A comparison

Cassandra Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Hemlock wand 15" Essence of Doxy Wings
Cassandra walked out of the castle and out onto the spacious grounds of Hogwarts New Zealand. She found that since arriving at Hogwarts New Zealand she had been comparing everything within it's walls to Her failed year of homeschooling and her previous year at Hogwarts Scotland. She was surprised to find that she actually liked the place more than she liked Hogwarts Scotland. Things just seemed better here to her. While she had first believed a school so populated with Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and muggleborns would have her heading to Durmstrang in no time, Cassandra really didn't seem to mind as much as she thought she would.

She still couldn't imagine actually making friends with any of them but she found that being away from Scorpius for a year had done her alot of good. From birth she had been told that muggleborns and even halfbloods were below her, so it was natural that she immediately took Scorpius's side at hogwarts, he was a handsome pureblood Slytherin with the same ideals she had, What could go wrong? At the beginning she had been rather neutral about houses but slowly Scorpius influenced her to believe that the other houses too were below her, and this started to show in her attitude.

As she was homeschooled she started to regain her own personality back. Keeping up the facade she had grown so used to. Her attitude softened greatly during that year, though when she came back she kept the attitude, but no longer had the group behind her to laugh with as she had once had. So now she was here, determined to make a good name for herself for a change and atleast be civil to those the had been told were below her.

She soon found herself at a giant tree, she sat down on the bare ground beneath it and streched one leg out infront of her while keeping her other knee up, her long red skirt hid the folded up leg beneath its layers and part of her black suede dress boots poked out from beneath it on her other leg, she realized that most people would probably think she was too dressed up for a normal day, but this was what Cassandra was used to... This was Lax compared to her wardrobe last year. As many things about her seemed to be.
Zazuka made her way outside because she knew that it was about to rain. She love to walk and dance in the rain. The loved the rain. Zazuka walked out in a simple lavender dress. She was barefoot and was waring less clothes than she was used to but she wanted nothing to inturpt the rain's contact with her skin. She had a small bag with her carring clothes that she would chainge into when she went back inside as well as where she would put her glasses. She wondered why she loved to do this so much then came to the concution that it was one of the few time that she didn't think she just flowed.

She started to hum as she walked out into the middle of the grounds. She really couldn't imagen being anywhere else. Hogwarts New Zealand was her her home. "Frozen stradnads in the darkness, lonly puppys, men with broken glasses, smilng faces, sounds of segragation oh Apollo, Apollo won't hide my feelings for you." She sang softly. Her voice was better than she would ever admit but she didn't care really because she just loved to sing.

Zazuka was about to remove her glasses when she saw a girl under a tree. A trasfer student she realized because she didn't reconise her face. Being a third year herself she knew all of the people in her year eather by name or face from classes. Few where her friends. This was because Zazuka rarely came off the cloud nine in her mind and most found her strainge. She had friends though. Good friends who thought her oddness was a refreashing brake from all the drama that was growing up at HNZ.

Slowly Zazuka walked up the girl. She might as well introduce herself as it seemed they where to be class mates at the very least. "Hello welcome to HNZ." She said her voice soft and dreamy as if the wind would take it away along with her. Everything about Zazuka was soft but she could center when she had to. She just didn't often like to. She liked to let her mind wonder where it would like to go.
((I am forgotten *cry*))

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