A couple of rps are needed

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Alastor Douglas

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D

So this is my character Alastor Douglas. He is a death eater for all intents
and purposes. He has the same views and such and he is evil when he
needed to be. He is very closed off and secretive as his information is his
and his alone. He tries to act like a nice guy, well nice in his eyes, to people
as he doesn't want to draw attention to himself by shouting his mouth off
and getting in to fights all of the time. He is somewhat arrogant and is
confident almost to a fault. Alastor can be very manipulative. He can be very
frank at times and he is not above using deceit.

How ever with these traits it can make him very hard to get on with but as he
likes to hide unwelcoming traits from show he can get along with people
quite easily, even if he doesn't mean anything he is saying to the person and
doesn't like them. he is very good at pretending. Once he makes a friend that
he likes however Alastor is very loyal to them and would help them out when
ever they needed.

Im looking for him to have friends, enemies and flings really. He already has
a final in places so a few one night standers and such would be good to rp
him in,. And enemies should not be too hard for him to get. Friends how ever
he need a few at least, people he can go to for some back up or to just relax
Perhaps an odd and brief relationship with Leah? They could run into each other one day and immediately recognize the other as fellow Death Eaters.

Technically Leah is in a relationship with Henry Drake, but since Brian and I plot hasn't finished this could take place after their plot when they would be broken up. We could brainstorm a bit over PM or on here, if you'd like. Alastor's character seems very cool, and it would be awesome to have Leah or any of my other characters involved with him.
Oooo Leah and Alastor would be fun to rp together. A brief relationship sounds like a good idea for the two, and as they are both death eaters he would be a little more nicer to her as he knows she is 'worthy' for him.
Awesome! I have an idea for an RP/meet up. I'll pm you about it. ;D I like to be all secret.
I have Leah Blade here who could be a fling also? She's a fellow Death Eater, and the two of them can recognise each other. And since she's youngish- she'd be more susceptible to falling for Alastor, as well as the fact since Chase her cousin got sent to Azkaban recently, and she loves him and looks to him, she's emotional and would fall for what he tells her. :)
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