A Day Out

Rosaline Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
13 1/2" Katalox Wood Wand with Chimera Scale core
Two sleeping babies were held against Rosaline's chest in a sling she had bought to make life easier when she needed to walk around with them. Her auburn hair was tied back, and her sapphire blue eyes were tired yet aware of every little thing surrounding her. Her son, Vladimir, was curled up with a pleasant smile resting upon his small face, while her daughter was less comfortable being held by Rosaline just as she always was. In fact, the only reason Zinaida was fast asleep was because she had just been to Chavdar's store for a quick lunch.

Rosaline was hoping to find Avrille among the masses of children on their Brightstone Weekend, to make a bigger effort to change her opinion of her beautiful twins. But she couldn't find her and it wasn't like her dark haired daughter was the most social being in the land, in fact she would probably be annoyed by the frantic teenagers around.

Feeling her son wriggle around against her chest caused Rosaline to gently brush her fingers down his small spine, then rest ever so gently on his head. Vladimir and Zinaida would never cease to amaze their mother. They both were so fragile, to a point where she almost couldn't comprehend but she had to.

Vladimir let out a quiet yawn, opening his eye lids, revealing what used to be blue eyes. He had stormy grey eyes like Chavdar and darker hair like herself, while Zinaida seemed to be the exact opposite. She had kept her blue eyes and her blonde hair. "Hello Vladimir," she spoke, in Bulgarian. It was often that she spoke in her mother tongue to her babies because she figured that if they heard this language all through their developmental stages they would learn it with much ease and as she made frequent stops and most of her family was Bulgarian she thought it would be best if they were taught both English and Bulgarian.

Vladimir responded with putting his whole hand in his mouth, looking wide eyed at his mother. Rosaline grinned lightly, before walking towards a bench in a lesser travelled section of Brightstone Village. Once sitting, she carefully adjusted herself so she could take off the sling and hold both babies in her arms. By this time Zinaida was awake, carefully scanning her surroundings, and as she saw someone trip into a bicycle she laughed gleefully, clapping her hands together in amusement. This made Rosaline chuckle and shake her head. "Oh Zin, you're going to be awful when you get older wont you?" she asked her child rhetorically and of course not meaning awful, she would never suggest that either of her babies would be awful.

lame.. and I was rambling, sorry :p
Cecily walked rather quickly from her appointment with a parent. It'd went rather well, they now understood where she was coming from about their behavior and came to an accord; they'd do their work and toe the line. Or else risk the rath of both Headmistress and parent. She shook her head, putting her hands deeper into the pockets of the light jacket she wore over a sundress. Her mind wasn't on anything in particular and she didn't have to be back at the school for another twenty minutes.

It was then that she came across a lovely sight; mother and children, sitting on a bench. She recognized her, Cecily's lips curved in a small smile. Her friendly nature came out. "Hullo Rosaline," she said in her bright, clear british voice. They'd only officially met once and seen each other around the castle a few times. The babes in her arms held Cecily spellbound, her green eyes held a smile in them.
Rosaline looked up, hearing her name beings spoken by a woman. She smiled seeing Cecily, a woman she had met once, but seen around Hogwarts school often enough to recognize her. "Hello Cecily," she said, her own Bulgarian accent playing pleasantly on her words. She followed the blonde's eyes down to her children and asked lightly as she looked back at her, "How is your day going?"

Rosaline shifted her eyes to a free spot on the bench, offering Miss Rambolt a seat beside her if she fancied. If not the auburn haired woman wouldn't be bothered nor offended, but she wouldn't mind conversing with someone. It seemed since the birth of her children, Rosaline had been much more friendly and nicer. Of course she was still dark, cold and mistrusting but she saved that for the people she felt deserved it. She had even told Chavdar that she loved him the night previous, just as he told her.

The thought of it brought pleasure to her sapphire blue eyes, being slightly distracted by the memory of such an occurance she had forgotten that Cecily was there, but was only brought back to the presant when Vladimir tugged at her curl as he usually did. "Vladimir, tugging on hair is naughty," she scolded, but her voice still pleasant and happy as she spoke to her son.
Cecily's eyes crinkled slightly at the corners. "Oh dreadful," she laughed, taking the proferred seat on the bench. "Your children are lovely," she said sincerely. They were, she sighed inwardly, happy for the young woman. It'd been some time since she'd last seen her but then she had been pregnant with the two beautiful children now in her arms.

"I'd no idea you'd had twins. How is motherhood treating you?" Cecily was more than curious to know what a day in the life of mother hood was about. It certainly seemed to going well, if the smile on Rosaline's face and twinkle to her eyes were any factor.

(wow. this so reminds me of my last family reunion and my cousin asking me all sorts of questions about babies and labor. :lol: )
"Dreadful? Why might that be?" Rosaline asked, with peaked curiousity, hoping she was not stepping on any toes by asking this question but she was curious. "Thank you. I like to think so," she said with humor playing in her voice at her last comment. She believed her children, all of them, were the salt of the Earth, but had modesty so she wouldn't air it out in the public.

"Motherhood.. it's stressful, but I love it. I'm slightly surprised by how well I've adapted myself," Rosaline said honestly, a happy grin playing on her lips as she spoke those words. "Of course.. it's only time until their family meets them. Kalif, who you know I'm sure, has yet to meet them. But no matter. I'm sure its best this way, no?" Rosaline rambled, unsure if Cecily was understanding her words at all.

haha. it reminds me of when my mum asked these questions to her step sister after having her baby
"Unruly student," Cecily grinned, waving the matter off. "Mix it with a parent who thought their child could do no wrong and well," she rolled her eyes slightly. "I'm sure you remember how most of them can be," she laughed. "Sweet on the outside, mischief makers on the inside." She wouldn't trade them for the world though, she thought.

"Perhaps over the next break?" she pondered, wondering why Kalif would not want to see the babes. They were precious. Although with the man's cold manner, it wasn't surprising she guessed. He didn't come off as the 'cuddle a babe' type really. She wasn't sure how much her and Prodan's seeing each other, as she couldn't classify it as a 'relationship' quite this early, his family knew, so she decided to tread carefully. She didn't want him to feel awkward about anything that passed her lips.

She peeped at the babies again and smiled at them, wishing she were brave enough to ask to hold one. Although she was sure it would be rude to even do so.
Rosaline chortled as Cecily explained what happened that would make her day unpleasant. Yes, she knew the type. They often came into the library, wishing to disturb the peace, but she often caught those students in the act. It was mainly when Miss Midnight was on shift that things of the sort, but she would never say such things. No, that would be rude.

As Cecily suggested that Kalif would meet her twins over next break, Rosaline couldn't help but chuckle to herself. She was imagining him hold a child, it would have to be just about the most uncomfortable thing to see. Asparuh would be so much worse. She wouldn't be surprised if he had ever held one of his children or grandchildren before, but she would not start the train with her child if given the opportunity. Vladimir and Zinaida would not be hurt by Asparuh which meant taking extra measures to keep them away from him.

Realizing she knew nothing of Cecily, she glanced over to the woman's green eyes with curiousity. "What about yourself? Any children? Husband?" Rosaline asked, almost knowing that she was not married because if she recalled correctly the old Head Master, Nicolas King, used to be with Cecily. Vladimir who was on the side closest to Cecily, looked at her with wide, stormy, curious eyes. Fascinated by this new person he smiled a toothless smile, gurgled then laughed into his mother's chest.
"Oh no, no children." Cecily had never thought of it quite this way before but now she was thankful she and Bearse hadn't had children. Given the horrors he'd put her through, she shuddered to think what he could have done to innocent little ones. "And no husband." Twin spots of colour dotted her cheeks. She fought to tamper it down but just thinking about Prodan brought a flush to her skin. Oh yeah, she had it bad.

She laughed lightly at the antics of one of the babies. "What are their names?"
Rosaline nodded, pleased that she had guessed correctly. But as a pink hue rose on the woman's cheeks, her eye brows arched with curiousity. "I take it you are seeing someone then? As you're blushing.. almost like a school child would," she said pointedly, not meaning it in any offensive way, in fact she was slightly amused by it. As Cecily asked what her children's names were she grinned down at her little boy, then her sleeping daughter. "This is Vladimir and Zinaida," she said, indicating which was which with her eyes because she didn't wish to risk waking up Zinaida to adjust her in her arms to show who was who.
If anything Rosaline's teasing words deepened the blush on Cecily's cheeks. Nodding slightly, she glanced at the other woman and then away, tucking her hair behind her ears in a nervous gesture. "Early stages, y'know," she murmured, looking down at her hands with a small smile tugging at her lips.

Interested she turned her attention once more on the babies. "You chose good names, strong names," she smiled. It reminded her of Prodan's middle name which he'd shyly told her. Her mother, an Englishwoman with dry wit, had often teased her daughter that they'd picked her name because she was conceived on the waters of Sicily, Italy.

"Do you bring them to the Village often?"
Rosaline chortled slightly to herself, amused. "I see," she hummed with tight lips. She wondered if Cecily was dating anyone on staff, no it wasn't likely as it wasn't wise. As the famous muggle saying went, you should never dip your pen in the company ink. As Cecily went to complement her children's names she nodded as a thank you.

"Do you bring them to the Village often?" Tempted to respond aloofly, Rosaline nodded her head instead. "Chavdar," she began before realizing that she probably had never spoken of Chavdar to Cecily, or anyone at Hogwarts for that matter, besides Kalif that is. "Their father, owns a shop here. Scribbulus Everchanging Inks. So I bring them to see him during the day, usually when there is not a Brightstone Weekend," she answered with a polite smile.

"Ah," Cecily nodded. She recalled Chavdar's face now, as she'd been in once or twice to pick up students on weekends, although she'd never officially met him before. Were all of the men in their family so handsome? "His shop is lovely," she smiled.

Seeing her time was up, Cecily shrugged a little sadly. It'd been nice to have a breather, speak to another woman. "I have to return," she smiled. "I'm glad I ran into you and your little ones. Maybe we could have tea sometime?" she offered warmly. To most they were words one used as parting, but Cecily truly meant them.
Rosaline smiled as Cecily complimented Chavdar's shop, yes it was lovely. Of course when he returned to work more regularly at the ministry there wouldn't be as many visits as there currently was to his shop when she wasn't in a mood to stay at home all day by herself and the children. "I'll see you back at the school then," she said as Cecily said that she had to leave. When she asked if they could have tea at a later time, she nodded her head happily. She didn't have many other friends or acquantances so she enjoyed talking to someone else for a change. "Sure," she answered softly.
Cecily smiled and with a small wave of her hand, disapparated back to the school. Feet padding the ground, hands shoved in pockets, she hoped that maybe just maybe in the future, Prodan's family would know about them dating. And approve. Thinking of the cold Asparuh and Kalif, she thought it wasn't likely they all would.

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