A family of sorts

Veronica White

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Veronica was sitting in the common room looking for someone to chat with so she could get out of her loneliness cycle.Especially after the break up with Zac a week ago she had been alone locking herself up in her dorm but following Ken's advice she had decided to start being around people and allow life to carry on. It was weird today because she was thinking so much about having a family. Her father was dead and she was unsure of her mother's weird activities but her mind was thinking along the lines of whether her adoptive siblings could be nice and would love and care for her like her real siblings would if they ever existed.

With these thoughts in her head she read her favorite and abused copy of The Host for the fifteenth time enjoying the first raid of Wanderer with Ian and Jared.
Jasper saw Veronica sitting alone and felt he should go and talked to her. he walked over and said " hi. what is happening in your mind today? you look way to sad." he sat next to her and gave her a small but firm hug and watch her face and how she reacted to everything.
Veronica smiled as she saw the familiar face of Jasper Clow, one of her adopted siblings. "Hi" she greeted him as she scooted over so he could sit.They had just got to name basis and she was glad that he came to talk. She hugged him, a little surprised of receiving the affection. When he said that she was looking sad she cursed herself because she had recently lost her touch on masking her emotions. If she kept emotions on her face she was going to be doomed. "I broke up with my boyfriend but...well it's not bothering me" she tried to lie hoping he would not see through her.
Jasper said " well you know you can talk to me about anything. just tlak to me when you can." he gave her a small hug
"Thanks" she said with a smile. Jasper was really cute and nice. "First, I'd like you to tell me what happened to you?"she asked him curiously. The other time at the manor she had heard Dympna and William talking about Jasper. "I heard from William that you are sick"
" well nothing really is wrong with me but mother thinks i am not useable for her work and hobby. so william has been trying to have me live with him." with thinking about will his heart jumped."well it does not help i am boy crazy or should say man crazy." he felt himself hugging her , so he let go and said " sorry"
Veronica laughed when Jasper said that he wasn't guy crazy. Was he trying to imply that William was gay? She raised her eyebrow when he apologized for the hug. "Totally okay" she said with a smile. The part where he wasn't usable for Dympna's hobby had caught Veronica's mind. "And what exactly are my mother's hobby?"she asked curiously.
He got a scared look on his face. " weeee arreee nnnooottt..... we are not allowed to talk about it. i am so sorry...." a tear came to his eye from the pain.
Veronica watched in horror as goosebumps rose on the back of her neck. "Its okay" she said quickly comforting Jasper as she stroked his back. She wiped away his tears and gave him a smile although she was scared herself by the thought of what Dympna had done to all the children. "We can talk about something else" she said hoping that the pain Jasper was experiencing would go away.

"Do you have any real siblings?"she asked moving to lighter topics.
" my only real one is jade but i have not seen her in a while and i been having a hard time rememebring her of late." he look at her. " what do you want to talk of?"
"Jade is a nice name" she said with a smile.She was glad that whatever was torturing Jasper was gone. "Which school does she go to?"she asked wondering why Dympna could not put both Jade and Jasper in Dumstrang. Her mother could be so evil sometimes. When he asked what she wanted to talk about she said with a smile "Oh! We can talk about anything. Like perhaps how you find Dumstrang? Your favorite subjects, Qudditch or your girlfriend" she said with a smirk looking in his direction.
" jade goes to hogwarts and dympna thinks it best i go here. i like transfig....... wel i am gay but i do not have a bf and never really had one. what about fave subject? whats your fav candy?" he liked her and gave her a big hug.
(i wouldn't mind a little long Rp, no offence)

"I like Herbology, Potions and Dark Arts" she said smiling as she hugged him back. "As for candies...I always buy the whole bucket of it mixed and eat whatever comes my way. But I do take care eating every flavored beans..some of them can be nasty!" she said laughing. It was a little surprising to know that Veronica knew three gays which meant gay numbers were increasing in Dumstrang. She was wondering if she could introduce Kenneth and Jasper but the former was too old for him. "Which Hogwarts does Jade go to?"she asked him since Veronica knew about three different Hogwarts. "And is William gay?"she asked curiously.
(sorry sometimes my mind wonders in class)

Jasper was thinking this girl would make a good friend and wonder if it would be fun to hang out more. " i hate every flavored beans but i love candy too. william is gay but he has a wife and loves her more than anything in the world and he would do anything to protect her and his child and the children of the manor. jade goes to hogwarts in new zealand and seems to have fun there when i do talk with her." he hated everytime he thinks on william he heart jumb and skips beat, he could feel butterflies in tummy. " why did you like Dympna and how can you go to the house and know what goes on? what do you look for in a friend?"
She nodded as he explained about William and Jade. It was weird how one person could love someone and betray them at the same time. "I don't like Dympna. I never knew that I had a mother because my father said she abandoned us and her story is different saying he didn't want me to see her and everything. I didn't want to come to the manor but she made me and I'm still trying to figure out what goes on in there but like she has spells on you all so its difficult" she explained him with a smile. "Good friends...well they should be chatty and good humored and shouldn't be too good like those who can't break rules or things like that" she said with a grin. "You think you fit into the category?"she asked with a laugh.
" i think i can try and be friends with you." he was about to get up and walk around for he was starting get a bad feeling that he was going to be in trouble with someone. he hug her again trying to see what could he feel in his heart. " what do you really want to know about everything?"
"That would be nice" she said with a smile as she hugged him back. Jasper was a good kid and Veronica was going to help him through whatever it was that Dympna was was doing or planning to do to him. "If I know what goes on in the manor I can help you kids" she said with a smile. "But you don't need to tell me, I'll soon find out" she said positively.
he looked at her. " well i can not stay i am in pain now from the thinking of it. you are strong willed like your mother. i hope we can go and to something soon for fun."
"Thanks" she said with a smile as she gave him a hug. "Do you write to your sister?"she asked wondering if Jasper stayed in touch with Jade. Maybe she could help them out in solving the mysteries of the manor. Veronica took the cookie jar from the table beside her and offered him. "Want one?" she asked with a grin.
" no thanks you. i do write to her once in awhile but she says she does not have alot of time for me with her life at school. she has been getting meaner and more distence towards me of late alot." he look to see if his words did anything to this girl but could not see much. he was hoping that he could get her to do the impossible and solve the problem at the manor and maybe take care of Dympna for good and let the world see what and who she really is.
"Oh...I am sorry. I'm sure once you guys meet and catch up everything will be fine" she said with an encouraging smile as she hugged him tightly. She did this to comfort him but more to comfort herself because she couldn't understand why relations where so complicated and why parents and relatives exists if they didn't care. She ran a hand through his hair and whispered "Everything will be fine kid"
Jasper started to cry hard and got up to leave but he could not. all he could do is cry and think about how he may never see his sister again. he loves her for some reason but could not think right now. he needed to clear his head for all he felt was pain and the never ending sadness. i took very little comfront in much.
"Shh..." she said as she tried to calm him down. She pat his back and hugged him. "Next holiday we'll be seeing Jade" she promised as she wiped away Jasper's tears. "She's probably feeling the same way" she said with a smile as she tried to calm him.
Jasper stopped crying but could not talk. he jsut sat on the ground and was thinking and thinking. he than said " you should get some rest and i will do the same. and will see you later."
"Okay" she said thinking that if he wanted to be left alone and have some time to calm down she should allow him that. She kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug and handed him the cookie jar. "Take care. See you tomorrow" she said with a smile as she smiled and started walking towards the dormitory.

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