Closed A Dance Date

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Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
This had been a while in the making, a date which had been a long time coming, but he was pleased. He was looking forward to it. He had worn the same suit he always did, because suits were expensive. It was fine, a little old, but not exactly the worst suit he could have. The Hufflepuff had given all of the control of the pictures for this event to his intern, knowing that he wanted his attention to be on her. This was not just some friends meeting up, this was a date. The hufflepuff had arrived with plenty of time and was waiting at the entrance for Renata, knowing that she would there soon and they would have good fun.
Renata had been struggling through her classes, trying to balance prefect duties and clubs and making sure she passed everything (when the coursework was getting much harder). But, she figured, it was all worth it for tonight. She'd been anxiously anticipating this Yule Ball all year, and now it was actually here and happening and she had a real date for it. She'd dressed simply - sticking to a black dress, as it was what was around for her to borrow - but she hadn't worried too much about the outfit. She couldn't run down to the hall in heels, but she walked as quickly as she could, spotting Eugene at the entrance and rushing over to him, heart pounding. "Hey! I hope you weren't waiting too long?"
Eugene hadn't been waiting long when Renata appeared, and he smiled widely, looking at her. ”Wow,” he said. Eugene had always known that Renata was pretty, but he didn't think he appreciated how beautiful she was until now. ”You look really pretty,” he complimented, almost stumbling over which words to say. ”I'd have waited hours for you,” he answered with a simple shrug. He held his hand to her, and smiled. ”I know we decide dancing is not one of my talents, but I have been practising,” he joked.
Renata was glad that all the Quidditch training had improved her physicality because the compliment might have made her fall over, the way it made her feel like she'd been hit with a strong jelly-legs jinx. She took Eugene's hand without a second thought, beaming back at him. "You look really handsome," she replied. "You say that, but I always like dancing with you. There's nobody else here I'd pick as a partner."
Eugene smiled at her easily, as he always did. He appreciated her compliment, appreciating that it was sincere from her. He squeezed her hand lightly as he pulled her towards the dance floor, intending that they would dance for some of the night. Eugene laughed lightly, but felt warmed by her words. "Well, how about being exclusive dance partners?" he asked, they had gone on some dates, but he knew they hadn't officially moved into the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. "Like boyfriend, girlfriend," he added, almost nervously.
Renata felt pretty confident about her dancing, she could keep in time with the music at least, and the style didn't matter if she was having a good time. She carefully brought an arm up to rest on Eugene's shoulder, hoping that wasn't too forward. Not that she should have been that worried, considering his question. She reddened, but nodded very quickly. "Yes...I would like that very much." Her smile threatened to split her face in two.
Eugene had hadn't as many doubts as to if Renata would say yes to this, they'd been on a couple of dates, and they were at this together, it made sense that this would be the next step. But he was relieved to hear it. He was smiling easily, and decided to ride this bold wave he was feeling. ”Can I kiss you?” he didn't know what the protocol was. He wanted to be sure she wanted a kiss and not just some peck on the lips or on the cheek. A proper kiss.
Renata had been half working up the nerve to ask, had been looking to see if she could find some mistletoe to at least have an excuse to ask at any rate, but Eugene asked first. She couldn't help but keep smiling, leaning in a little bit as she did. "Of course you can. I was just about to ask you that," she admitted, her heart pounding. She had never actually kissed anyone before, not really - what had happened with Sky had been more of an awkward brush of lips. She only hoped she was able to kiss decently.
Eugene, reassured a little that had he not asked, she might've. He smiled at her, taking a moment to just look at her. To look into her eyes, noting her familiar bright blue eyes, the shape of her face and her lips. She was beautiful and he got to kiss her. He leaned in, giving an almost little nervous laugh before he went to kiss her. To have his proper first kiss with her. The girl he really liked, that he was now the boyfriend of. He didn't know if he would be good at it, if it would be a decent kiss, but he didn't mind. He had nothing he would compare it to.
Muggle fairytales seemed to have a lot of princesses who won the kiss of a handsome prince and had every dream of theirs come true. Renata knew that they weren't quite a princess and a prince, and that they were still only in high school and had a lot of work to do to achieve their dreams, but as she closed her eyes and met Eugene's lips in a nervous yet sweet kiss, it kind of felt like it was that sort of thing. It probably wasn't perfect, but she liked it, breaking away after a moment to give a dazed smile. "Wow...happy Yule, Eugene," she managed to say, beaming at him.
Eugene hadn't known what he was going to expect from a kiss, but it was perfect. He didn't know what to compare it to, but it was great. Her lips were soft, and though it was a little tentative, it was also good. He was happy to kiss her. He pulled out after a moment and couldn't help the little laugh he gave. ”Wow,” he agreed. ”Happy Yule,” he returned to her with a smile. He stood without saying anything for a moment, just smiling at her. ”I think we were going to dance?” he said eventually.
Renata was still a bit dazed from the kiss, but it had felt nice and she looked forward to trying it again, hopefully a bit more confident on her part as she worked out what she actually had to do. Seeing them in old movies was one thing, actually doing it was different. She was happily just smiling back, not paying attention to the crowd around them. "Oh, right, we should do that, yes," she said after a moment, laughing lightly and giving Eugene's hand a gentle squeeze. The song had just changed, so the timing worked. "Hey, um, thank you."
Eugene smiled easily at Renata as they moved a little more into the crowd. He laughed with her and then the song changed. A perfect moment, really. He glanced at her with a little confused frown as they started dancing. "You're welcome...Though I'm not sure what for?" he replied. He wasn't sure if she was saying thank you because of the kiss or something else, so of course he had asked. He placed a hand on her waist as they danced.
Renata stepped a bit closer, not so close that she'd be stepping on Eugene's feet but close enough that she was able to speak quietly to him and be heard. She moved her arm a little more around his shoulders. "For everything! Being my first friend here, making me feel welcome, liking me back," she listed, giving a grin. "And for being my first kiss, too."
Eugene felt himself blush lightly at how close she was to him. But he was glad to be able to hear her over the noise. He didn't think she needed to thank him for those things. Especially not the liking or the kiss. ”You made all those things pretty easy,” he assured her. ”You're a pretty amazing person, Renata,” he told her sincerely. Being her friend and liking her had been easy, welcoming her had been easy. It had all been easy.
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