A date

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Mark sat by the lake front with just a pair of camouflage shorts on. The sun was in the sky and everything was becoming hot. Mark had even stopped training as much as usual, he would have to pick up again before his six pack turned to fat. He couldnt be having that. He would just get up earlier so it wouldnt be as hot. With a sigh Mark stood up and waked into the cool water and sat down so the water would just past his chest. It was welcome, it want too cold to make him shiver but he wasnt as hot not. Moving his hand in front of him and cupped them together and splashed water in his face and ran his wet hands through his hair and leant back on his hands as he embraced the warmth of the sun
Rhi had just surfaced above the lake water..She decided to take a dip to refresh herself after a grueling class..She looked around and was shocked to find out that someone was also there..She let out a shriek and quickly recovered herself.."H-hi..",she greeted,"I didn't know someone was here..",she said..
Mark looked up quickly hen he heard someone near to him talk. He could have sworn he was alone, torture no any more." Oh hi, same here actually." He said with a nervous chuckle. "Looks like we are both here for the same reason though. The castle is so hot, i think its a form of torture." He said joking with her. He liked talking to people, he was sociable like that most of the time. When he was around other people he was never as down as he was when he was alone with his thoughts
Rhi laughed at the guy's comeback..She pulled herself out of the water and sat on the lakeside..She shook her hair out of her face and turned back to him.."I believe I haven't introduced myself yet..Rhianne Delle Clivey..Gryffindor..",she held out her hand.."I know you belong to the Hufflepuff house.."she stated since she noticed him during meals at the Great Hall..
Mark took hold of her hand a she held it out for him after she introduced herself. "Rhianne. Nice name and yeah im a Hufflepuff.Mark Stone." He said introducing himself to her with a smile as he let go of her hand. "So am i really that noticeable?" He asked with a boyish grin on his face as he spoke. Mark loved to flirt, even if he had a girl friend he sill did it but he knew that he couldnt let anything happen. He just flirted naturally with ut really knowing he was dong it most of the time
Rhi smiled as Mark took the hand she offered.."Rhianne. Nice name and yeah im a Hufflepuff.Mark Stone." He said introducing himself to her with a smile as he let go of her hand.."Nice to meet you,Mark..Just call me Rhi..",she replied.. "So am i really that noticeable?" He asked with a boyish grin on his face that Rhi noticed as he spoke..She laughed as she shook her wet hair.."Well,not so..",she joked..She seem to sense him getting close to her..She had been seeing Rob that time there's no harm in being friendly too..She knew that things would never get out of hand.."I just happen to recognize handsome faces back when I was still soul searching..",she added sweetly..She swing her feet into the water.."Water's great..",she commented..

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