Why must the scream...
They always beg....
But she did not ...
She fought and died...
They laughed...
but when I found them...
They Screamed...
Sebastien thoughts had turned black, but that was not abnormal his thoughts where have the time dark. His family being the people who they were had always been dark. But after his wife's death they had became worse.
After he had tracked down his wife's murder he was released from being and Auror at the French Ministry of magic. THey felt that the shock and his personal loss was interfering with his job performance. In reality they hadd to let him go because the men that he had attacked arrived at the ministry in a gruesome state and after being rushed to St. mungo's they died a few hours later.
He, after a few years of getting himself back into the swing of things, got hired on after his years of experience in the field of charms as a professor at the school in new zealand. All was fine and good until the 10th anniversary of his wife approached and his thoughts were thrown into chaos. Alicia had to let him go due to poor performance and a lack of attendance.
So he left for a few years and then returned to get hired on as healer at St. mungos but now the thoughts began to return.
Sebastien had a nightmare and that why he was traveling around in this dark place he needed to release some tense but how?
Why must the scream...
They always beg....
But she did not ...
She fought and died...
They laughed...
but when I found them...
They Screamed...
Sebastien thoughts had turned black, but that was not abnormal his thoughts where have the time dark. His family being the people who they were had always been dark. But after his wife's death they had became worse.
After he had tracked down his wife's murder he was released from being and Auror at the French Ministry of magic. THey felt that the shock and his personal loss was interfering with his job performance. In reality they hadd to let him go because the men that he had attacked arrived at the ministry in a gruesome state and after being rushed to St. mungo's they died a few hours later.
He, after a few years of getting himself back into the swing of things, got hired on after his years of experience in the field of charms as a professor at the school in new zealand. All was fine and good until the 10th anniversary of his wife approached and his thoughts were thrown into chaos. Alicia had to let him go due to poor performance and a lack of attendance.
So he left for a few years and then returned to get hired on as healer at St. mungos but now the thoughts began to return.
Sebastien had a nightmare and that why he was traveling around in this dark place he needed to release some tense but how?