A Charming Rose

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selenes third rose of the day was one for a slytherin fifth year. She remembered that Kira was a fifth year and had asked her what classes they had today. she had told her that they had Charms this afternoon which is why Selene was waiting outside the charms classroom before afternoon class hoping that her recipient was the kind of person who liked to be early so she wouldn't be too late for arithmancy. she was just glad that was only a couple of floors away and she didn't have divination or herbology this afternoon. She waited patiently outside the classroom stroking asteria behind the ears as her cat was accompanying her today to keep her calm as she spoke to so many strangers eventually she saw the face she had been waiting "Hello, are you @Diana Holland? she asked pretty sure that she was the right person but it was a way to start the conversation.
Diana hadn't been looking forward to Valentine's day. She was single again, which meant it was unlikely she would get any real romantic gestures today. She did hope to meet up with Cole at the Valentine's dance, but she wasn't sure if that would happen. Diana didn't want to chase him too much, as she feared looking pathetic if she did so. Two boys had hurt her, and she didn't want it to happen again. So while she had sent Cole a rose, she hadn't signed it with her name. Diana wasn't sure if she should expect a rose in return. As she made her way out of the classroom, adjusting her notebook in her bag, someone called out to her. Diana looked up, then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a slight frown. "Yes." She said, as if it should be obvious. "What is it?"
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Selene had met a few of the holland sisters over the years. Rose had been one of the key members of the wild patch club and had organized the previous rose givings, a role that Alice had taken over.
Pheobe was in her house, and the little interactions they had had she had been nice enough. Diana was the one she had had the least to do with. "Oh good" when the girl said that she was Diana holland. "I have a rose for you" she said. taking the only pink rose out of her basket. and offering it to her. "there is a note with it, come on asteria let me get to the notes" she said shifting the cat a little so that she could get to the notes.
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Diana frowned as the girl took her time looking for the note. Her heart had skipped a beat at the sight of the pink flower, and she now wanted to know who it was from. She scoffed. "Why did you bring your cat for this? It's not very practical." She informed her. She took the pink rose and sniffed it delicately as she waited, frowning at the girl.
Selene smiled as Diana asked about Asteria. "I didn't bring her. she decided to come along, she is a smart one" she said, asteria had more of a job today than just to look pretty. she found the note and handed it to the older girl "they do smell lovely don't they? here is the note" she said passing her the piece of parchment.
note said:
If ever you wanna kiss….xx
Diana rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you could still have left her." She pointed out. "Unless your cat is in charge of you." She snorted, that was a ridiculous idea. "Thanks." She said pointedly as she took the note. She opened it and held it between herself and the girl, no longer looking at her at all. She sighed at the note, sure that it was from Shane even if she wished it was from Cole. This just didn't seem like his style.
Selene shrugged. "If she wanted to come with me she would have followed me anyway" she said. being half kneezel Asteria had a knack of knowing when she was nervous or uncomfortable and being there comforting her. she had lost count of the number of times she had followed her out of the dorms and spent the night asleep on her knee in the common room a warm fury purring comforter. the bell rang and Selene shifted position. "I had better go, I don't want to be late for professor West. have a good valentines day" she said before turning and walking along the corridor to the stairs.

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