A Clearing of the mind!

Giselle Varius

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
With the start of the year well under way Giselle was finding it harder to put in sometime for her daily run, she would go in the mornings before breakfast but she usually liked it in the afternoon when it wasn’t too warm but was just nice so that she wouldn’t get too warm during her run. She found this time the best time to clear her head which was why it was better going once classes were over because her brain was normally fried after taking in all that information so she needed to clear her head before starting the homework because while it would benefit her to have the information fresh in her head but with everything just fighting for space in there she found that it gave her a headache quicker than benefitting her with her homework. Not that ever did great in any of her homework or exams, she only really seemed to be passing and it was starting to worry her. Next year she would be in her final year and with the stress of NEWTs she wouldn’t exactly have the time to worry about what she was going to do once she left Hogwarts New Zealand and she didn’t want to leave it to after she graduated because she felt that it would be a waste. She knew that plenty of people weren’t lucky enough to get accepted on to training courses at the Ministry or be picked up for one of the many Quidditch teams that always scouted near the end of the school year for talented students that could be their next big star. Her heart sank a little when she thought about not going into Quidditch. She had always adored the sport but she never had the guts to go on to a team because she felt she would never be good enough compared to her brother Aiden. He was always the Quidditch star of the two, having been picked p straight out of school and only getting better and better as time went on Giselle felt that there was somewhat too much pressure on her she never tried out for the Gryffindor team and with only one year left she really didn’t have enough experience under her belt to be even considered, even if she could try out for a few scouts in her last year, but it wasn’t thinking about because she knew it would never happen.

It was times like this that the young Gryffindor wished the muggle electronics worked in the magical world. Whenever she would go running while at home she would always be listening to music because it always helped her clear her head and just get lost in the beat and rhythm or even the lyrics of the songs that she would listen too. As the wing blew the few loose strands of her hair out of her face she smiled as it cooled her down slightly. Jogging softly over to one of the big oak trees just by the lake Giselle bent down to pick up her water and took a big gulp out of it. Making sure that no one was looking she took off jogging suit to show her bathing suit. Taking a run she jumping into the lake, letting herself get submerged into the cool water for a few moments before coming up for air again. This was bliss, a nice swim after a run was always a nice way too cool off and it was so peaceful too, laying back she left her body float on the water as she let the small lapping of the water move her body wherever it please as she closed her eyes, with all the worried gone from her mind.
The year was not turning out to go as swimmingly as Kendra Snow had wanted it to be. Not many turned up to come join the Heta Omega, but she considered leaving the school once or twice herself. However she never got the guts to leave her home. That was all there was to it. Kendra thought that her year would be going along better if she actually made some friends. After last year, she was too humiliated to make anymore. Jeremy was gone, and to be honest, Kendra didn't feel for him anymore. She had her eyes on a celebrity, or a Quidditch player no less. Kendra could sit and dream, right? Daydreaming was more or less what she spent her time doing nowadays anyway. Kendra didn't want to play Quidditch here, even though she thought that she was good. Instead she spent all of her time just hanging around herself. It was getting kind of pathetic. Then again she never saw her brother hanging around people. Actually she rarely saw that prefect around at all. Unlike some of the other sixth years, Kendra didn't worry a bit about her NEWTs that were coming up. She'll deal with them when the time came. She wanted to go into playing Professional Quidditch, but didn't know how to exactly how to get into that without having to play for the school team. She didn't want to fly under Isabella Romanes' commands. The older Slytherin was a bit scary for her, and bossy too. One screw up and she could be off of the pitch. Kendra was scared of that humiliation. Kendra didn't think that she would have survived under that pressure. Letting out a sigh, she figured that she should at least go out and get some air. She felt like she was needing something fresh to breathe after spending so much time in the dungeons.

The Slytherin sixth year dressed in a very classy outfit. It was getting warm out, so she thought that shorts would be nice for the weather. Putting on her sunglasses, Kendra stepped out onto the lawns of the castle. She made her way to the lakefront where she looked up to see a girl going into the lake, and looked like she was having some fun swimming. If only she brought her bathing suit, then she would have enjoyed it too. Kendra could be friendly if she wanted to be. So, she chose to try to make a new friend with someone that she didn't even know was in her year. Though it was easy to tell what she was, since she was naturally, inhumanly beautiful. She was a part-veela, and she didn't very much appreciate the attention it could get her. She waved toward the girl, before she realized, she could not be seen. Finally, Kendra decided to make herself known by shouting since that was the only way she knew to get the attention of the brunette witch, "Be careful of the giant squid out there!" Kendra now felt like she was a stalker or something, having yelled at someone while they were swimming to be careful of something that might even just be a legend. Oh she could hit herself. Kendra was quiet awkward now, since she never talked to anyone besides her family, when that ever happened. So her socializing skills went down as did her confidence.

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