A Date

Joshua Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Joshua sat on a bench in the harbour. The sun was out and there as hardly a cloud in sight. He still found it strange how it was summer here and winter in Europe where he went to school. He wasn't complaining though, he liked the heat. Heat however was not the reason he was here, the reason was he was taking his new girl friend on a date. He really like Veronica and hoped they would last. Joshua sighed as he waited, he wasn't the most patient of people but he knew he would have a good day in the end
It was her first date with Joshua and therefore naturally, Veronica was a little nervous. Normally Veronica wore eye catching dresses and such on dates but as she knew they were going to NewZealand for this one and she didn't want to sweat out in the hot summer she had choose something simple yet elegant.In pink, she was dressed maintaing her female aura but it was a little sporty look due to having worn shorts and a top. She wondered if Joshua would like that.

Veronica walked to the place they had agreed to meet and spotted Josh sitting on a bench in the summer sun. "Hey" she greeted with a smile and gave him a hug. "Hope I didn't keep you long" she said as she glanced a look at the cloudless summer sky.
Joshua smiled widely when he heard Veronica. He turned and returned her hug. Once the hug had finished he pulled away and beamed at her. "Hi. Oh no i havnt been here for long. Wow you look great." He said looking at her clothes. They really suited her. "You should really give some of your fashion sense to my sisters, they look like hey get dressed the dark." He said with a chuckle. "So want do you want to do today?" He said taking hold of her hand in his and smiling up at her
Veronica smiled as he said that she was looking great and she should give some fashion sense to his sisters. Thanking him for the compliment, she said "I'd like to see the dark they get dressed in before giving them some help and for that you need to introduce us." It was weird because Veronica knew so little about Joshua's family. "I didn't have anything special in mind. We'll do whatever you like" she told him and grinned as she let him hold her hand and nestled her fingers through his, typical love birds style.
Joshua chuckled as Veronica mentioned bout introductions. He would wait a while before he introduced her to his family. "I will introduce you, at some point." He said biting his bottom lip and thinking. "Well i guess if we walk around we can find something to do." He said to her. Josh wasnt very good when it came to dates as he never really had them. "Are you hungry?" He asked
"Sure" she said and then laughed seeing Josh bite his lower lip at the thought of introducing her to his family. Of course she was joking around with him. "No, I just had breakfast an hour ago" she told him with a smile when he asked if she was hungry. "Yeah...we can walk ...lets go to that park" she suggested with a grin as she led him into the good shady park where all the couples came for walks. It was a little weird since it was their first date but Veronica was giving it her best. "So how have you been this week?"she asked him.
Josh nodded as she said that she had recently just had breakfast. That was ok with him as he wasnt too hungry either. He followed her as she walked to a shady part of the park. When she asked how he had been Josh imply shrugged. He had not been up to much since their last meet in the tower but he had been in a surprisingly good mood since then. "Iv been great i guess. Nothing much has happened, just a boring week really." He said sitting down on the grass. "What about you? Been up to much? Swimming or what ever." He said remembering how she loved swimming.
Veronica entered the shady park and sat beside Josh, resting her back on the tree trunk. Being surrounded by vegetation and birds was a great feeling, that was another thing she liked about NewZealand. She grinned upon hearing that he had been great. "Nope, haven't had a swim this week. Weekdays are filled with so much homework...trying to keep up with the standards of the upcoming NEWTs" she told him as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I have a pen friend here in Hogwarts, I wrote to her about us she was glad to hear it. I want to introduce you to her next time they have a Brightstone trip" she said with excitement.
Joshua shuffled over slightly so that he was closer to Veronica. He put his arm around her shoulder ad listened to what she said. She had a point, hey did have a lot of homework and most of Josh's was revising. It was only a few weeks until he had his NEWTs. He was nervous but he didnt like to show it on the outside. "Yeah true i can see what your saying. Although most of my homework is revising." He said with a shrug. When Veronica rested her head on his should he smiled sweetly and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah sure il meet her. If you like her then im sure i like her as well." Josh said quietly a he ran his hand through her hair. "The only people i know in Hogwarts is Mark." He said sighing. He had heard the reason for the transfer. Tyson had died after being in a fight wit him. Josh may not have liked Tyson much but he never wanted him to die."So whats her name?" He asked her curiously taking his mind off Tyson
Veronica smiled happily when he said that he would meet her. Vanessa was a nice girl, a Hufflepuff, no one could not like her. Mark, Veronica recalled that name. She had only talked to the guy once before he was transfered. She wondered what was the reason behind his transfer and which house he was sorted into. Veronica knew only two people from Hogwarts NewZealand, Vanessa and Shaylah. "Vanessa Parker" she told Joshua her friend's name.

"Talking of friends...you know most of my friends. I'd like to know more about your friends. Whose your best friend? Who were your friends before I joined Durmstrang" she asked him curiously. There was so little she knew about him. Not that she didn't trust him, she did but she wanted to know everything about him.
Joshua nodded at the name. He didn't recognise it in anyway but still it didn't sound like a name that a b!tch would have so Josh didn't worry about it much. "Cool, i haven't heard f her before but seeing as he is friends with you he must be awesome." He said with a grin on his face. He may have been amazing at flirting but he could sure suck up to people if needed. He knew ow to make someone feel special.

Biting his lip at what she said. He thought for a second about his friends. He didn't have loads but he had as many as he needed. "Well i don't have loads but the ones i do have are good." He said before continuing. "Well there is Mark. There is you. There is kind of Kenny. There's urm Zac." He said before trailing off. He knew about their past but he didn't know if it was a sensitive area or not. "But i dont really have best friend. I like them all and i talk to them about different things." He said truthfully as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly
Veronica smiled appreciating Joshua to be positive towards what she thought good. She wasn't an expert in relationships, this one being her second but having a guy who wouldn't like meeting your friends or was all about himself like she had read in some books was just not the type she had been looking for. Now Josh, he was perfect! Veronica watched him biting his lip and a smile crossed her face after hearing the three names of people who Josh counted as friends. "That's cool. I haven't made a girl best friend either, but maybe its going to be Sally" she said happily.

"Leaving behind the girl list are we now?"she asked him with a chuckle. "Tell me all your girl crushes in Durmstrang..the good ones, the bad ones...I wana rate myself amongst them from a better view" she told him with a smirk. She waited for him to answer she was curious about this one.
Joshua laughed when asked about the girls he had had a crush on in the past. He had not really had crushes on many girls in that school but th ones he had were mainly Veela's. "Well the list isnt very long but they have mainly been Veela's." He said with a chuckle. He crushed on the pretty girls but he dated the sweet ones. He didnt like the idea of dating a fashion queen, it just wasnt in his interest. "I dont like to date girl just because they are pretty. Of course i like something to look at but i prefer personality more than anything." He said with a shrug before he grinned and kissed her. "Of course with you i may need persuading that your not a Veela." He said as he ran his hand through her hair. "So what boys have you crushed on?" He asked her curiously
Veronica laughed when he said most of his crushes had been on veelas. Veronica had seen a few guys go crazy behind veelas but hearing that Josh wouldn't date them just because they were pretty was a hard to believe thing since most of the veelas had their veela charm that could make anyone go crazy. She kissed him back sweetly enjoying the taste of his lips on her which automatically like the previous times set an electric molten lava flowing through her skin and body.

She laughed again, almost a giggle this time when he said he would need persuading to believe that she was not a veela. "I could just let you think I was one if that suits you" she said with a smirk. "My first crush.. I guess was a farm boy in Bulgaria but well I was in a small village, a small girl so of course I didn't have the guts to tell him" she said remembering her childhood days. "Then I crushed on Zac..here in NewZealand where I first got to know him. Then I crushed on a guy I met in Bleak Street once" she said remembering her meeting with the dangerous looking but friendly and amazingly handsome, Snape. It had been very electric when she had kissed him and then then felt embarrassed of herself.

"And then came my very own Prince charming" she told him with a grin as she pulled him close and kissed him passionately. She had missed this for the past week but now that he was in front of her it was too hard for her to control herself. She tangled her fingers in his hair pulling him much closer to her, his scent was very appealing to her. She was lost for a few minutes, her mind clouded and totally forgetting everything else but him.
Joshua nodded as he listened to Veronica speak about the people that she had had a crush on. He didn't think that it was very many but then again maybe she wasn't the type to crush on lots of different people. He was happy though that he had been one of the boys and that he was here with her now. She had bee a girl that he had crushed on too but he guessed that she already knew that because of where they were now.

"Well i cant comment on the first boy but the second was a puff and the third, well he is all man." He joked as he nudged her side playfully. He lived being this upbeat all the time. He had been told that he was fun to be around and things like that. Josh was just one of those who was happy in his own company. "Dam. Now i have to compete with prince charming. But he is so sexy and shiz." He said with a laugh as he kissed the top of her head. "Iv got my own Snow White." He said with a sweet smile. "And snow white beats those other princesses by miles." He grinned
Veronica grinned as she heard Joshua speak about his guy crushes. It was fun to be around and with him and she was glad she could be herself. "Which one is your favorite boyfriend so far?"she asked him curiously wondering if Josh like the elder guys or the younger ones. "We'll Mr. Chase you are no less, I am sure you can give him good competition" she said with a smirk telling Joshua that he could compete with Prince Charming.

"Aw..Snow white, you should be glad that my dad read me the muggle fairy tales. Snow white got black hair if I am not mistaken but I am a blondie" she pointed out to him. "But you seem to match the prince in all ways" she told him with a smile. "Maybe I am put under a curse and am put to sleep to a hundred years, I could believe being snow white" she told him pretending to go to sleep like a princess on the grass.
Joshua bit his lip. He never really had a favourite boy friend really, he never thought about it. "Well I don't really have one but I guess it would be a boy from Hogwarts Scotland called Ashley." He said with a shrug. Ashley had been a good boy friend at that time for Josh as he had only just realised he liked boy too and Ash had been his second boyfriend. It as someone that this boy would not be forgetting so soon like some of the other people he had dated. "Oh good, I like a it of competition." He said with a wink

Joshua listened to Veronica peak about snow white and say that she had black hair and she had Blonde. This was true. "Ok then how about That girl with the really long blonde hair that someone climbed up." Josh said. He couldn't really remember the name of that Princess but e knew what he as talking about. "If that did happen then I would be the princess who's kiss would wake you up." He said leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on her lips.
"That long hair girl would be Rapunzel, I remember my fairy tales" she said with a laugh as she continued laying with her eyes closed. "Oh thank you brave prince for saving me" she said with a grin as she got up and said "My hundred year sleep has left me quite hungry, should we go get some food?"she asked him. It was lunch time and the breakfast she had seemed far digested.
Joshua chuckled slightly at her comment. He had very little in such things. "I guessed that." He said with a grin which was followed by a shrug. "Yeah i am a brave prince." He said with a wink. Of course it was sarcasm, his ego really wasnt that but. "Ok then well what the princess wants the princess gets." He said kissing her neck. "What are you in the mood for?" He asked her
Veronica smiled as Josh agreed for getting her what she wanted. She liked him for being such a sweetheart and not argumentative like other guys. "I could have you" she said with a smirk and giggled as he kissed her on her neck. "But I'll save that for dessert. Anything simple in the restaurants here would do" she said with a smile. "Unless you want something special?"she asked wondering if Joshua was planning on having any special sort of dish.

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