A Breath of Fresh Air

Kira Wolf

Sweet- Bookworm- Content- Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ebony, Dragon heart-string, 9 1/2 inches
5/5/2034 (25)
Kira was, for once, growing tired of being surrounded by books. All the studying was driving her mad. So, she slipped into a pair of denim shorts, a black tank top, her favorite black sneakers and a pair of mismatched knee-length socks. One sock was pink and purple polka dots and the other was black with red hearts.

Pulling her chocolate hair back into a ponytail she set off for the one place in the castle she loved as much as she did home- the gardens.

She made it out into the sunshine within minutes. She stretched, a large smile on her face. Nothing felt better than being out here in the dirt. Kira wondered a bit until she found a neglected bed of blue Tulips. Getting down on her knees she went to work.

For the next twenty minutes she sat there, humming to herself and weeding.
Exams were soon, and Lavinia honestly had no idea how to feel about it. One thing was for sure, she was not stressed. She felt that she was also spending enough time on her studies and it was time for her daily break, of being active. She put on shorts, running shoes and a tank top before putting her hair in a ponytail and within moments she was outside in the garden. Upon slowing down though she noticed a vaguely familiar face bent down, probably planting. Lavinia stopped in her tracks. Should she go over to the fellow first year? She shrugged to herself before walking over to the girl. "Hey," she greeted to make her presence known. "You like working with flowers and plants too, huh?"
Kira jumped a little at the sound of the other girl. She looked up, dirt smeared across her nose. "Oh, um... yes." She sat back on her feet and rubbed at her nose, smearing the dirt a bit. "It's been particularly quiet this week with all the studying everyone's been doing. It seemed like the perfect time to get away." She smiled shyly. "I'm Kira. What's your name?" She felt as if she had seen the other girl somewhere before, but she wasn't sure where.

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