A couple of hectic months

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Minoas Stratis

Animagus | Mercenary | Spell Inventor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Olive Wood 15" Core of Aethonan Feather
30 (07/2007)
Hello everyone!

So I was expecting this to happen sooner or later and I thought it would be right to let you know from now.
May is a month full of exams for me. My preparations and revisions have began already and that's why I have limited my time around here. Priority is set on my studies for now but I'll make sure I post classes and I'll lurking around though my active plots will be quite limited. I felt that I should apologise to those that where rping with me and I had to finish our threads quite abruptly or to slow them down. I'll try to finish some of them but except from the limited time, my mind is focused on different things right now so I'm not really inspired.
I'm not going to say goodbye cause I'll be around and available so if anyone feels like it, shoot me a pm if you want to devise, I mean plan future plots :p Thanks for the understanding. Looking forward to the end of May.

Hey Liam.
good luck with your studying. you seem pretty well organised so i am sure that your exams will go well. luck has a way of working like that, those who are well prepared seem to have more luck, coincidence? I think not :p
I hopefully i sill still see you around enough to have random PM conversations.
but until the end of May good luck
Good luck Liam!

Do well on your studies and eat lots of brain food :p

See you when you get back functioning right in May :D

:hug: Madz ^^
Oh Mia and Madz :hug: Thanks!

Good organisation is not always good though. It gets me paranoid sometimes :p
Especially when you are not fan of examinations and prefer loong assignments. :r

*Noms on brain foods* :x
Best of luck on your exams! ^_^
Goodluck with everything Liam! See you when you return ^_^
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