Closed A Change of Scenery

Rosalind Montgomery

Strong-willed | Kind | Bookworm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Rosalind was mostly glad to be back at Hogwarts. The first days back were always an adjustment period, getting used to the routine of lessons again. So far they hadn't been too tricky, and Rosalind didn't feel any of the pressure that she inevitably would around exam period. But she missed having the time to read. She'd been to the library, disappointed by how noisy it was, and decided since it was still a little brisk outside she'd try the student lounge (rather than going all the way up again to the Gryffindor common room). She stepped inside, finding it a bit more bearable than the library had been, before tilting her head slightly. She recognised someone. Rosalind smiled as she came over, forgetting about her book for now. "Hey, Ambrose," she greeted in a friendly manner, taking a seat beside him without asking, sinking into an armchair that was a little too big for her. "How's life?" she asked casually. They hadn't interacted a lot but part of her figured she ought to try make more friends outside of Gryffindors. Or just friends in general. Reading could wait.

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