skipping around. It took him another five or so minutes, but soon he popped his head around the tree where she was hiding. "Found you!" He giggled, offering out his hand for his other bestest best friend. "Who's next?" He asked, turning to look at Teddy, his eyes moving between both of them.
Teddy giggled when Amodeus found Marley since it took him longer than expected. It was all in good fun though, and he was enjoying himself. When Amodeus asked who would be next, Teddy stepped forward, eager for his turn. "I'm up next!" Teddy declared. He quickly started counting, "One, two, three..." and so on, he turned his back on Marley and Amodeus so he could not see where they headed.

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