Open A Different Light

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Mikael Nightray

challenger • watch me prove you wrong • cynical
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gryffindor Headache
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after Zazz with Elio

Mikael couldn’t recall ever having gone to the Yule Ball until this year, he thinks as he lingers about the edge of the Great Hall, a drink in hand. There were a lot of firsts happening this year for him and he wasn’t really sure who to blame. One was definitely his sister. He should have known that she would never pass up the opportunity to attend a ball. He’d had to attend Halloween at her whim and to keep an eye on her and now she was going with a date. His lips curled distastefully at the reminder. He would have told her to not go with that Gryffindor boy if he didn’t know how utterly troublesome she could be. Now, all he could do was make sure that his sister doesn’t get into any shenanigans and that the Gryffindor doesn’t get any ideas. Didn’t matter if they were twelve. He wasn’t going to trust some random boy with his sister. And then of course, there was his other headache. Kael was sure that he would be around here, mingling. It wasn’t something he particularly wanted to see but it wasn’t like said headache was entirely subtle either. He’d heard that he got caught by Professor Cade during the Halloween Feast. With Professor Cade’s daughter. So much for laying low. He was a pain - Mikael’s pain - and he didn’t even know it.
Elio walks into the great hall, grinning and waving at Hinata as he sees her and continuing to walk over to the tables. He doesn't really know why he's come since his plans to go to the ball fell through. Still, could have been worse, he supposes, not that he wants to invite such thoughts into his life right now. He picks up one of the candies on the table and munches into it, eyeing Mikael out of the corner of his eye, who seems to be glaring at some young first year. He looks towards the first year as a girl she kisses the boy on the cheek only to realise it was Eury. Ah, that's why he's watching him. He looks back to Mikael and quickly steps in front of him when he looks like he's about to march over there, stopping the Slytherin with a firm hand on the arm. "You don't want to do that, trust me," he says, shaking his head. If Kael goes over there now it'll only upset Eury, and surely he didn't want to upset his sister at her first Yule ball. There were plenty of other balls to upset her at.
If glares could kill, Mikael was pretty sure the Gryffindor boy would be a ghost by now. The only reason he was still at the sidelines and not hovering was because Eurydice had looked so happy when she’d waved at him and Hinata. And then the two of them were headed to the dance floor and fine, Mikael would allow it because his sister loved to dance at balls. And it seemed that someone was finally making her happy, even if it was a random Gryffindor boy. Well, at least that’s what he was planning until the boy got a kiss on the cheek from Mikael’s sister. Nope. He’d left his spot against the wall to head on over to the pair before someone stopped him and he whirled around to glare at who would even dare to touch him. Only to find another annoying Gryffindor. Elio. “Let go.”
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