A dark return

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Makato Scry

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Elder wand with Dementor's tear core
Hello all,

This is my third character and most likely last character to return as he was like the other two to be my favorite of my rping career and was widely successful in the day but as most of his friends have either moved on or ooc left the site for various reasons he will need to turn a new leaf and start fresh.

Makato was supposedly killed during the Black tragedy where all of his adoptive family were killed buy a muggle gun man, however this was not the case and there was a slight mix up at the corners office and in fact Makato was safety out of the country much to the same effect as Raziel. After hearing the news he was devastated and decided to fade from the public eye in his deep despair but has decided that the now was time for him to move forward and as such he has decided to once more return to New Zealand and try to peace together his life.

So I will need everything Love interest,friends, Enemies even.... Makato's Bio will be being updated and so a brief description is as followed:
Makato would be a Slytherin Alumni but since he finished his last two years home schooled he did not graduate with his class. He has the typical Slytherin personality based loosely on the books and so that means he is ruthless, intelligent, and holds a slight air of superiority. He is currently unemployed but has a little money to still live fine for a few months before he is forced to return to the workforce. He is is single and STRAIGHT... that is right he is completely in love with girls and has never batted for the other team, this may seem not such a big deal but for me it is huge as he is one of three character that I have played that was ever played as straight and so it is guite exciting for me :doh: . so that is roughly what is makato is about but if you need to know something more specific than just ask and I will answer it the best I can.
Hi Brandon

This is Carmine. She was married at the age of 18, but her Husband died last year. She feels like his death is her fault (for reasons I am yet to come up with) and therefore lives her life feeling guilty and shameful. She's a bit out of it right now, not really knowing where to put herself. She feels like life has become meaningless and she needs somebody to prove her wrong.
At first, Carmine wouldn't want to get into a new relationship. But if she found somebody who needed supporting, she'd probably end up forgetting about her own troubles and completely falling for them. She likes people who are brave, and though she looks weedy, she's pretty tough herself. She was a Gryffindor in Hogwarts Scotland, though with her ambitious mind, she was surprised she wasn't placed in Slytherin.

I wouldn't mind Carmine and Makato being friends or end up in a relationship together, just tell me what you think.

Okay I have Eden Koshiba who is 19 and pregnant. She will not be keeping the baby because once it is born the child will go to the father. I don't know if Eden is going to want to be with anyone but she could use some friends. I also have Daisie who is also pregnant. Both by the same guy. ANYWAYS!!! Daisie needs friends as well but maybe something a bit more serious after a while. Both of them where in the house of Slytherin. Daisie is more of a goof ball kind of dizty and Eden well Eden is serious and moody. Well not to moody. I guess being a Seer can't be to fun. But yea I have two friends for you if you like.
I am sorry for the delay but I am here now and both of you would make wonderful friends and so if you want me to start up a thread that would be okay but if you have time to start up a thread I would love you forever!
so this is lani. she's super presumptuous so i
imagine that if she were to meet makato she
would tell him to stop acting like such a big
baby and be happy. if they are friends or not
would probably depend on his reaction to that
and if he is actually going to lighten up at all.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - let me know what you think.

<COLOR color="#000">azollaandmakato
azolla and her two sisters were adopted by jac
and raziel (by association) so maybe the girls
could meet makato? zo is only twelve but she
knows how it feels to loose your family so they
would have a silent understanding of eachother
i think. i only play zo, though. britt plays one
of her sisters and the other one is a npc, jsyk.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - let me know what you think.
Makato was close to the Black family as he was adopted into the family by Corvin Black though all of the Black family are now dead accept Raziel and his current family and Makato, both where away when the attack took place. Makato could know Kalani and Azolla by association.... what do you think ? By the way I also played Raziel Black.... lol!
i think you might be confused. lani doesn't
know the blacks at all. they would have to
meet and not know each other but she would
tell him to stop being so mopey because that
is annoying to her. she wouldn't know about
his family or anything so... yeah! i don't know.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - let me know what you think.

<COLOR color="#000">azollaandmakato
i know you play raziel, that's why i was letting
you know about azolla. hehe. but makato and
zo should meet, i reckon? i mean if he would
go near any of the black family or azolla.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - let me know what you think.
Sorry that was my fault for not reading something right lol but I am available to rp with either or both as Makato is super free at the moment
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