A feeling that I'm giving up.

Laura Montiez

Well-Known Member
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains.
A calm midday sunshine entered the Library windows and shone on Laura Montiez, who was spending her free time with reading a book, not a change from how she usually spent her time, which was reading a school book in the Library, minding her own business and trying to study enough to get good marks in school and make her parents proud of her. It had been stressful for the Ravenclaw, so try and be so perfect when she was far from it, very far from it. Laura knew what she needed to go to obtain an ounce of perfection, and that was to be a perfect student, a perfect daughter to her parents, and a perfect twin sister to Isobel. The twins had been growing apart since they were sorted, and the distance between the sisters grew when Isobel was transferred to Durmstrang. Laura had remained the more mature twin, and she had tried to ignore how Isobel reacted towards her during the winter holidays. But some things were hard to ignore, and the intense stress the brunette was going through was worsened by the insults her sister had been throwing at her as the holidays went by.

Laura, who was a usually confident, cheerful person, was now insecure, anxious, and making any and all efforts to hide it, and deal with everything on her own. So far it had proven successful in the eyes of the Ravenclaw, and things seemed to be looking up. But this was in fact, not true. Laura had been so busy with school work, she had forgotten to eat breakfast, and lunch on that day. The habit of skipping meals had only recently become a habit, and nobody had noticed so far, so all in all it wasn't a problem and nobody needed to worry about it. Laura was reading a book with the title 'Confronting the Faceless' which the brunette was instructed to purchase for her sixth year, getting a head start for the year wasn't a bad thing in Laura's mind, so she continued to read her book, trying to keep her mind off of how downhill everything seemed to be going, and focus her attention on filling her mind with even more school based thoughts, in the hope it would make everything better.

Robbie didn't know what he would even begin to do today. He hadn't slept very well last night, or the night before, or any of the nights for the past several weeks. He didn't know the cause of this, but he did know that he wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. Robbie hadn't seen Laura in a short while, and the anxiety of all of his exams had slowly faded away from him as the past year had ended and he was promoted to his sixth year at the school. Robbie had never expected to make it this far, especially not with his track record for shyness and the likes. He had difficulties even getting the shortest sentences out of his mouth and past his lips, and sometimes he wasn't even able to talk at all. But slowly, forever slowly, he had been able to beat his shyness and conquer his fear of the situations. Now Robbie didn't have such a hard time getting his sentences out, and he was actually able to formulate some kind of literate reply. A reply that someone wouldn't have to ask Robbie to repeat some amount of 40 times before he was actually able to get out half the sentence correctly.

Robbie had some studying that he had to get done before the next year started, and so he knew that the ideal place for him to go would be the library. Mayhaps he would even be able to find Laura there? That would be his goal for the day, to be able to see Laura and find out how she had been in his absence from her. His self-imposed absence, so-to-speak. With his OWLs around, he knew that it would have been a lot more than necessary for Robbie to have some kind of alone time to study, and he had felt horrible every day he had had to shove Laura aside for a class that he didn't quite understand as well as he should have. A class that he was horrible at, or a person that wouldn't leave him alone unless he helped them with something. Robbie wasn't the smartest person, that wasn't a secret. He was nowhere near smart, like at all. But Robbie was putting that aside now, and he was in the library, determined to make this year matter. The first thing that he saw, was Laura, sitting by a window; reading a book. Robbie quietly creeped behind her, hugging her from behind. "Hey there beautiful!" Robbie said, using his new-found bubbly-ness to his own advantage.
The one and only thing Laura Montiez intended on doing that day was to get a head start for the year and not have to be under as much pressure when the exams started, or so she thought. Studying when she didn't need to was proven difficult as her attention span started to distract her again, Laura was left to stare out of the window, into nothingness as her mind faded away into a sleepless dream, something the brunette had become all too familiar with over the past year. The Ravenclaw's absent thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the familiar voice of Robbie Masters. Laura Jumped up in fright at the abrupt disruption, and gasped, only because the library had been completely silent moments earlier, either that or Laura had spaced out past the point she was unaware of her surroundings. Which was the more likely bet, considering her luck, and focus for that matter. "Robbie, nice to see you." Uttered the brunette, politely nodding at the Hufflepuff boy after recovering from the fright he had had caused. Laura would have given him a hug, if it were not for the amount of time they had spent without seeing one another, she wasn't even sure if Robbie still liked her. So she played the conversation safe and kept up her polite appearance.

Even if her study session was interrupted, that did not mean Laura had to stop studying, even if for a minute. The Brunette picked up the book she had thrown on the floor because of her shock, and sat back down, only saying her next soft words once she was comfortably back in her seat. "I'm getting a head start on school work, would you care to join me?" Laura pulled her long, wavy brunette locks back into a loose bun and pulled out another book from her bag, not even reading the title before she placed it on the table, lining it up next to her already open book so it looked like what she was doing was organised so well, when it in fact, wasn't. Laura had no idea what she was really doing but faking confidence was better than having none and from living back at home, Laura's confidence had shattered, but she wasn't going to show it, being a burden to others was never her intention, and it never would be. "How have you been?" Asked the Ravenclaw as she started reading her book again, making sure to start focusing properly this time.


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