A Fear Of Heights

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
A new year. A new term. A fresh set of things wrong, but a change in attitude. Each thing meant something completely different to the Slytherin boy. Now in the second semester of his second year, he was beginning to realise all the mistakes he'd made in the previous term. Going home to know no one would awaiting his return to school with happiness, was not a feeling that the Slytherin enjoyed. It had made everything else seem pointless. He'd half considered not returning at all. But that thought in itself was wrong. It had been one he'd been quick to discard. One he'd decided was not worth the pain and misery. He knew he'd rather be miserable, but safe than at home. Where an hour could be the end of everything, or one where silence Would become almost something to fear, a calm before a raging storm. A raging storm being his father, and the calm being the time between when his father was getting drunk. All in all, this was not something that he enjoyed. And it always made him return to school with a fear. That all the people here, whom he clung on to would do the same. They too would try to hurt him. That the silence he adored in the castle would turn against him, like his father had, and like how he'd made his friends. A part of him had wanted to hunt Kate down. He'd apologized at the Yule ball for his actions, but he needed to apologise again. In the sheer hope that she did actually still want to be his friend. And then there was Sara and Willow. Both girls he had put so much pressure, completely by accident, and had completely turned away from any form of help. Nothing had really changed. He knew that they would be better off without him, but the reality he'd come to realise was he could not be without them. They were what kept him going in the darkest of times. The times, were all he could do was curl into a ball, and wish for it to stop. For an end. He would think of the paint fight, at Tara's birthday. Connecting with Willow, one on one, and feeling that bond of friendship. The kiss. Each individual memory was like all new burst of strength, of energy. Which was what he really needed. Memories to cling to when all he saw was darkness. The only hope he had were that they would still be at school when he returned. Most others would not realise how important such small memories were to the Slytherin, they would not realise how much he had to cling to them. Not many would know how good it was to hear a persons laugh when all they could feel was pain. When all that could be heard were slurs that were enough to make a grown man break down. To say it got easier would be a lie. A lie Stefan Archer had to tell himself. But, in his heart, he knew there was only one option, the only way for it to get easier, was by leaving. Something easier said than done. Stefan was no obvious to the hold his father had on him, but with no where else to go, and his father capable of making people believe anything, Stefan knew he had little hope. Magic was all he had. Hogwarts was all he had.

Despite the holidays being somewhat short, a lot had happened to the slytherin. He'd managed to grow a little more. About one centimeter, which wasn't all that much but it was enough. He was still as pale, and he was still as thin. Although, now to match the paleness, the black eye had returned. Most of the swelling had dyed down, but it still hurt. Thankfully, most of the bruising was around the corner of his eye. A place where it hurt his eyes less. But, that was not all. Although most were now hidden, he had countless bruises on his back and front. And he was pretty sure that his stomach had taken the worst beating. Even the remotest touch, caused the slytherin to almost hurl from pain. Thankfully, the cut on his hand, was not just a rather clear scar. And the bruising around his wrist had faded. It was all gone. His hands for once were fairly clean. It seemed his father was beginning to get worried over people seeing all the bruises. But, this did not change the fact that his father had managed to take Stefan by surprise, causing his to spill boiling water upon his arm. It had been odd for Stefan that he'd turned up at his house with a bruise on his hand from where he'd punched the elder ravenclaw boy. Something that he was still surprised that he'd done. But he'd let his anger get the better of him. Repeating the story to his father had caused his father to just laugh. At him, and at the boy. There had almost been a pride in the way he'd spoken. A fleeting hint at pride, not long enough for Stefan to be able to tell if it was false pride or if it was real. Either way, Stefan knew he had to try to find the boy and apologise. It was becoming fairly clear to the colour blind boy that he had a lot of apologising to do. Hopefully this would not be repeated. Stefan was glad to be back at hogwarts. It was a good feeling. It was a safe feeling. It was however different this time around. Stefan knew he couldn't change how much he spoke, or how shy and nervous he got around new people. But this term, he'd vowed to not intentionally push anyone away. He would like how his friends wanted him to be. The nice and friendly Slytherin, that deeply buried all the issues that defined who he was. That had formed him. He could never allow himself to become remotely close to his father. As much as the man was the only person he had, it was also the man he knew had to get rid of.

It was a wet and relatively cold day. An day for most others to be out, but with the minimal amount of light able to shine throw, it was a colour blind person's dream. Stefan who didn't really enjoy the sun, was a huge fan of the rain. Most didn't like the rain. But, Stefan loved how it felt. He loved the sound of the rain, as it hit grass, or as it hit the leaves and then bounced to the floor. He loved the humid smell, before and after the rain. He loved how it felt on his bare skin. How it wet his hair, and washed down his face. It was a simple thing. But, to Stefan rain was like a mini christmas. It caused him, amounts of joy that most others would find in a day like Christmas. He was walking the grounds. Slowly, vaguely aware that the rain was probably not good for his old and worn shoes. The could feel the rain, drip from his dark brown hair, and just flow down his back. He was heading to the Cliffs. That he knew. It was just before lunch, and while Stefan was a little hungry, the holidays had taught him once more how to ration. It was a good thing that Stefan had neither gained nor lost weight. He was sure now he would. Back at school with most things returning to how they had been, like the year before. He had a lot to look forward to anyway. His thirteenth birthday was around the corner. April 1st but, still soon. He was pretty happy for his birthday. Knowing he'd made it another year. It was a good feeling. One enjoyed by most. The cliffs were empty when he arrived. He walked over to the large tree, he'd sat under with Willow and took a seat once more. It was fairly dry, but he was okay with getting wet and muddy. Most would mind, but Stefan had spent almost all of his holiday indoors, so this was great for him. He leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree and just enjoyed the sound of the rain and the sound of his own breath. Before taking out his wand, and while still paying his attention to the rain, cast Lumos and Knox on his wand. Turning it on and off. Magic. Rain. School. Stefan didn't mind if he was to sit alone, he was just happy to be back.​
Georgiana smiled as she parted with her boyfriend, Logan Stone. Counting the months it has almost been nine months they've been togather. Alittle less then that but she let him do all the math. One year was coming up just about the same time that the Brightstone visit weekend was, just like last year. Georgiana isn't your typical second year, she and her brother were born right after the cut off date making them the oldest in their class. She turned thirteen not long after coming to school, which made the gap between her and Logan not seem as big considering he was a fourth year. Now he had another class to attend or some study group she wasn't quite sure, so Georgiana decided to go outside despite the rain and enjoy the late summer weather. Back home it would still be in the middle of winter with snow coming down almost everyday. Which Georgiana found strange whenever she went home for break, though this year she went to Logan's home and met his family which was nice. It was the first time she really got to meet Professor Smith and found out he had a wife and child. The baby was very sweet and gentle, but made her miss her younger sister alot.

Coming back to school she vowed to find her brother and spend more time with him. It wasn't something she ever thought about before, either they hung out or they didn't but lately it has been didn't. Georgie missed her twin but now she didn't have a clue where to find him and the cliffs seemed like a resonable place but she doubted her luck in finding him. Walking out the cliffs she noticed a figure leaning against a tree but it wasn't her brother. The hair was too dark and the figure was all wrong. She didn't know if she should go up to the kid but he seemed to be in her year and she remembered seeing him in one of her classes that she had with Slytherins. "um, Hello?" She called out to him standing roughly ten feet away which wasn't too far but gave both them their space and she had more warning and reaction time if he pulled out his wand and attacked.
Tara Headed out of the doors to the castle, today she was dressed in a simple tunic, and legings. she had been planning on going for a walk in the garden, but she thought se saw one of the girls in her year, Georgina, vanish around the corner. she tryed to catch up with her. and realised that they were going towards the cliffs, the garden could wait for a while, the light wasnt quite right anyway, "Hi georgena" she said, she hadnt spoken to the girl for a while. then she realised that there was someone else there. It took her a moment to reconise him as his back was to them. "Stefan, are you okay? she asked. she hadnt seen, or heard from him in ages. she looked at him, he looked the same as always. last year she had almost gotten used to him covered in brusing, but now it stood out against his plae skin brighter than ever. she hated seeing him like this, and was suprised how bad he looked. "I Havnt seen eather of you for ages. how have each of you been?" she asked comeing in between them.
Tara didnt know what had been hapening sith Stefan recently, she had heard one whisper once but she didn't believe it. but she realised how little time she was spending with her friends recently, she realised that in the last fiew months her time had been focused towards her boyfried. she realised that she should really try and talk to some of her old friends a little too.
While being petrified of heights, the cliffs had become a calming place for the Slytherin boy. It wasn't because the were far away from the castle or the fact they were high(which scared him) but it was just a place he could go and just relax. It was a place of calm. It was quiet and it the only place where most would not go looking for a boy like Stefan. Most would not think to look for him in any place outside. The pale skin of the boy giving off the impression that he really hated the sun. Which was not necessarily true or false. He neither hated the sun or like it. It was true that he avoided the sun, but it was not through hatred. He was light sensitive because of the eye condition that cause him to see no colour. It wasn't like he really wished to not be able to go out into the sun. He liked the warmth it gave off. And he wanted his skin to be slightly less pale. He didn't want to look so ghost like. In a mirror the Slytherin boy thought he looked distinctly like a ghost. He'd never really met a ghost before but he was sure they looked to be the same  colour as he was currently. But that was all he could really think. Sure it wasn't like he was actually was like a ghost in other senses, for one he knew that if he was to bite the dust he would not cling so dearly on to life. Stefan hardly wanted to be in a place that had made most of his life a living hell. But those kind of thoughts weren't ones he liked. Despite his situation being at Hogwarts kept him fairly calm. His mind was almost completely at rest at the place that he knew the people and was learning all he could in the classes. While for most Hogwarts was just a school to the colourblind boy it was more just that. He was part of a small selection of people who saw the school as a sanctuary. A place to rest and regain strength. For Stefan Archer it was even more that just that. It was a safe haven. Apart from the odd person the school was the safest place for him. Even though he was a slytherin. And he was a muggleborn. He'd only had one run in. The fight with the Ravenclaw had been a completely different matter and one he had no intention of repeating in a long while. He'd actually managed to scare himself when he'd done that. It had made him feel powerful but also weak. It had made him almost think himself as exactly like the father he detested so much. But Stefan was only twelve and with so much he could hardly be completely blamed for what had happened. But it was as the slytherin thought of this that he was reminded of his father and how his father could use the death of his wife, Stefan's mother as an excuse for drinking and further more for hitting Stefan. There had been times when Stefan had thought that during the holiday. It had been those times when Stefan had fought less, and almost been willing to take what his father was serving, as if he actually deserved it. The bruise on his eye had been cause because of that. He'd been punched out cold. Stefan raised a hand and lightly touched the dark bruise around his eye.  It was unmissable. Against the pale skin of the boy it was like a head light. However the dark blue eyes of the boy always showed more clearly when he had a black eye. The dark blue eyes were something about the Slytherin that really set him apart. It was a deep blue. It shone in the light, and it was the portal to the dark and broken soul of the slytherin. It was something that the boy knew nothing about. Being colourblind meant that he had no clue what colour his eyes were. It had been an odd moment when he had turned up at Hogwarts and to one of his first friends, James, admit that he had no idea what colour they were. His father had never told him and the one time Stefan had asked his father had pretty much shown how he'd felt about the Slytherin's illness. Glass was not something that he ever wanted to smash. Not again.

Although alone, and enjoying it he would've be glad for a little company. He didn't mind whom from. A friend or a potential friend. Just not the Ravenclaw boy and not any person out to get him. But it was only if any other person would brave the rain and go to cliffs that he would be joined by anyone. So for those reasons the Slytherin was skeptical of any person making the trip to the cliffs although there was the hope within the Slytherin that he would be able to talk to someone. If he was completely honest he was really hoping for Kate. Things were odd between them. He wanted to rekindle their friendship. He wanted to see her to be sure that he hadn't completely ruined their relationship. if Stefan had done that he was unsure of how he would be able to get over it. She was one of his closest and best friends. And he cared a lot for her. More than he was willing ti admit to others and himself. The kiss. His mind replayed that memory. It was something he knew he would never get out his head. It wasn't something he wanted rid of. Stefan knew he had probably ruined his chances with her but he hoped the friendship was not also gone. It was really the same for both Willow and Sara. He didn't want to lose them either. A voice sounded. A small hi. Stefan stopped turning his wand off and on and looked round suddenly. His eyes almost portrayed fear which was odd considering that it was just a girl. But for at least the first week, Stefan got scared of Practically anything and everything.  He was always taken by surprise when someone turned up. But he got better at hiding his surprise. Right now he appeared scared. But he showed no signs of acting upon it. He quickly realised that the person in front of him was not only a girl but by the looks of it maybe slightly older than him, but he remembered her from his classes. It was fairly easy for him to remember faces. Stefan had a good memory. As he watched her for a few second he could see she almost geared for a fight. He was pretty sure it was the Slytherin name causing her to almost fear that he would attack her. But Stefan was basically harmless. There was fight streak in him, an angry streak but it wasn't one he wanted to act upon. Not again. As Stefan made to look away a second girl turned up. He had to admit, it was odd for two to turn up. But this girl he knew. Tara. Sure he hadn't seen her in a while but hadn't really seen anyone for a few months. He'd stayed pretty much completely. At this point, Stefan was quick to fix his jumper. Make sure as little skin was showing as possible. The sleeves  had been rolled up pretty high so he could feel the rain on his skin. Because of this the bandage covering the burn on the lower arm. Of the arm furtherest away from them. And a set of three deep cuts on the elbow of his other arm from being pushed hard into a cabinet. That had had a broken tea cup pointing outwards. It had been painful. And it had been the reason why the t-shirt Sara and Kate had given him could no longer be worn. It was pretty much covered in his blood. He was quick to pulled the sleeves back down. Before standing up and walking slightly closer to the girl he counted as a friend. It looked like he would go for a hug but Stefan stopped a little away from the girl and the other one he didn't know. She'd asked him if he was okay. And he was sure this was in reference to just how Stefan looked. The black eye, the paleness and the fact he was skinnier than both girls. A twig, he'd taken to thinking of himself. The jumper did nothing to help hide his thin and boney frame. It was clearly too big for him. However he wondered if either of them had perhaps seen his run with the Ravenclaw boy and so both were wary.

"Things have been good. I'm happy to be back" He said to her. Ignoring the question as to if he was all right. It was clear to most that he really wasn't. He looked to the other girl and gave a small smile. "I'm Stefan. Stefan Archer." he introduced though made no motion of holding his hand out for her to shake. Stefan didn't really want to be touched by others. He knew contact as violent and painful and this was a difficult thing to change. "I'm kind of tired, could we sit down? It's not too wet over their." he didn't really wait for a response. He needed to keep seated. The bruise on his stomach wasn't really great when he was upright too much. Especially after being sat like he had been. But when Stefan had sat back down he looked to the two girls and wondered if they wouldn't mind sitting down on the ground.​
Georgiana turned when she heard another voice join her own in the air. It was a girl, she wasn't exactly sure who she really was by name, but it was one of Kayden's friends. Georgiana had a bad time remembering if they had been formally introduced but as she guessed by the girl's remembering of her name they have. "Hi," she said smiling back to her. She was put off that she couldn't remember her name. Looking at the boy as he said his name she let a smile appear more friendly across her face, it was always fun to really meet new people. "Georgiana Night," her voice sounded over the silence.

Georgiana, though she forgot faces and names was very good at picking up on things. The boy certainly didn't seem fine, being tired in the middle of the day at their age wasn't normal. Before he had responded to them she had the chance to look over him and could see the marks on his arm nearest her, the other had a bandage. His eye was dark from being hit. Though it might sound strange of her she was concerned about the boy, she was used to being the mother of the group always worrying about her friends. Having raised her brother and sister from a young age she didn't mind her concern, it didn't really worry her that she was so concerned about people who hardly mattered, yet, in her life. A flash of the Yule Ball last year and she remember meeting the girl, Tara. Nodding to her as she passed her and followed Stefan over to the dry spot of earth. She wasn't going to question him but if he brought it up then that was fine with her, they weren't friends yet, they had no reason to really trust each other. A smile passed her face as her hands moved behind her to hold herself up and felt the earth, slightly damp from rain. She missed being outdoors and she hadn't even realized it.
Tara saw Stefan pull down his selves, however she had already seen numerous cuts and a bandage, but she knew not to press the matter, as he wasn't that open with people, but knew it was easier to not make a fuss of him. "I'm glad that everyones back, the school is too quite with everyone away." she said meaning it, but also thinking of one person in particular, who incidentally would be returning later that day. se followed the others to a slightly dryer "what have you both been up to recently? she asked sitting down. she looked across the grounds they looked so different in the rain, and this angle wasn't one that she was used to. The light was a softer colour, like the grounds were a large freshly painted canvas and the rain was some blotting paper, drawing the colours away, she gathered thats why stefan was in the grounds, as that would make it easier for stefan to see, she made a not to paint the scene at some point, with watercolours.
While not beside himself with joy over the fact he'd met two other people. He enjoyed meeting others, but for him, there was always a slightly awkwardness at not knowing what to say when greeted with a new person. he didn't try to not make friends, the Slytherin tried as hard as he could with those around him, but it was not like it was easy for him. He didn't have magical friend making traits. With the kind of knowledge that Stefan had, it wasn't like he could just walk up to someone and start talking to them. People, generally had to approach him. Although on a really good day, Stefan knew that it didn't really matter what happened. On a good day, Stefan was more inclined to find people to talk to. He generally got scared at the very last minute, but he knew each time that he would improve upon the last. That one time, he would spot someone, a boy or girl, and find the courage to start a conversation with them. His courage had been pushed back quite literally though. He couldn't see how he could do anything that was in any parts confidence. He had a black eye, which he could almost feel, taunting him that he was far from looking normal like the rest of his year. Not that Stefan ever believed he would resemble the rest of his year in the slightest. He was a thin, very pale slytherin boy. He was muggleborn and yet he wasn't ever going to fit in with the crowd he'd been sorted into. And nor did Stefan want to fit in. The people around him in that house cared little for those around them. They acted violently, both physically and verbally. They didn't care about people. And Stefan did not like that. His father was that. His father hated him, more than anything else in the world. And Stefan didn't really know why. His father just hated him. Stefan always thought it was the colourblindness. The fact he wasn't able to see colour, made him less than human in his father's eyes. His father liked to remind him of how worthless Stefan was to him. And how if he was to die, he would not care. Stefan told himself, that they were all lies, that his father did care. That because they were blood related that he had to care. But, for Stefan it was becoming ever clear that this was not the case. The fact he knew his father was more jumpy, and more violent around Stefan, gave Stefan an increased fear. The hits had been harder, and the yells had been louder. All in all it just meant that for Stefan it was more difficult to be sure, apart from the black eyes, that the people around him knew as little as possible. Doing something now, would get back to his father, and that side of his father was not something he ever wanted to meet. And it was the same, that he didn't want his friends to ever meet his father, from afar, or up close. His life at home and his life at school, the slytherin boy was keen on keeping wide apart.

But, being with Tara and the new girl, who'd introduced herself as Georgiana, was a good thing. The name of the girl rang a bell. As if he'd heard it before, but he assumed it was from his classes. Since he shared them with the other houses, it was expected that he would have to know the names of the people around him, at least. Partially. Stefan ignored his mind which told him to inqure more into the girl. Digging into her information, would mean he had to give something about himself back, and while he was all for partial sharing, there was only so much he could say. He had to keep them from knowing too much. he didn't know if he could trust them or more to the point, if they would even care. But, he couldn't know. And he wasn't going to make any form of assumption about it either. But, then Tara spoke again. he glanced to her, just as the new girl Georgiana sat down beside him. "I've been trying to get a head in the lessons. It's really confusing for me." Stefan had barely known how to read in the previous year. he'd come to first year, knowing very little in terms of what others called basic knowledge. He wondered if technically that made him stupid in the eyes of the two people he was with. But, hogwarts had been an entirely new experience for him. he'd never really left his house before that, and he was pushed to a school, with magic and lesson, where he was given little help to read or write, not aided by the fact his eye sight was a lot worse than most around him. He was better now. He was quicker at reading and writing. He just needed time, and patience of those around him. Which he actually got, from Kate, and Sara and Willow. He glanced at the girls wondering if they were like his other friends, or if they were not as nice. He liked Tara, to him, she had an innocence. Where the world, wasn't as bad as it could be. Where the world, was still full of joy and happiness, and the misery was a million miles away. He wanted that, he was glad she had it. And then the other girl, he didn't really know much about her. Not enough to know if she was someone he could be friends with or not. "Do you know what you will pick?" Stefan asked the two. Vaguely aware of his growing hunger. His stomach rumbled slightly, in a different sense, like Stefan was hungry, but like he hadn't eaten for days. Which was untrue, but since he'd eaten more often as of late at school, his stomach wanted more, slightly more often than what he could manage at home. Stefan ignored it however and just glanced away from the girls, waiting for responses​
Georgiana listened as Tara asked them a question and talked, she knew the girl was Indian, at least the real Indian. It was almost laughable at how Georgiana's ancestors got confused for Tara's. "Did you not go home?" Georgiana asked the girl sitting nearby, she figured everyone usually went home or atleast visited family if any lived nearby. She crossed her legs infront of her and moved her bag into her lap, looking over at the boy she knew she had something that could help him but Georgiana couldn't be sure if he'd trust her enough to try the remedy. "I'm geared more towards the History aspect of magic, myself," she told him about her studies. Not many others understood why she was interested in History, she just was. Prehaps it was because she grew up in the summers surrounded by History at the Reservation, or it just simply intriged her, made her think.

Pulling out her water bottle Georgiana took the cap off and looked down at the contents inside. It was a simple herbel tea made from Witch Hazel, earlier in the day she had fallen over and brewed up the tea to rub into the area she fell on so the pain and bruise would go away. Looking back up to Tara and Stefen she smiled, afterall for all they knew she could just be curious on how much drink she had left in her bottle. She was very muggle afterall, growing up with her muggle father. The only witch she knew growing up was her mother's mother, who everyone said was a nut, well everyone on the reservation. But that was all before they found out Georgie and Kayden had inherited the magical blood. "This tea heals cuts and bruises and bug bites. I can put some on your eye if you want the bruise to go away quicker," she said to the boy her motherly instinct coming over her, after helping care for her brother and sister it was a wonder that she didn't want to be a nurse. Glancing at Tara she hoped the girl would help Stefen trust her. "I used it earlier on a bruise that was just forming and it's gone now," she added on to what she already said to him. His bruise wasn't very nice looking and she was sure it had to be very painful.
tara didn't know why every thought it odd that she stayed n the castle. she didn't mind. She still went home for the big break. "no i stayed here, as i have no way of getting home, plus the village is so isolated it would be unconvincing for me to arrive for a few weeks in the middle of the cold season." she said. she saw Georgena rummaging in her bag as stefan talk about classes. "I found them hard, but i think my english has gotten a lot better. she said. back in india, people didn't speak english much, her home town spoke mainly Garhwali, but she also knew hindi and sanskrit, she had leaned english at school but it was a lot different in an english country. people spoke so fast. "I think i will do runes and divination next year. as muggle studies is a little pointless, as i grew up a muggle, and numbers are not my thing." she said knowing that she had forgotten one but couldn't remember what it was. "what are you going to do?" she said. wondering what they wee gong to do. she saw Georgina look inside her bottle, and she could smell that the contents are not water, but she count tell what it was. but once she said it was for cuts and bruises she remembered what it was. "Thats a good idea. i think that it would definably help heal your eye" she said. hopeing that stefan would trust them.
It was not that odd to the slytherin boy, that the girl had stayed at Hogwarts. If he was allowed, Stefan would've also stayed. But, he had little choice in the matter. Staying at Hogwarts would be the perfect place for him. Staying at hogwarts meant he did not have to deal with his father. He would be alone, but, it mattered little. He would be safe. And that was probably the most important thing for the boy. Being safe. It was why, he was so cautious with everything. Talking to new people, when people extended there hands to him, or when he went somewhere he didn't quite know. He was even wary of the new first years. Mainly, because a part of the Slytherin's brain was always telling that he should be careful of all people, since they were in the end all the same. It wasn't to him, like everyone was good. He was slowly learning that people, generally were nice people, and in his short life, the one person he knew best, was the one person he feared the most. Above all else, the slytherin feared his father and what his father could and would do. For Stefan there was not a time, when he could remember not being scared of his father. His father for as long as he could remember had always been violent. Had always chosen to hit Stefan. To send him crashing into walls, or into doors. Send him to the floor. Stefan had known nothing else, and he still didn't know much else. He knew for one thing, that it wasn't right, but he was too scared of what his father would do, if Stefan told someone. He knew for one thing, he'd probably never see HOgwarts again. It wasn't like his father wouldn't fit to try to keep Stefan. It always confused him, that his father hated him, hated the very fact he existed and everything about him, and yet when Stefan had been about to leave for Hogwarts, his father had pretty much forcefully told him, that there was no escape. No way that he would be able to turn and run. Because the man would find him. Something that had pretty much put the fear of god in him. never before had his father really threatened him. Not in such a fashion. It had felt so real, and it was one of the reasons why Stefan hadn't tried to leave. He wasn't stupid, he didn't stay because he wanted to, he stayed because he had to. Most would not understand the kind of position the colour blind boy was in. Not main would ever find out what it would be like to be in that kind of situation. To have only memories to cling on to. He hoped that they would never know. Stefan didn't ever wish to let others ever know how it felt. Even if some 6th year Slytherin, walked randomly over to him, and beat him up, until he was barely conscious, Stefan would still not wish his life upon him. Stefan much rathered that he was the one that had it, rather than others. Rather than good people. That had a chance in life. Even if Stefan didn't have an abusive father, he was still colourblind and motherless. Two things that in the end didn't help people.

Giving a small shrug, Stefan didn't think muggle Studies would be pointless. He was muggleborn, but it didn't mean he didn't want to learn about how the wizarding world saw them. He wasn't quite sure what to pick. He didn't know anything about the different classes. He thought of Willow in that moment, they seemed to bond a lot over the fact, neither really understood half of what was going on when it came to magic. Picking his classes for the next year was something he knew he'd have to do, but he'd been given so little information on each of them that he know how he'd be able to chose which would be best for him. The Slytherin could also hardly go to his head of house for advice. He couldn't see his head of house wanting to speak to him. Considering, Stefan avoided his class like the plague and Stefan was muggleborn. Two things that he could pretty much tell would mean that the man would hate him, almost as much as his father hated him. That option was not there for him. So in his mind his own research was what was most important and what he'd have to in the end do. "I'm not sure." He replied simply, keeping his eyes on the ground and not bothering to look up at them both. He kept his eyes on his hands. When the new girl, Georgiana spoke, Stefan briefly glanced to her. The tea. He looked at it, which also shifting slightly away from Georgiana. he wasn't sure if he could trust her, and he didn't think it would work. His eye, was a bruise on top a bruise. But, it was painful. And he wanted to be sure that it was away soon. So, instead of protesting, he held out his hand to take from her the tea. "I can do it myself." clearing uncomfortable with this girl being too close to him and his eye. And with good reason. Although he wouldn't point blank say it, he was just not very good at masking how he felt. "What is it?" He then went on to ask. he didn't have an allergies, but he was curious. He wanted to know if it helped burns. But, as far as he'd seen nothing really did. "Will it work?" It wasn't that he didn't believe her, more than he wondered if it would work on a bruise like the one he had. One that was clearly old and pretty bad. Stefan waited for her to answer the questions. Before glancing at them both. "How was your previous term?" Stefan asked, hoping that they'd steer the conversation away from him, and so they could hear all about what had happened over the past term. He wondered if they knew about his fight with the older boy, or about Willow's condition, or about Kate. His mind hoped not. But, he didn't know if they were all friends or not. he was just in his own little world, pretty much separate from all of them. Something he didn't mind​

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